Friday, January 23, 2009

0035 CB CyberGen Session

Users in room 'rpg room':
Hakai has joined the room.
- server grants op status to Hakai
<Hakai> just wanted to make sure people got my CM
<Hakai> I'll try to be back later

OddBird has joined the room.
- server grants op status to OddBird
<OddBird> you asleep, Hakai?
<OddBird> guess so
<AG_Titan> hello everyone
<AG_Titan> Is anyone here
Verifex has joined the room.

- server grants op status to Verifex
<AG_Titan> fex stole my op
<AG_Titan> :(
<Verifex> wha?
<OddBird> he stole mine too
<AG_Titan> I was kidding, i have op or I thought i did, since i created the room

<AG_Titan> lets fine
<AG_Titan> find out
<AG_Titan> how do i grant op
- AG_Titan grants op status to [CB1]Gun
<AG_Titan> there we go
<Verifex> dangit, I've got lots of sand inbetween my toes from my drive to the beach sunday

<Verifex> apprently some sand was left in my shoes
<[CB1]Gun> back
<[CB1]Gun> congrats OB we're killing zobos tonight ;p
<AG_Titan> go zobos, titan's going to own
OddBird left the room.

OddBird has joined the room.
- server grants op status to OddBird
<Verifex> hi ob
* OddBird just called and woke up Hakai
<OddBird> she's coming
<[CB1]Gun> crap we need SS for a superrifle

<Verifex> you have to call her on the phone?
<OddBird> "superrifle?
<OddBird> yeah, she was asleep, texting her didn't work
<OddBird> :P
<[CB1]Gun> super charged shooting

<Hakai> hi hi
<OddBird> btw, flash block and snap links extensions are wonders
<Hakai> you texted me too?
<OddBird> rise and shine Hakai!
<OddBird> you didn't get it?
<Hakai> nope

<OddBird> :(
<Hakai> but thanks :)
<OddBird> np :) my life's calling is in waking women up
<Hakai> I caught your sickness through the computer, Fexy  ;p
<OddBird> but just think, when you finally get better you'll be a bolter

<AG_Titan> I wizarded it to you
<[CB1]Gun> behold my super AIDs
<Hakai> heh.  Feel free to un-wizarded it to me at any time  ;p
<AG_Titan> Alright I'll start working on it, It'll prolly take a couple days ;P

<Hakai> where's Fly and everyone else?
<Verifex> uh oh, you sick?
<Hakai> I am.  Since last session.  But I'll still play
<Hakai> I'm -almost- better.  (Or so I like to tell myself  ;p)

<Verifex> oh my god, so there isn't a new player this week?!?!?!?!?!?!
<OddBird> amazing
<OddBird> there's always a player joining or leaving
<Hakai> XD
<[CB1]Gun> excuse me for taking a break

<OddBird> birthing or dying
<OddBird> something must always happen
<Hakai> I'm not all that impressed with the fact that Rave is joining in, but maybe he'll prove me wrong
<Hakai> ^_^

<OddBird> WHOA. What?
<Hakai> what do you mean, what?
<[CB1]Gun> he's the only one who can hit DC9
<OddBird> rave is joining?
<OddBird> I can hit DC7!
<OddBird> :D

<Hakai> he said he was going to last week.  but I guess we'll just have to wait and see
<[CB1]Gun> ....thought she meant SS's new name....
<[CB1]Gun> omfg we must rape him
<[CB1]Gun> and shave his head so it matches his ass and becomes a walking anagram

<Hakai> Gun...  you were -here- last week when Rave said he was joining in
<[CB1]Gun> thought he was jerking us off
<OddBird> maybe both
<[CB1]Gun> literally at one point ;p
AG_Titan left the room.

<Hakai> soooo.  I thought we were starting?
<OddBird> we never start until an hour has passed
<OddBird> >.>
<[CB1]Gun> need AG back anyways
<Hakai> then why'd ya wake me up so soon?  *sadface*

<Hakai> ^_~
<[CB1]Gun> uhh we can plan?
<[CB1]Gun> oh you could take the solar panels off the kenmore and charge car batteries
<OddBird> Fine! Go back to sleep and break my heart
<Hakai> I canna go back to sleep now  :(

<[CB1]Gun> fex?
<[CB1]Gun> hakai, oyu can do a lot of play with my bike
AG_Titan has joined the room.
<AG_Titan> how long till we start
<[CB1]Gun> fexy's.....too sexy for the kiddies.... too sexy for our party

<[CB1]Gun> let's hope he only had to go poootty
<Verifex> in exactly one minute..
<Verifex> EVeryones here that's gunna be herE I guess..
<OddBird> I think so
<Hakai> SS got my CM I sent out earlier.  Fly, Lamu, Tetra and King didn't sign in since I sent them, though

<[CB1]Gun> hakai our goggles have full V-link &20 shot digital camera. play with that
<Hakai> I really don't have much creativity lurking around my mind tonight, sadly
<Verifex> also, to "get with the times" the digital camera holds 500 pictures, not 20..

<[CB1]Gun> OB, flash your tits again
* OddBird flashes hakai
* OddBird jumps a little
<[CB1]Gun> now no leader roll needed
<[CB1]Gun> wow*
<OddBird> lol
* AG_Titan looks use Gun's camera to get a good view

<Hakai> lol
<AG_Titan> through*
<[CB1]Gun> I'm up here nutstare
<OddBird> he's not kidding, there's nothing of his down there
* AG_Titan makes gun's camera start taking pictures involinatarily

<AG_Titan> hah take that
<[CB1]Gun> I am the down stairs
<OddBird> blank film
<OddBird> Gun: translated "I am a dick"?
<[CB1]Gun> bingo
<OddBird> lol. very nice

* [CB1]Gun should name the bike "El Burrio"
<AG_Titan> so we starting this shindig or what
<[CB1]Gun> only a shin-dig if you have a knife
* OddBird has a knife
<AG_Titan> well then lets get started

<OddBird> Part 1 of tonight's escapade: the castration of Bob
<[CB1]Gun> now would be a good time for the bow
<OddBird> mmm, a very good time for it
<OddBird> the best possible time!

<[CB1]Gun> now suck on Bob!
<Verifex> Alright, so everyone into Parenthesis...
<[CB1]Gun> (I made a body smoke last time)
<AG_Titan> (yessuh master)
<OddBird> (into parentheses I go.)

<Verifex> Where we left our daring squad of young murderers was
in the middle of battle with a couple guys on the second story of a
large building right after Arte and Snake crawled through the window.
<OddBird> (initiative?)

<[CB1]Gun> (we killed two?)
<[CB1]Gun> (we dracula raped one I know that)
So, would you all like to roll initiative again, or keep the old one?
(I have it written down in case you are interested.

<AG_Titan> new one
<[CB1]Gun> (new)
<OddBird> (new, I doubt my beastieboy was counted into the old one)
<AG_Titan> (new sorry)
<Hakai> (I don't care, but I guess they all want new)

<OddBird> (I thought you were ducking out, Hakai?)
<Hakai> (what do you mean?)
<OddBird> (oh nvm, you were ducking out of carnage)
<Hakai> (Ohh.  I meant from Carnage.  I closed the room)

<[CB1]Gun> (shit first 10 of the night)
<Verifex> alright, new initative roll for everyone...
<AG_Titan> (i need link
<[CB1]Gun> 20
<Hakai> (just a straight roll, right?)
<Verifex> nice gun!

<OddBird> I got my conventional 1.

<Hakai> 2    (gaygaygay.)
<OddBird> (better than me and my instafail)
<OddBird> (I'm automatically last)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's d10 + REF)
<Verifex> it's D10 + Ref
<[CB1]Gun> (ninja'd)

<OddBird> (or d10 + Ref + 2 for me :D)
<OddBird> (I rolled a 1, so 1 + 8 + 2 = 11)
<AG_Titan> (I hate the roller I got a ten again)
<[CB1]Gun> (lol)
<AG_Titan> (1 i mean)
<Hakai> then 7

<AG_Titan> (not sure why i said 10)
<AG_Titan> (mines 13)
<[CB1]Gun> (the castration BY Bob)
<Verifex> lol, titan you had a 13 last time too ;)
<AG_Titan> (i know and thats with freaking 12ref, I freaking hate rollin)

<Hakai> (Gun, can't you add your whatever number as many times as you want?)
<[CB1]Gun> (in battle, but don't care about it this time)
<[CB1]Gun> (seriously it's a 20)
<Verifex> Alright Gun, you go first.

* [CB1]Gun pulls out his shotgun and fires into the closest zobo
<[CB1]Gun> 20
Currently, there is one guy on the ground, in lots of blood, but
getting up, another guy who was attacking Dagger, and two more guys in
white (dirty) shirts who came in and were swinging at Bob and Dagger

<[CB1]Gun> (fine one of the white guys)
<Verifex> Alright, you hit, roll for damage.
<[CB1]Gun> DC6, rolled 5
<Verifex> Just to make it faster for combat...
<Verifex> Roll 3 10 sided dice..

<Verifex> or maybe just two
<OddBird> (always? or just Gun?)
<[CB1]Gun> (2nd roll was 16 o.0)
<[CB1]Gun> (dunno if I was suppose to)
<[CB1]Gun> (well is a 1m spread....)
<Verifex> EVeryone roll 2 10 sided dice when you attack..

<AG_Titan> (even me?)
<OddBird> (even you)
<OddBird> (one for accuracy, one for damage)
<[CB1]Gun> (crap and we got the ref buffs)
<AG_Titan> (ok)
<[CB1]Gun> (16 to waste!)

<Hakai> (what are the formulas for the 2 rolls again?  D10+?)
<Verifex> Alright, you shoot the guy in the chest, he is knocked back into the other guy, and they fall onto the floor.
<OddBird> (d10 + ref + streetfighting)

<Hakai> (for both?)
<OddBird> (just d10 for the second)
<AG_Titan> (I think damage is just d10
<Hakai> (k.  thanks)
<Verifex> Now the guy you just shot, gets up off the ground, and lunges at Dagger as he is closer now.

<Hakai> (he so deserves it, too...  ;p)
<[CB1]Gun> (can I use that 16 next round? if only for aim ;p)
<Verifex> (no!)
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck!)
<OddBird> (that's your cue, Hakai)

<Verifex> The guy swings and misses at Dagger..
<Verifex> Dagger pulls back to the opening near the window
<Hakai> (do what?)
<Verifex> The guy who was impaled by the dagger gets up and scrapes at Kenny

<OddBird> -,-
<[CB1]Gun> (that's a true zombie)
<Verifex> He misses though.
<OddBird> (go zombies go!)
<Verifex> The next guy in black steps over and grabs Hakai
<[CB1]Gun> Rape!

<Verifex> Hakai, D10 + Streetfighting + Ref to escape grapple.
<Hakai> 18
<OddBird> (not bad)
<OddBird> (but you did just roll the age for consent)
<Verifex> He manages to grab you anyways, pulling you over towards the exit of the room

<Hakai> (lol)
<[CB1]Gun> (+3 OB)
<[CB1]Gun> (and you called it!
* OddBird calls out* use protection!
<OddBird> (haha, who knew?)
<[CB1]Gun> (you, you pedo)
<OddBird> (hmm, possibly true)

<OddBird> (I did go watch a highschool football game tonight and hit on a chick that was 18)
<[CB1]Gun> (save her ass! I bless you with the power of Bob 10!)
<OddBird> (yeah, I'll save Hakai. But only because it's Hakai.)

Lamuness has joined the room.
<Hakai> (^_^)
<OddBird> (Lammay!)
<[CB1]Gun> (ahhh give him his turn ;)
<AG_Titan> (look who shows up)
<Hakai> (nowai.  it's the crazy one that got us in this mess  xD)

<Lamuness> (last time we left our heroes/heroines, Dagger was destroying Zobos left and right)
<[CB1]Gun> (same time as always, nice)
<Lamuness> (everybody else was crying for their mothers)
<Hakai> (Lammy, that still seems to be the case)

<OddBird> (don't fly away on your hoverboard)
<[CB1]Gun> (dude you hit them for like 1 each)
<Lamuness> ( no wai dude!)
<Verifex> The last guy in white walks over to the guy who grabbed Hakai and punches her in the face doing 3 damage

<AG_Titan> (whatever your fearless leader over hear pulled out his gun and started busting a cap)\
<Hakai> (pft.  nah, he's just going to form a blade tornado and kill us all  xD)
<OddBird> (did you kill anyone Titan? :O)

<Lamuness> ( Hakai just got punched in the face!! )
<Hakai> (owwie)
<AG_Titan> (no but i did good damage)
<OddBird> (okay, now I am definitely abandoning all other plans and saving Hakai)

<OddBird> (...but only temporarily)
<Lamuness> ( you have to buy me at least dinner before doing that )
<Verifex> (Hakai, you were wearing armor right?)
<Hakai> (way to go guys.  I'm getting my ass kicked  -_-  lol)

<OddBird> (nope, face)
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy put the pussy clip in tonight)
* Hakai should have stayed asleeps  ;p
<Lamuness> ( nope, she's eating wearing asphalt now )
<[CB1]Gun> (she has AR6)

<Verifex> (what kind of armor is that?)
<Hakai> (anyway, does that take any of my HP?)
<Lamuness> ( ARRRR matey ar ar)
<Hakai> CombatPants [AR6](GW)
<AG_Titan> (hope so)
<OddBird> (hope not, you mean!)

<Verifex> unless she is some kind of freak... the pants do not protect her face...
<AG_Titan> (ohh yah i dont want haruka to die,oops)
<OddBird> (it would be kinda funny if the combat pants stopped the damage to your face, though)

<OddBird> (BTM!)
<[CB1]Gun> (shift to a buttface!)
<Hakai> (LOL.  my good looks should have deterred his punch  ;p)
<Verifex> she takes 1 damage
<[CB1]Gun> (form of brown pie hole!)

<OddBird> (form of probing finger!)
<Lamuness> ( I have a plan... )
<Verifex> Now, before titan goes, Lamu, roll another Initiative (d10 + ref)
<[CB1]Gun> (how dare you poke the starfish)

<Lamuness> 13
<OddBird> (just making sure he's got a healthy prostate)
<AG_Titan> (i had to roll a stinking 1, rr)
<OddBird> (BOOYA HAKAI Jon said hi to me)
<Verifex> Alright, you and Titan go at the same time then.

<Lamuness> ( is it possible for us to bend the Zobo over? )
<[CB1]Gun> (only the shocked one)
<AG_Titan> (wow Lamu is really suprising me here)
<Verifex> (Is it possible to bend a person over?)

<Hakai> (Jon was talking with me yesterday, OB so neener neener)
<Lamuness> ( is the shocked Zobo dead? )
<[CB1]Gun> (not yet)
<Verifex> (no)
<OddBird> (haha, blast! that beats my score of "hello")

<Lamuness> ( great! )
<Lamuness> ( Titan, you hold the Zobo down, I'll de-pants the Zobo )
<Lamuness> ( then Bob or OB can do something from behind )
<Verifex> ( TMI!! )
<AG_Titan> (im not really into this kindof thing)

<[CB1]Gun> (not enough!!!!)
<Hakai> (we were talking about the sidebar refresh)
<Lamuness> ( that'll still deal damage right? )
<OddBird> (poisonous cobra bite on the starfish should do lots of damage)

<[CB1]Gun> (rolled for a 7 inch dick)
<AG_Titan> (yah emotionally they'll be crippled)
<Lamuness> ( let's make this happen )
<Hakai> (...well then)
<[CB1]Gun> (OB it's the exit)

<OddBird> (also, if you guys will pull the hole open, I'll shoot acidballs up in there.)
<[CB1]Gun> (bite his fucking eyeball for a high)
<AG_Titan> (how close is hakai to the person that attacked here)

<Lamuness> ( that's it! brilliant OB! )
TITAN AND LAMU, please for the love of god.. use /me to tell me what
you are doing, otherwise I have no way of distinguisihing between what
you are talking about doing, and what you are ACTUALLY doing...

<[CB1]Gun> (bet he takes TUMS!)
<Hakai> (lmao)
<Verifex> Also, that goes for everyone else too.
<[CB1]Gun> (TUMS!!!)
<Lamuness> ( Titan, are you going to hold him down or shall I? )

<OddBird> (ya, I'll only use /me for actual actions)
<AG_Titan> (If i shoot the person near Haruka is there a chance that i will hit her?)
<[CB1]Gun> (yes)
<[CB1]Gun> (shot the guy her punched her)

<AG_Titan> (well sucks for Haruka then)
<Hakai> (please to not be shooting me)
<OddBird> (You have good REF, unless you roll a 1 you should be okay)
<[CB1]Gun> (don't jinx him)
<Hakai> (thank god he's not you, OB  ;p)

* Lamuness skewers the shocked Zobo with the blades
<[CB1]Gun> (+2 hakai)
<AG_Titan> arty pulls out his machine pistol and aims at the person near Haruka, quickly putting 10 bullets into him.

<Hakai> (Mr. chronic 1 roller)
<Lamuness> ( Titan, now is your chance to depants!! )
<AG_Titan> the one who punched her
<Lamuness> ( boooooo )
<[CB1]Gun> (and fex he can fire up to 30 in a round with that gun if I read right)

<AG_Titan> (you told me 10 gun :(
<[CB1]Gun> (10 is enough to do the job)
<AG_Titan> (I rolled a 4)
<[CB1]Gun> (that's 2 more rounds of the same ;)
<OddBird> (that's still 12 + 4 + SF)

<AG_Titan> (so thats 21)
<OddBird> (yeah, that's rather high)
<AG_Titan> (is fex seeing this)
<[CB1]Gun> (oh and +1 acc from the gun
<AG_Titan> (22)
<AG_Titan> (I owned his punk ass(

<OddBird> (22 then! awesome.)
<Lamuness> ( was I successful in my attack? )
<[CB1]Gun> (roll for damage?)
<Verifex> Yes,
<AG_Titan> (what do i roll gun, d10)
<Verifex> Alright, Lamu, you didn't roll or what?

<[CB1]Gun> (yes)
<OddBird> (yes, just d10!)
<AG_Titan> (OMG I hate dice, I rolled a 1)
<Lamuness> ( I didn't roll )
<Verifex> Titan got 22, and Lamu go...?
<Lamuness> ( what do I roll? just d10? )

<Hakai> (well, at least it was for the damage and not the aim.  And Lammy wasn't here for the "roll 2 dice" thing)
<Lamuness> ( so my attack was successful? )
<Verifex> Roll 2 10 sided dice.

<[CB1]Gun> (2d10)
<Lamuness> 17
<Verifex> to make it easier, I'll put that on the dice page...
(arggh...Lammy, roll 2 10 sided dice, and then for the first one it is
REF + SF + d10 and for the second it is just d10)

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy rolled a 1?)
<Lamuness> ( no, I got a 5, 10 + 2 )
<AG_Titan> (she got a 10, so both those are to hit)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's REF+SF+d10 so you got 19)
<[CB1]Gun> (wait! crap bad math 21)

<Lamuness> ( nuh uh, it's 21 and 12 )
<AG_Titan> (yup Lamu got it)
<OddBird> (nice rolls, lammy)
<[CB1]Gun> (so 12 damage on a dying guy....)
<[CB1]Gun> (laying on his stomach)

<OddBird> (where does DC come into play)
<AG_Titan> (so what does my 1 get me)
<[CB1]Gun> (DC5)
<OddBird> (how's that affect the damage, then, if the roll = damage?)
<[CB1]Gun> (there's a chart)

<Verifex> Everyone refresh the dice page to see the text
<OddBird> (ahh, another "you need the book" moment. -.-)
<OddBird> (it's layered below the dice rolls)
<OddBird> ("Roll two 10-sided dice for an attack roll, then add your Ref and StreetFighting skill to the first roll, and")

<Hakai> (oh for the love of god.  NOW  I roll a 10  -_-)
<Hakai> (stupid refresh)
(I see:  Roll two 10-sided dice for an attack roll, then add your Ref
and StreetFighting skill to the first roll, and if the first roll is a

<[CB1]Gun> (same thing)
<AG_Titan> (yah its cut off)
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy got a 9 damage hit from the chart)
<OddBird> (sweeet.)
<[CB1]Gun> (AG got a 1)
<[CB1]Gun> (so that's 10 total ;)

<AG_Titan> (yah but i shot 10 bullets, I'm sure they at least scratch him or something)
<Verifex> sorry, refresh again...
<Verifex> I forgot my screen is streched out really wide...
<[CB1]Gun> (much better)

<Lamuness> (not that different, but it's okay)
<Hakai> (thanks)
<Verifex> Alright, I understand that lamu got a 17 and titan a 22
<AG_Titan> (yes)
<OddBird> (thanks Fex)
<Verifex> did titan or lamu roll for damage?

<OddBird> (both did)
<AG_Titan> (we both did)
<[CB1]Gun> (I kinda did the math ;)
<Lamuness> ( I did a 21, and 12 )
<AG_Titan> (oh yah lamu's attack was 21)
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy is DC5)

<AG_Titan> (and I rolled a 1 for damage, with DC3)
<[CB1]Gun> (10 shots of 1)
<Verifex> alright, what was Artemis attacking with, and who ?
<[CB1]Gun> (fex needs tivo)
<Verifex> nevermind.. I see it

<AG_Titan> my machine pistol, 10 bullets, the guy who punched haruka
<[CB1]Gun> (the great white fighter)
<[CB1]Gun> (sure he's not in a wifebeater?)
Okay, Artemis pulls out his light machine pistol, pops a few shots into
the guy missing Hakai by a wide margin, you can see blood coming from
the guys arms and torso

<Verifex> Meanwhile, Dagger slices the guy next to Bob with his blade arm, slicing into him and cutting his clothing up
<OddBird> (sounds slicy.)
<Verifex> OB, you're up..
<[CB1]Gun> Fuck dude, we needed his threads.

<Hakai> (that's all he did?  awww)
<OddBird> (how's the guy who punched Hakai? Still standing, comatose...?)
<[CB1]Gun> (was that a pauly shore moment?)
<OddBird> (or just bleeding?)

<Verifex> (he's bleeding, he hit the guy who was holding Hakai)
<[CB1]Gun> (kill!)
<Verifex> Most of the guys who you have hit, you've made them bleed.
* OddBird turns with his bow drawn, and aims for the zobo that punched Hakai.

<Verifex> Roll!
<OddBird> ...I'm adding some luck to this, I think. +4 luck.
<OddBird> (if I roll a 1, and I have 4 luck added, do I still instafail?)
<OddBird> (:()
<[CB1]Gun> (aim for the neck!)

<Hakai> (lol, OB)
<OddBird> (I need an answer to this before I bother rolling for damage.)
<Hakai> (OB, you truly suck at that, y'know)
<OddBird> (nope, the dice sucks)
<Hakai> (I think the dice roller has it in for you)

<OddBird> (I'm doing NOTHING to cause this)
<[CB1]Gun> (Kenny "Phail'and" Hitser)
<AG_Titan> (i think the die roller is rigged)
<[CB1]Gun> (hits-her teehee)
<OddBird> (I agree, Fex rigged it to give me 1s)

<Hakai> (lol)
<AG_Titan> (I haven't rolled that much and I've had 4 1's)
<[CB1]Gun> (hey wait phailand sounds like felon)
<OddBird> (i've got you beat, trust meh)
<[CB1]Gun> (*pokes fex with a starfish)

<OddBird> (*turns fex's television off)
<Hakai> (/me runs off to the restroom for a minute)
<OddBird> (look out, the zobo is following)
<[CB1]Gun> (get off fantasy contraception!)
<Lamuness> ( o.O _

<Lamuness> )
(OK, so I posted in a customer support forum over twelve hours ago, the
thread's been viewed 12 times, and no replies.)
<Verifex> Alright, added two fields, so you can write in your streetfighting and ref stat

<Verifex> Unfortuntatly it doesn't add them together yet...
<OddBird> Fex, since I added luck to start off (and a lot of it) does my 1 still instafail?
<[CB1]Gun> (can we just play and you do that later?)

<[CB1]Gun> (+1 acc from that bow)
<Verifex> okay, sory :)
<OddBird> (yeah, but 1's are generally instant fail, regardless of the rest of the roll)
<OddBird> (but one would think that adding luck would make up for my...well, bad luck)

<[CB1]Gun> (*flings a starfish at fex)
<OddBird> (I think he's looking it up Gun)
<Verifex> Yes, if you roll 1, you still fail.
<OddBird> then I take my damned luck back
<OddBird> because it isn't lucky

<[CB1]Gun> (wtf is up with this double mint iPod ad)
<Verifex> So you added 4 luck onto your roll still huh.
<OddBird> NO
<OddBird> I take it back now
<Verifex> You can't take luck back ;)

<OddBird> but it wasn't lucky luck
<OddBird> :(
<Verifex> Yeah thats just bad lack. ;)
<[CB1]Gun> (let him roll again with the new set up since you took 5 mins?)
<OddBird> -,-

<Verifex> Anyways, you shoot the bow, and D10 for failure.
<Hakai> (sorry.  I think I'm good now)
<Verifex> hahaha
<Verifex> ob = epic fail
<[CB1]Gun> (no fucking shit)

<OddBird> :( ob = mega epic fail...
<Verifex> Alright, well what was your damage again?
<Verifex> did you roll that?
<[CB1]Gun> (and he's jealous of me and my two 10's)
<OddBird> (not yet)

<[CB1]Gun> (was a 10)
<Verifex> Alright, roll for damage on Hakai.
<OddBird> (rolled a 9...)
<[CB1]Gun> (oh fuck....)
<OddBird> (sorry Hakai)
<OddBird> (DC7 weapon, too...x_x)

<AG_Titan> (omg you just killed Hakai)
<[CB1]Gun> (good fucking aunt jamima wtf is wrong with you)
<OddBird> (I think I just sniped your ass. Accidentally.)
<OddBird> (dude, no idea. If I could choose to kill someone, it would've been you, not her x_x)

<AG_Titan> (he definiately hit her in he leg, so she has armor there)
<[CB1]Gun> (least the ass could take it)
<[CB1]Gun> (she took my DICK7)
<OddBird> (rofl)
<Hakai> (/me goes back into the bathroom.  It was safer in there)

<OddBird> (lol)
<OddBird> (can Hakai roll for hiding behind the zobo?)
<[CB1]Gun> (no shit, you came out with something new in your leg)
<OddBird> (or dodging my arrow or something)
<AG_Titan> (does fex keep falling asleep between roles?)

<OddBird> (I think he's watching some women's olympic sport/whacking off)
<[CB1]Gun> (OB should roll like crazy when he does)
<Verifex> 9 damage (sory was looking through books)
<Verifex> BTM reduces it to 7

<OddBird> o_o
<[CB1]Gun> (still dead)
<Verifex> armor reduces it to 1
<[CB1]Gun> (woot!)
<OddBird> (Wewt! legshot)
<AG_Titan> (sooo lucky)
<Verifex> shes wearing ar 6 right?

<AG_Titan> (yah)
<OddBird> (yeah, ar 6 bugghuggers)
<OddBird> (err, butthuggers)
<Verifex> so 9-8 = 1
<Hakai> (/me is lucky  ;p)
<OddBird> Fex, fix the diceroller to not hate me

<[CB1]Gun> (but now she's only 1 HP)
<AG_Titan> (look at the die roll test a d4 got a 15)
<Hakai> (I'm going out the window first chance I get  xD)
<OddBird> (dive for it)
<Hakai> (you freaks are trying to kill me lol)

<Verifex> So, You get a land an awesomely powerful shot at the
wrong person, it chings right through Harukas armor into her leg
<Lamuness> ( la la la )
* OddBird pwns. Sort of.
<Verifex> Thankfully most of the damage is absorbed, but it still hurts like hell.

<Verifex> Alright, Hakai, you're up.
<OddBird> Sorry Hakai! I'll try to help Bob next time instead!
<OddBird> (Haruka* not Hakai)
* Hakai makes a mad dash for the window

<[CB1]Gun> Run for the van, Haruka!
<Hakai> (lol)
<Verifex> D10 + Streetfighting + Ref to escape the grapple of the guy holding you.
<[CB1]Gun> (Drive it back here!)
<OddBird> (use luck)

<OddBird> (DO IT)
<AG_Titan> arty crosses his chest
<OddBird> (before the roll)
<[CB1]Gun> Drive it back here!
<Lamuness> ( lol )
<Verifex> (listen to OB)

<OddBird> (you have to use luck before you roll, USE IT DAMMIT)
<Hakai> Using 5 luck
<OddBird> (wewt)
<Hakai> (had to look it up  ^_^)
<[CB1]Gun> (could've asked me)
<Verifex> (This guy is not weak or slow)

<Lamuness> ( if we pool all our luck together, together we make... Captain Planet!!!! Gooooo Planet!!! )
<[CB1]Gun> (I went and did you're HP)
<[CB1]Gun> (+lammy)
<[CB1]Gun> (2)
<Hakai> 27

<Hakai> (yay for a roll of 9)
<OddBird> (awesome)
<OddBird> (that should definitely get you away from him...)
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy=bi=hermafrodity=2)
<Verifex> Good job, you break free from the guys grip and a manage to sprint across the room.

<AG_Titan> (go haruka she might live, go haruka)
<OddBird> (Run Haruka run!!!)
<[CB1]Gun> Run those cheeks baby!
<Hakai> (thanks, Gunny) 
<Verifex> You could attack the guy in front of you

<Hakai> (can I still try for going out the window?
<[CB1]Gun> (fucking run)
<AG_Titan> (just run for it)
<Verifex> You can do that too.
<OddBird> (out the window for sure)
* Hakai tries to go out the window

<Verifex> Alright, you sprint towards the window, and climb out.
<[CB1]Gun> (my turn?)
<Hakai> (*sighs with a bit of relief)
Rorschach has joined the room.
<Verifex> Yes, also Gun...

<Verifex> D10 + Get a Clue + Int - 5
<Hakai> (pft.  you're late, SS.  by like, a lot)
<OddBird> ( might want to run)

<OddBird> (attack of the dicerolling)
* Rorschach runs.
<Verifex> Hey rorscach!
<[CB1]Gun> 15
<Rorschach> (Ello gov nah.)
<Verifex> Welcome!  Please roll initative.
<Hakai> (they almost killed me, SS.  Or rather, OB and Titan  xD)

<Rorschach> (..What's initiative? XD)
<Hakai> (I'm sure you're next)
<[CB1]Gun> (roll REF + d10)
<AG_Titan> (hey i didn't touch you, I just shot right next to you)

<Rorschach> 18
<[CB1]Gun> (so he's after me :)

<[CB1]Gun> (btw that's 20-5=15 ;)
<Rorschach> (How late am I exactly?)
<[CB1]Gun> (woot for 9)
<Hakai> (2 hours?)
<[CB1]Gun> (you missed your first turn)
<Rorschach> (...>_<)

<Rorschach> (Do I get to still kill someone?)
<Hakai> (but we've only been going for an hour and a half or so)
<[CB1]Gun> (and fex's mini naps....also OB murdering hakai again)
<Hakai> (yes.  4 someones.  now get to it.)

<Rorschach> (Who am I killing?)
<Lamuness> ( a zobo )
<Hakai> (non-teamates, preferably
<[CB1]Gun> (seriously he rolled 1 for aim, 10 for fail, and 9 to damage hakai)
<OddBird> (I pwned Hakai)

<Rorschach> (That is specatucarly awesome. XD)
<Hakai> (actually, Fex, that brings up a good question.  What happens if a char dies?)
<Rorschach> (OB, do you think there's a script for making your rolls suck?)

<AG_Titan> (you never get to play again;P)
<OddBird> (yes, I'm certain of it!)
<Verifex> (then you have to roll up a new character ;)  )
<[CB1]Gun> Oh shit, we got company.
<Verifex> Bob, you're turn.

<Verifex> er Your turn..
<OddBird> Company! lovely.
<OddBird> I'll make the tea and crumpets
* [CB1]Gun fires shotgun into the closet white coat
<Hakai> (but I LIKE my character.  -_-)

<OddBird> (then don't die)
<[CB1]Gun> 22, DC6, damage 9
<Hakai> (Then stop killing me  xD)
<OddBird> (I was trying to save you... :()
<Hakai> (heheh, I know  ;p)
<Hakai> (and hey, technically you did  ;p)

<Rorschach> (Yeah, no, it's understandable OB. I usually try to save people by killing them too.)
<Hakai> (I'm out the window now, aren't I?  ^_~ )
(it's cheesy, but I was playing in a game where a new player was being
introduced, and he got killed by a falling 3 stories off a ladder... 
in the first scene he was introduced.)

<OddBird> (LOL, awesome)
<Rorschach> (Noob got pwnt. XD)
<[CB1]Gun> (plan that for rave)
<Verifex> (What we did, was say that he had a twin...)
<Hakai> (that's terrible  xD)

<Rorschach> (Where you the DM, Verifex?)
<Verifex> (yeah, I told you it was cheesy!)
<Verifex> (nope, I was a player, watching from the sidelines as his body hit the ground...
<Rorschach> (Did you at least loot him afterwards?)

* [CB1]Gun runs to the left wall after firing
<Verifex> (and then a solider guy fell ontop of him.. also dead, because he fell like 10 stories)
<OddBird> (LOL, nice)
(so yeah, it was a gruesome event)  (that fucking ladder crippled and
killed more people then any massive army or guns ever did)

<Rorschach> (That's intense. We should play like that. No nonsense CG.)
<OddBird> (so my best move to finish Hakai is to push her out the window? *chortles*)
<Rorschach> (No, OB. You do a fatality.)

<AG_Titan> (could we carry on)
<[CB1]Gun> (fex is so ADD tonight)
(we didn't loot the corpses, as some weird spidery robot thing was
climbing down from above with a machine gun, so we decided to run)

<OddBird> (I would've looted him anyway and risked it.)
(Sorry... ) ok, Gun you shotty the guy in front of you, knocking him
down onto the ground again with another major wound, he doesn't seem to
be as agile to get up this time though.

<[CB1]Gun> (SS's turn!)
<OddBird> (who gets up after 2 shotgun shots anyway? xD)
<Verifex> Yes, Snake, you're up.
<Rorschach> (What exactly am I doing?)
<OddBird> (fighting or running away from me, your choice)

<[CB1]Gun> (who gets up after laying on a monoblade?)
<OddBird> (also a good point Gun)
<Verifex> Last you were climbing in the window, in the middle of a battle with these guys.
<[CB1]Gun> (shot a fucking with a rifle or bolt)

<Rorschach> (Iron Vagina Man.)
<AG_Titan> (kill some people thats what your doing)
<Rorschach> Ok, I'll fire a bolt.
<AG_Titan> (is fex going to control blooder)
Which guy, the white shirt one Bob just shottyed, or one of the others
nearby the entrance or that are attacking dagger?

<OddBird> (I think blooder is just hiding out or something)
<Rorschach> Whoever's closest to me.
(No, blooder isn't here, so I'm not going to do anything with her right
now, wouldn't be prudent to have her steal the show if shes not here)

<[CB1]Gun> (can do a contact charge of DC9 within 1m)
<OddBird> (do some big damage with that thing, no need to hold back on zobos)
<Verifex> Alright Rorschach, go to the dice page and read the instructions...

<Rorschach> (No way I've been waiting a long time to fire these suckers.)
<Rorschach> (...What instructions?)
<OddBird> (instructions on the dice page, you'd know if you'd loaded it)

<Verifex> go to the dice page:
<OddBird> (get your ass in gear!)
* OddBird wipes an acidball on his next arrowhead.
<[CB1]Gun> (SS is 19 + d10 on this)

<Rorschach> 19
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass that melts the arrow)
<Rorschach> (Gun, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm either too high or not high enough to understand you.)
<[CB1]Gun> (uhh think you mean 22)

<Rorschach> (8+8+3 = 19)
<[CB1]Gun> (add bolter to it right?)
<Rorschach> (Oh. I forgot the second roll..)
<Rorschach> (1 is my second roll.)
<Verifex> well, actually..
<AG_Titan> (we freaking suck)

<Verifex> I guess to attack, you roll your bolt throwing ability..
<[CB1]Gun> (did you even say what you're doing?)
<Rorschach> (.....I just wanna keell bitches.)
<AG_Titan> <Rorschach> Ok, I'll fire a bolt.

<Verifex> Roll your bolt throwing ability.
<Rorschach> (My bolt throwing is 3.)
<[CB1]Gun> (explain it to me, he's an easy special ed crowd atm)
<[CB1]Gun> (see)
<OddBird> (arrowheads are metal, acid would immediately melt them?)

<[CB1]Gun> (if not dull, and would think a PB might pop)
(I'd think it would stay on long enough to fire, and at most it would
eat a little into it, giving it jagged edges)
<Verifex> The bolt throwing ability is your attack, so D10 + Bolt throwing + Ref

<OddBird> <Rorschach> (8+8+3 = 19)
<Verifex> And you work on a different DC table then a standard attack table, so you are doing good.
<[CB1]Gun> (think that's a 14)
<AG_Titan> (8+3+3)

<Rorschach> (9+ 3 +8 = 20)
<OddBird> (wtf. I am so lost)
<Rorschach> (That was something else. I was going according to the instructions there.)
<Verifex> Bolt throwing = 3, Ref = 8 roll = 8  TOTAL is 19

<Rorschach> (D10(9) + bolt throwing(3) + ref(8))
<Verifex> Okay, so you got a 9 now huh?
<AG_Titan> he really got a 3
<Rorschach> (I didn't roll an 8. I was trying to do that bullshit where you said ref + streetfighting)

<Rorschach> (+D10)
<OddBird> (original aim roll was a 3, so 3 + 3 + 8)
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbasses....this is why I said explain it to me ;)
<Verifex> Doesn't matter, either one it hits...

<Verifex> so tell me how much DC you are using...
<AG_Titan> (the biggest)
<Rorschach> 20
<OddBird> (keeeel)
<OddBird> (bwaahahahahaa)
<Verifex> You have 75 DC available.

<[CB1]Gun> (oh no....)
<Rorschach> 25 then.
<[CB1]Gun> (save it for the next guys with guns)
<OddBird> ("a lightning bolt suddenly jumps from your hand. Your opponent settles into a pile of ash.")

<Verifex> You can only do a macimum contact charge at this distance of DC7
<[CB1]Gun> (13m?!?!)
<Rorschach> How far away is the guy?
<[CB1]Gun> (how fucking big is this room)
<Verifex> It's not a big room...

<Rorschach> (Yeah I said I was firing at the guy closest to me.)
<OddBird> (indeed, he said this.)
<[CB1]Gun> (then should be DC8)
<Verifex> (yeah, DC8, what the hell is this "contact charge BS")

<[CB1]Gun> (that's for metal touching, I had to read it again myself)
<Verifex> (Oh, nevermind, thats if you are in a car)
<Rorschach> Fine, 8.
<[CB1]Gun> (I like that he can power a cell forever ;)

<Verifex> (and you want to shock the driver from the back seat without bolting him)
<Verifex> Alright, roll D10 for damage on DC8
<OddBird> (dude! That's freakin' awesome. Wish I'd known that in the police car)

<Rorschach> (I thought it said in the manual I can do the most damage by touching someone and shocking them.)
<[CB1]Gun> (we did OB)
<Verifex> Yes, you can.
<OddBird> (-,- thanks for telling me, then.)

<Verifex> DC9 if you touch a guy
<[CB1]Gun> (I did in fact)
<Rorschach> 3
<OddBird> (nope)
<[CB1]Gun> (what 3? you rolled a 9)
<Rorschach> (NO GUN. I ROLLED A 9 LIKE 10 MINUTES AGO! X()

<Verifex> (no, thats was the previous invalid roll)
<[CB1]Gun> (oh right the circle jerk)
<OddBird> (he rolled a 3 again 2 minutes ago)
<OddBird> (according to the dice page)
Alright, you shock the shit out of the guy in front of you, he looks
like he doesn't like it and you can see his muscles are all freezing up
and he looks to be spasming

<[CB1]Gun> (you guys flipped more numbers than mega lotto)
<Rorschach> Get cancuh, muthafucah.
<OddBird> (excellent, he looks like he doesn't like it. LOL)
<Rorschach> (XD)
<Verifex> Alright, now the guy who Gun shottyed seems to be wiggling a little, but doesn't have the strength to get up.

<OddBird> Houston, we have a wiggler.
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy & AG wake up)
<AG_Titan> (is it my and lamu's turn now)
<Lamuness> ( both )
<Rorschach> The fuck looks like he overdosed.

<Verifex> The stabbed swat guy was the one Snake just shocked, and so he appears to be stunned momentarily.
<OddBird> (I think NPCs go first Titan)
<[CB1]Gun> I dub thee Sir Wiggles.
<OddBird> (Gun, SS, NPC, Lam+tit, me, Hakai)

<Rorschach> (Lam tit?)
<OddBird> (yes, lam has tits, I told you she's a chick)
<Rorschach> (Oh, right, nevermind.)
<AG_Titan> (get a nice pic in your mind there ror)
<[CB1]Gun> (no tit left behind....unless granny slung it)

<Rorschach> (Lamu's a dude. Man tits.)
<OddBird> (chickkkkk)
<AG_Titan> (hey tits are tits)
<Lamuness> ( did everyone escape? )
<OddBird> (LOL)
<Rorschach> (Why would a girl roleplay as a dude?)

<[CB1]Gun> (well put)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's not a dude)
<OddBird> (the same reason I would roleplay as a playboy bunny)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's an "it")
<Rorschach> (Lamu's character is a d00d)

<[CB1]Gun> (stfu and roll nigga)
<Rorschach> (It's not my turn skanklord.)
<Lamuness> ( my character is a he/she )
<[CB1]Gun> (hmmm I like that name)
<OddBird> (awesome, I call dibs on Dagger while s/he's female)

<OddBird> (all other times it's yours)
<[CB1]Gun> (silver spoon lammy teehee)
<Verifex> And the other black suit guy runs over and jumps at Snake and does a hammer fist on him hitting for 2 damage

<Hakai> (sleeeeeepy)
<OddBird> (hammer time?)
<Rorschach> (Even with AC?)
<AG_Titan> (dang that hurts)
<[CB1]Gun> (you're heading to the van hakai, you shouldn't matter for a day ;)

<Verifex> No, that's before Armor..
<[CB1]Gun> (he's AR6 so no damage)
<Verifex> after armor, you should be able to withstand that hit.
(yeah, you can go to sleep if you need to, since you're sick...I'm
pretty sure we can run you to the van in your absence)

<Rorschach> (OB will try to touch you.)
<Hakai> (did I manage to make it fully out the window?)
<Verifex> The last white shirt guy attempts to tackle Bob
* Lamuness escapes with bob
<[CB1]Gun> (fag)

<Verifex> And with a thunderous racket, knocks gun onto the ground, knocking the shotgun onto the ground.
<OddBird> (!)
<Hakai> (and down the rope without any trouble?)
<Verifex> sorry, knocks Bob

<OddBird> Don't worry Bob! I'll save you!
<Rorschach> (We should have an emergency fucking plasma cannon with us.)
<Verifex> Haruka, you are still almost out the window, you haven't made it onto the rope yet.

<OddBird> (hehehe)
<Hakai> (Ok, so I need to stay around until I'm on the ground at least?)
<Verifex> Alright, Dagger and Artemis your turns.
* Lamuness escapes with bob

<Verifex> Bob is on the ground courtesy of that guy over there.
<OddBird> (damn, are you chickening out on me AGAIN?)
<[CB1]Gun> (just stab another guy)
<AG_Titan> arty looks around the room judging each zobo carefully looking to see which of the four looks the stongest

<Hakai> (no way does Lammy escape before everyone else.  You brought all this on us  xD
* Lamuness attacks the guy that put bob on the ground
(Nobody can escape okay, nobody can escape until Haruka has, she is the
first out, and nobody can "pass" her on the rope..

<[CB1]Gun> (so what zobos are standing?)
<Hakai> (why wouldn't you go for the weakest?  in case your damage sucks?  You still might get lucky and kill one)
<AG_Titan> (im going to put 30 bullets in them Hak)

<OddBird> (I dunno, but I'm just happy I wasn't attacked this go around)
<AG_Titan> (think that will do ok damage)
<[CB1]Gun> (put 10 again)
<AG_Titan> (no im going to kill one of these bitches

<[CB1]Gun> (got 2 coming down the hall)
Theres one black suit sitting there stunned, one white suit on the
ground, one black suit next to Snake, and one white suit who tackled
<Hakai> (I'm pretty sure the point is that they are like, unkillable)

<AG_Titan> (ten only bloodied the other person, I wanna kill this piece of crap)
<OddBird> (definitely killable)
<OddBird> (just watch)
<Rorschach> (If he's next to me then why didn't I hit him?)

<AG_Titan> (not your turn yet)
<OddBird> (probably you stunned the one on the ground)
<Rorschach> (No, I mean I hit the zobo closest to me.)
<Verifex> Snake and Artemis roll to hit.
<OddBird> (right, if they were both beside you though)

<Hakai> (hurry up and go so I can get on the rope)
<AG_Titan> arty aims at the one near snake and shoots 15 bullets at him
<[CB1]Gun> (fine 20 into w/e)
<Rorschach> 1
<AG_Titan> (happy gun)

<[CB1]Gun> (sure)
<Verifex> I'm sorry... Snake, ignore that roll..
<OddBird> (yah, that's Lam's roll)
<Verifex> I meant to say DAgger and Artemis..
<Rorschach> (/me starts to cry)

<OddBird> (no free roll for you!)
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass)
<Verifex> (oh, you wanted a critical miss?)
<Lamuness> ( I roll? )
<Verifex> Yes, roll to hit.
<Lamuness> (1d10?)

<OddBird> (ya, critical misses suck, you don't want that)
<AG_Titan> 24 to hit and 7 roll for damage, with 15 bullets
<Verifex> Look at the dice page, it says what to roll
<[CB1]Gun> (nice!)

<Rorschach> (Why can he shoot 15 bullets in one round? >_<)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's an SMG)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's only DC3)
<Verifex> Its a machine pistol it fires burst
<OddBird> (machine guns tend to fire a couple of bullets a round)

<Lamuness> (2.....1)
<Verifex> not as accurate but..
<AG_Titan> Arty screams "I hope you like the taste of steel sucka"
* OddBird rolls his eyes.
<AG_Titan> ohh actually 25 to hit, +1

<[CB1]Gun> (actually it's 25 :) +1 acc from gun)
<AG_Titan> (lamu is going to kill you gun)
<OddBird> (nooooo I wanted to do it)
<OddBird> (hehehe)
<Verifex> Alright, you hit the guy in front of snake,

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy got a 2 woot!)
<Verifex> Artemis, you pelt the guy with bullets and his blood is oozing out all over, he passes out.
<OddBird> (wewt.)
<AG_Titan> (OWNED)
<Rorschach> (Can Lamu change her arm into a chainsaw?)

<Rorschach> (his*)
<OddBird> (her*)
<Rorschach> (his*)
<[CB1]Gun> (not yet, needs like 5 more in hex)
<AG_Titan> (its)
<[CB1]Gun> (then it can make one)
<Verifex> Alright, Dagger attacks the guy, whats the roll? 2 + Ref and Streetfighting

<Rorschach> (Ugh. We should be able to get second powers. Except, not random.)
<[CB1]Gun> (yes)
<AG_Titan> 18
<[CB1]Gun> (the gang power is the 2nd)
<OddBird> (D'oh! I almost forgot to fix my HP, it was still down at 2/6)

<Verifex> You slice and dice the guy on Bob
<Rorschach> (I wanna be able to steal other kids' powers by killing them and eating their heart or something.)
<[CB1]Gun> (it's an epic roll ;)

<[CB1]Gun> Oh shit....
<AG_Titan> (she rolled 1 damage fex)
<Rorschach> (Could kill 2 birds with one stone. Kill Lamu + change my arm into a chainsaw.)
<[CB1]Gun> (you'd kill yourself with a bolt fire)

<Verifex> You manage to get the guy off of Bob with your sword.
<Rorschach> (Ah, fuck. Electric chainsaw arm too. Fuck fuck fuck.)
<[CB1]Gun> (all you have to do is by a chainsaw then power it)

<Rorschach> (Even Ash would run away like a little bitch.)
<[CB1]Gun> (buy*)
<Hakai> (OB's turn now? or?)
<OddBird> (/me helps Hakai out of the window)
<Hakai> (nonono  xD)

* Rorschach kneels over in pain.
<[CB1]Gun> (why not send the snake down the hall to attack a dude)
<Verifex> Hakai, you manage to rope yourself out the window in time.
<Rorschach> What the fuck is that sound?

<OddBird> (I was actually planning to send it out to attack someone this go around)
<[CB1]Gun> It's the mind control.
<OddBird> (just didn't know who)
<Lamuness> (somebody cut the rope )

<[CB1]Gun> (down the hall!)
<OddBird> (go for it swordarms)
<Hakai> (Lammy doesn't luff me  *sob*  She wants me to die  xD)
<[CB1]Gun> (dude that's everyone's way out)
<Rorschach> (At least she's not trying to touch you like OB.)

<[CB1]Gun> Kenny! Jam the signal!
<OddBird> I'm trying!
<OddBird> (asking Fex about that now)
<[CB1]Gun> (dam I'm good ;p)
<Hakai> (so is there any further risk involved for me since I'm running to the Van?)

<Hakai> (going to run to the van*)
<Lamuness> I hear static!!!
<OddBird> argggghhhh it's the weather warning system
<[CB1]Gun> Seriously?
<OddBird> no
<[CB1]Gun> darn

<Rorschach> (Is it v-weather? Cause I could shoot code at it..........)
<OddBird> (still waiting on a reply from fex)
<[CB1]Gun> (you don't have any code for it ;p)
<AG_Titan> arty tries to find the vituality controlling it near by

<[CB1]Gun> (wait the turn....unless the dudes are dead'ish)
<OddBird> (give it 5 minutes, Fex is out fapping again methinks)
<AG_Titan> (where's fex at)
<Rorschach> (Limiting yourself to 6 times a day is the key to living a productive lifestyle.)

<[CB1]Gun> (fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap FAP MAN! beachvolleyball edition)
<Hakai> (where the fuck did I get a whip?)
<[CB1]Gun> (CB or CG?)
* OddBird attempts to jam the signal

<OddBird> +my remaining 2 luck
<Rorschach> (OB planted it on you while he was trying to touch you.)
<Hakai> (CB.  I got 40k too
<OddBird> (I sent the whip to you a while ago)

<[CB1]Gun> (heh that's so meso)
<Verifex> OB roll it.
<OddBird> 19 with luck, 15 after the penalty
<OddBird> (I really would've rather attacked this turn. Damn you, mind control man.)

<Hakai> (Fex?)
<[CB1]Gun> (think it's a move action'ish so could put in one more action)
<Verifex> Yes?
<OddBird> (she wants to know if she's safe to leave yet. Hakai's sick.)

<Rorschach> (Why you take long time? X()
<Hakai> (is there anything else I need to worry about since I'm heading for the van?)
<[CB1]Gun> (and put your penis away)
<AG_Titan> (you should have let me deal with it, i could have counterparted the transmittor, OB)

<Lamuness> Bob!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!!!!
<Lamuness> the voices command me so
<[CB1]Gun> If they did you wouldn't warn me.
Blooderfly has joined the room.
<Rorschach> Fucking Dagger. That settles it. We need to kill it to save it (ie OB).

* OddBird grins. I can replicate the noise.
<[CB1]Gun> (uh oh)
<Hakai> (wow, Fly.  You're REALLY late  xD)
<[CB1]Gun> (anyways fly good timing, it's time to kill)
<Blooderfly> - Fay has hit us hard blah

<OddBird> (superlate! I pwned Hakai)
<Blooderfly> (power has been sporatic
<AG_Titan> Arty quickly traces the transmission back to its source and commands the machine to "talk to me"
<OddBird> (ahhh, sorry to hear that, Fly. Fay hits here tomorrow supposedly....x_x)

<[CB1]Gun> (OB had to settle for lammy
<[CB1]Gun>  's pussy)*
* Rorschach is in the fetal position from the painful noise in his ears.)
<OddBird> (It isn't your turn, Arty.)
<Hakai> (what's Fay?)

<Hakai> (hurricane?)
<Blooderfly> ( is here so lets go.. The hurricane thats hitting Fl right now
<OddBird> (tropical storm, but yeah)
* Rorschach starts crawling to Artemis.
<Verifex> Alright Gun, you

<Verifex> You're up.
<OddBird> Fex??
* Blooderfly looks around seeing whats going on
<[CB1]Gun> (what's standing?)
<Verifex> Hey Blooderfly!
<OddBird> You never said whether my jam was successful

<Blooderfly> lol hiya fex
<Hakai> (-_-)
<OddBird> also I didn't get an attack move
<OddBird> hellooooooo
<[CB1]Gun> (ADD indeed)
<Blooderfly> ( i dont have to work tommarow so lets do this lol

<OddBird> (no kidding)
<Hakai> (OB, I think he sent your relpy to me)
<[CB1]Gun> (lol)
<OddBird> -,-
<Hakai> (by mistake.  but he never answered my question  :( )
<Rorschach> Artemis, helllp me. I need a hand.

<Blooderfly> me looks to see if shes still in a building with a bunch of hobos and the enemy
<AG_Titan> stay there snake i help in a second
<AG_Titan> I got some other things on my plate if you can see

<Verifex> Blooderfly (D10 + Ref for iniative)
<[CB1]Gun> (AG can see/hear radio, TV, and Virtuality signals ;)
<[CB1]Gun> (and that's about it)
<AG_Titan> (yah but its not my turn yet, blah blah blah)

<Blooderfly> 13
<OddBird> (That used my up turn, no? Also, CAN HAKAI LEAVE YET SHE IS SICK)
<AG_Titan> (i can pick up any transmission)
<Hakai> (lmao)
<Rorschach> (Fexyback, PM)

* Blooderfly falls to her knees gripping her head
<Blooderfly> gahh...
<Blooderfly> gi....t... ou'.....t
<OddBird> (I'll try to stop the signal next turn, if Arty can't do it. Right now I'm rolling at a penalty though)

<Verifex> Yes, Hakai, you manage to slide down the rope to safety.
<Rorschach> Arty, can you give me a hand up? I don't feel so good.
<OddBird> (G'night Hakai)
<AG_Titan> (bye hakai)

<Verifex> (bye hakai)
<Lamuness> (bai bai)
(ok, Fex.  thanks.  I know you were doing like 7 things then.  But I
really feel yucky.  I'll be back on Sunday though and I had better damn
well be 100% better)

<Blooderfly> ( night deary
<AG_Titan> arty eyes Snake I thought i told you to be quiet
<Rorschach> You're fucked up man. What happened to being a team?
<[CB1]Gun> (just to pull fex even more....can I generate a static field against this? ;)

* OddBird seals his ears up (to end my turn)
<Hakai> (Gun, you'll take care of my IP?)
<[CB1]Gun> (yes)
<AG_Titan> a little bit ago dagger said she was going to kill kenny, how can i trust you, Arty slowly walks over to snake

<AG_Titan> he*
<Blooderfly> ( thats a bot check i shouldnt have just went through..Gag/Gun
<Hakai> (I'mma stay in until OB kicks me so I can come back and copy the log tomorrow morning)
<OddBird> (actually, gimme that botcheck)

* Rorschach mumbles something inaudible to Artemis.
<Blooderfly> ( lol I went through it already
<AG_Titan> Arty has his gun out in hand but leans over and lifts up Snake
<OddBird> (awwww.)
* Rorschach shocks the shit out of Artemis.

<OddBird> dumbasses.
<AG_Titan> (shoot this idiot)
<[CB1]Gun> You all are compared to me.
<OddBird> (the plan has changed, kill gun)
* Blooderfly is doubled over clutching her head
<[CB1]Gun> The evil man in the hall is the enemy who hurts your heads!

<AG_Titan> (where the hell is fex, i want to know if i am still alive)
<[CB1]Gun> (annnnnnnd how many zobos are standing?!?!?!?!?)
<AG_Titan> (1 gun)
<OddBird> (fex, no more fapping! Come back, you've passed your 6/day limit)

<Verifex> Roll damage Rorschach
* Blooderfly stands up... she pulls her knife
<OddBird> (yay, that was a quick finish up)
<Rorschach> (D10?)
<AG_Titan> (wait doesn't he have to roll to see if he even hit me)

<OddBird> (yes d10)
<[CB1]Gun> (hand him a towel)
<Rorschach> 6
<Rorschach> (No cause you're touching me.)
<Verifex> Gun, I believe it was your turn in combat, what are you doing again?

<AG_Titan> (next time Im putting about 30 bullets into you)
<Blooderfly> .... Git.. ou'ta... meh... * charges bob* ea'd!!!!!
<OddBird> (awesome. I think I will let mind control continue until Gun is dead)

<OddBird> (mwahahahaha)
* [CB1]Gun draws hvy pistol and fires into the last standing zobo
<Blooderfly> ( oh is gun bob?)
<OddBird> (indeed)
<Blooderfly> ( oh damn.. sorry dear.)
<Verifex> Roll damage.

<[CB1]Gun> (.....and the brain brain brain brain brain brain
<AG_Titan> (if you dont stop this kenny, and im still alive Im killing snake)
<Verifex> er.. I mean roll to hit..
<OddBird> (nuuu, kill bob, not snake)

<Rorschach> (Maybe next time you should use your powerz and stop me from being mind controlled into trying to kill you)
<AG_Titan> (I couldn't action move)
<Verifex> Rorscach, how much DC were you using?

<OddBird> (agree, arty...try and use your powers to stop him. I've gotta wait until my turn to try mine.)
<[CB1]Gun> 21, DC5, damage 12
<[CB1]Gun> (two shots ;)
<Verifex> Alright, you take down the white shirt guy, he gets a load in his throat and he doesn't seem to be enjoying it.

<Rorschach> (Do I kill Art?)
<[CB1]Gun> (fucking awesome)
<Verifex> I asked you, how much DC where you use?
<Rorschach> (Well, I'm touching him, so DC9 is max right?)
<Verifex> Needless to say, the whiteshirt guy crumples to his knees, blood spurting all over.

<[CB1]Gun> (use 1 asshole!)
<OddBird> (oh wow.)
<OddBird> (I think SS is going to kill/pwn arty)
<Rorschach> (Come on. I'm going for realism. If I was under mind control I wouldn't use 1..)

<AG_Titan> Arty will getting the shit shocked out of him screams, "you weak minded piece of crap"
<[CB1]Gun> (then I'll have to save the fucking day!)
<AG_Titan> while*
<OddBird> (true, SS...still. Ouch. xD)

<[CB1]Gun> (fine use 3 ;p)
<Rorschach> (No way, I'm using all 9)
<AG_Titan> (you better hope you kill me)
<[CB1]Gun> (dibs on hte SMG and clip)
<OddBird> (damn)
<OddBird> (I was typing that Gun)

<Rorschach> (It's because I'm trying to save you that I wanna kill you.)
<[CB1]Gun> (ninja'd)
<[CB1]Gun> (take his gas mask)
Verifex left the room.
<Rorschach> ..
<AG_Titan> (OMG)

<AG_Titan> (I have school tommorow)
<AG_Titan> (tomorrow)
<Blooderfly> ...
Verifex has joined the room.
- server grants op status to Verifex

<Verifex> WTF WAS THAT?
<Blooderfly> ( you see my point titan?)
<Rorschach> I'm coming down from my high now. CGen is really sobering.

<OddBird> (do not know Fex)
<AG_Titan> (yah i see your point)
<Verifex> FUCK ME...
<Rorschach> (Ok Fexyback, I use DC9)
<Verifex> did anyone get the log of chat?
<AG_Titan> no

<OddBird> I've got it all
<[CB1]Gun> (*fucks fex)
<OddBird> as long as I don't get booted, we're good
<AG_Titan> (did I die or not)
<Verifex> (ahhh, sweet)
<Verifex> someone email me the log of chat, pretty please

<[CB1]Gun> (I will)
<Verifex> including PM chatter too
<AG_Titan> (b/c if i died I really need to go to bed)
<OddBird> yeah
<AG_Titan> (does my armor protect against shock)
<Verifex> Alright,  what was the damage roll on that Rorschoch?

<OddBird> I am emailing you my log + PM
<Verifex> (all armor does, yes)
<AG_Titan> 6
<Rorschach> 6
<Verifex> (what armor are you wearing Titan?)
<[CB1]Gun> (but you cut out at one point OB)

<[CB1]Gun> (should be SAR5)
<AG_Titan> Armored Duster SAR5
<OddBird> (really? I'm checkin on that Gun)
<Verifex> hang on, need to refresh to get my PM window back...
Verifex left the room.

<OddBird> (no, I didn't cut out)
Verifex has joined the room.
- server grants op status to Verifex
<Verifex> alright, so Artemis has what AR of armor on?
<Rorschach> 5
<AG_Titan> Arty quickly traces the transmission back to its source and commands the machine to "talk to me"

<AG_Titan> (oops wrong thing
<AG_Titan> SAR4

- server grants op status to Verifex
Users in room 'rpg room':
<Verifex> alright, so Artemis has what AR of armor on?
<Rorschach> 5
<AG_Titan> Arty quickly traces the transmission back to its source and commands the machine to "talk to me"
<AG_Titan> (oops wrong thing
<AG_Titan> SAR4
<[CB1]Gun> (it's 5)
<AG_Titan> 5* God dammit
<Verifex> Okay,
<Lamuness> ( la la la )
<Rorschach> (Sigh. Not enough for a kill.)
<Verifex> Alright, you take 10 damage,
<Verifex> But after armor and btm, you take 3 damage.
<OddBird> (damn)
<AG_Titan> (close one)
<OddBird> (that's wicked)
<Verifex> You are on the ground, also...
<Verifex> Not feeling very good, roll D10 VS body for stun.
<OddBird> oh shit.
<Rorschach> (If he's stunned I assume I attack him again.)
<OddBird> (man, if he's stunned, it's up to me to jam that signal...)
<Verifex> (You already have jammed it, I thought?)
<AG_Titan> I rolled a 3
<Verifex> (Or atleast attempted to)
<OddBird> (you said I failed. So I just sealed my ears)
<Verifex> You are not stunned.
<OddBird> (so that this next turn I wouldn't have the -4 penalty)
<[CB1]Gun> (mail was sent)
<[CB1]Gun> (but don't read it now :P)
<Verifex> (yes OB, hopefully)
<Rorschach> (Maybe next time... XD)
<OddBird> (mine is still
<Verifex> (I'm not interested in reading it now, no ;) )
<AG_Titan> (OB do me a favor and save my life by killing snake if i don't suceed at this then jam the signal next round)
<[CB1]Gun> (good you dirty fapper)
<Rorschach> (No, OB's way of saving you is to kill you.)
<OddBird> (nope, I'm just going to jam the signal so he stops attacking you)
<OddBird> (damn...wish I hadn't used all my luck on a FAIL)
<AG_Titan> (i trust your killing skills a lot more)
<Verifex> Alright, now the white shirt who was shocked to shit previously and was spasming suddenly comes back
<AG_Titan> (OMG if he attacks me i'm going to lose it)
<OddBird> (LOL)
<Rorschach> (LOL.)
<Rorschach> (Finish him!)
<[CB1]Gun> (it happened to me once and I had NO armor)
<Rorschach> (Flawless victory.)
<Verifex> and he turns towards Artemis, (as he is right next to him) and punches
<AG_Titan> (SOB)
<[CB1]Gun> (yes?)
<Verifex> He hits 2 damage
<OddBird> (pwnt.)
<AG_Titan> (does my armor help)
<Verifex> But your armor absorbs it.
<Rorschach> (Lame.)
<AG_Titan> (yes)
<Verifex> The other guys seem to be pretty incapacitated.
<Rorschach> (Oh well. He's weak enough now. *throws a pokeball at Titan*)
<Rorschach> (*repeatedly hits the A button*)
<Verifex> So, no we come to Titan, Dagger, and Blooderfly's turn.
<[CB1]Gun> (+3 SS)
<OddBird> (wait, hitting the A button HELPSS??)
<Verifex> Artemis, Dagger and Blooderfly.
Users in room 'rpg room':
<[CB1]Gun> (+4 SS recount ;)
<AG_Titan> (can I attack someone and try to counter part the machine)
<Rorschach> (I dunno. I always do it out of habit.)
* Blooderfly darts to bob snatching up and trying to gut him with a somewhat crazed look on her face~
<Blooderfly> git outta meh 'ead!!!
<Verifex> (you haven't been able to discover a machine around here titan)
<Verifex> Roll it..
<OddBird> (pwn him! xD)
<[CB1]Gun> You got more ppl in there besides me bitch!
<Blooderfly>  18
<Blooderfly> ( this is with my mono knife
<Verifex> Gun, roll to dodge..
<AG_Titan> (I can counterpart something i have'nt found OB its up to you)
<Verifex> If you get lower, you fail.
<[CB1]Gun> 30!
<OddBird> (damn gun!)
<Rorschach> (What a noob mind controller. If he was smart he'd get us all to attack one person so that way we'd be likely to kill them.)
<Verifex> You dodge the sword attack.
<OddBird> (I saw that roll and was like WTF)
<OddBird> (I swear you have stolen my 10s)
<[CB1]Gun> (knew I'd get at least 3 10's tonight)
* Blooderfly growls through her teeth...  Get out of My EAD!!!!!
<Verifex> (STFU rorschach)
<[CB1]Gun> (rofl)
<Rorschach> (X()
<Verifex> Meanwhile ...
<OddBird> (pwnt by DM)
<Verifex> Dagger, you there?
<[CB1]Gun> (and they all did attack me once0
<Rorschach> (That hurtsies my feelings.)
<Verifex> (sorry :)  )
<[CB1]Gun> (fex is fapping to your pain)
<Verifex> LAMU!!
<Rorschach> (I still love you Fexyback.)
<Lamuness> (VERI!!!)
<[CB1]Gun> (think fly is too with her knife and gag/gun)
<Verifex> You are up for action!
* Lamuness performs a fatality on bob
<AG_Titan> (is there anything I can do as a wizard, it says I can transmit on the same grid so I could transmit the same signal I'm picking up right?)
<[CB1]Gun> (kill whitey coat! don't go back to the padded room!)
<AG_Titan> (how come we are unaffected by the signal, kenny and bob)
<[CB1]Gun> (fex is totally cockblocking all attempts at that ;)
<Rorschach> (OB has his ears closed.)
<[CB1]Gun> (we got mind powers)
<OddBird> (I was totally affected by it, hence my -4 penalty: that's why I closed my ears)
<OddBird> (so that my next roll would be no penalty)
<AG_Titan> (ok everyone else was a bunch of pussies)
<Rorschach> (Wut?)
<[CB1]Gun> (fly owes me some pussy I totally 30'd)
<[CB1]Gun> (that should be a pick up line)
* Lamuness sits doing nothing
* Rorschach gives up from attempting to kill Artemis and just sits in a slump on the ground.
<Blooderfly> ( once agian point shown titan
<AG_Titan> Artemis seeing this pulls out his gun aiming it at the white coat still alive
<[CB1]Gun> (30 is OVER 9000! time)
<Blooderfly> ( we should have those nice conversations more offen.. i come to enjoy them dear)
<OddBird> ( long until Lammy performs her action, Fex)
<[CB1]Gun> (they sat, that's it ;)
<Verifex> Alright, well it's now your turn... OB
<AG_Titan> wait i never went
<Lamuness> ( i already did )
<AG_Titan> I'm attacking white coat
<Verifex> Okay, well lets keep up :)
<[CB1]Gun> (use the last 5 bullets)
<AG_Titan> (i was going to but i have reloads)
<AG_Titan> Arty pulls off 5 nice bullets in the guys temple
<Verifex> roll it.
<AG_Titan> (SoB, I hate rolling)
<[CB1]Gun> (if you aim specific it's -4 to aim)
<Rorschach> (Fatality!)
<AG_Titan> (I dont care, Gun, I never miss)
<OddBird> (you find yourself missing very quickly)
<AG_Titan> 21 to hit, 1 damage
<AG_Titan> (thats with the neg 4)
<Verifex> Alright, you hit
<AG_Titan> (good i hope it at least incapacitates him a little)
<[CB1]Gun> (five times hopefully)
<Rorschach> (He gets shot in the temple 5 times and doesn't die?)
<[CB1]Gun> (roll damage)
<[CB1]Gun> (wait nvm wtf)
<AG_Titan> (i already said 1 damage)
<[CB1]Gun> (habit)
Blooderfly left the room.
Blooderfly has joined the room.
<[CB1]Gun> (I usually have to scream more ;)
<Blooderfly> damn brown outs
<Verifex> alright, you hit the guy with a shot, but you don't hit his temple, you manage to nick his cheek instead.
<OddBird> (ahh, that bites B-fly)
<AG_Titan> (well i'm dead now)
<[CB1]Gun> (speaking of brown outs....*flings a starfish)
<OddBird> (that is what we typically see from aimed shots, btw, Titan)
<Verifex> (aww bad joke!)
<OddBird> (hehe)
<AG_Titan> (that wouldn't of matter'd I rolled a 1d)
<[CB1]Gun> (warned you)
<Verifex> Bob, Artemis, roll D10 + Get a Clue + Int
<[CB1]Gun> 18
<AG_Titan> 15
<AG_Titan> (you need to work on your programming fex, i think the only variables in the die roller is 1 and 2)
<Verifex> Alright, you both can hear some yelling coming from down the hallway, and then a gunshot a couple seconds later, ringing in your ears, hits the edge of the doorway.
<[CB1]Gun> (bots love me)
<Rorschach> (Has Rave been introduced yet?)
<Verifex> Yes.
<[CB1]Gun> (can I scan surface intent from here?)
<Verifex> Rave was in the safehouse though., so there wasn't much for him to do.
<Verifex> You try, but it's out of range from here.
<[CB1]Gun> Arty, get a bomb ready.
<Verifex> Meanwhile, the last guy who you just shot Artemis, he just sits down on the ground.
<AG_Titan> Arty grabs a C4 and lays it in front of the door
<[CB1]Gun> Wrong!
<OddBird> (um....did we skip my turn)\
<Rorschach> (If you blow us all up..)
<OddBird> (I was going to go, and then Arty went.)
<Verifex> Nope, It's your turn now Ob after ARt
<[CB1]Gun> (and the brain brain brain brain brain brain)
<Lamuness> (Let's do this!!! )
<Verifex> (Art, you already did your action)
<[CB1]Gun> (btw you have to pick the detonator which cna be remote or timer)
<AG_Titan> (what was my action fex, shooting)
<Verifex> (yes)
<AG_Titan> (okie)
<Verifex> (OB, your turn)
* OddBird sends Effit to bite the guy closest to himself, continues jamming, and fires his bow at the nearest guy to Bob
<[CB1]Gun> (only one guy sitting....)
<OddBird> (3 actions, or only 2? effit shouldn't be a penalty IIRC)
<OddBird> (wait, there's only 1 guy?)
<[CB1]Gun> (is now)
<OddBird> (fuck that then, I'm going down the hall
<[CB1]Gun> (I shot a guy in the fucking neck)
<Lamuness> ( I'm sitting )
<AG_Titan> (there not attacking anymore OB, the machine is turned of)
<AG_Titan> (off)
<OddBird> (wtf? no more mind control? When did all this happen)
<[CB1]Gun> (oooo the guy is coming!)
Lamuness left the room.
<AG_Titan> (when everyone sit down)
Lamuness has joined the room.
<[CB1]Gun> (ninja time once it right OB :P)
<AG_Titan> (well i mean there is still mind control but he's telling them to sit down instead of kill)
<[CB1]Gun> Ok, everyone sit.
<OddBird> (ok fex don't bother with those last actions...apparently I missed something somehow)
<[CB1]Gun> (duh)
<Rorschach> (Kill em anyway.)
<Verifex> Ob, are you continuning your jamming?
* OddBird continues jamming the signal, and sneaks down the hallway with his PB gun loaded with sleepballs.
<[CB1]Gun> (send the snake down the hall anyways)
<AG_Titan> (should we kill you to then snake)
<OddBird> (yeah, I'm gonna send Effit ahead)
<Rorschach> (But I'm just a kid.)
* OddBird sends Effit ahead invisibly to scout the hallway out.
<Verifex> What are you commanding Effit to do?
* [CB1]Gun says in a whisper "Sit you fuckers."
<OddBird> scout invisibly. 20% chance to reject my command from the fall earlier
* OddBird is using blend/sneak down the hall, and jamming.
<Verifex> (yes, and you passed it by 6%)
<OddBird> (awesome!)
<[CB1]Gun> (-.- fuck you pinky)
<OddBird> (that's all I need)
<Blooderfly> omg
<Blooderfly> BRB....
<Rorschach> (All ya need is love..)
<AG_Titan> (how long till we're done I have school in 4 hours and I haven't slept)
<Verifex> Wait a minute, are you running down the hallway, or is effit?
<AG_Titan> (both
<OddBird> I am following.
<[CB1]Gun> (idiotic I know)
<OddBird> This should technically only be one movement, as there's no penalty for the pet
<Verifex> At 12:00am I'll end it, thats 6 minutes
<AG_Titan> (ok)
<Verifex> (Why are you sending the snake if you are going down there yourself... oh nevermind)
<[CB1]Gun> (now sit your bitch ass down! let him walk up to us)
<OddBird> (so the snake will be there to help)
<OddBird> (if thre's trouble, having a cobra around the bad guy's ankles is helpful)
<[CB1]Gun> (-.-)
<Verifex> As soon as you walk into the hallway, you see a group of 5 guys at the end of the hallway, they all are dressed in black outfits like the ones you were fighting, but they aren't AS dirty...
<OddBird> I was sneaking! I'm going to stay all hidey.
<[CB1]Gun> (I told your ass!)
<Lamuness> ( we should provoke them... >D )
<[CB1]Gun> (it's a fucking one door hallway)
<OddBird> (so what, I just walked in. I'll hide behind the doorway.)
<OddBird> (besides, I'm sneaking)
<[CB1]Gun> (can the wizard give him mapquest)
<Rorschach> (Looks like Hakai's the only one coming out of this alive.)
<Verifex> they appear to have something strapped to their backs, (probably a gun?) and theres one guy standing in the middle of them who looks much smaller, and is wearing a trenchcoat, he's carrying a a big pistol and he appears to be shooting it at you.
<Verifex> The gun misses though.
<AG_Titan> (have OB come back we carry the bodies out of here and then i blow the place sky high)
<[CB1]Gun> W2g dumbass.
* OddBird imitates the mindcontrol noise, and fires sleepballs at the men while backing out
<OddBird> eeeep
<[CB1]Gun> (told you to send just the fucking snake)
<OddBird> (boooring)
<Blooderfly> ( HOLY CHRIST..... on the other side of the express way I just saw a powerline drop on a car and it just lit up the parking lot
<OddBird> (whoa)
<[CB1]Gun> (OB rolled that)
<Rorschach> (Pwnt.)
<OddBird> (ROFL +10 Gun)
<Blooderfly> ( okay sorry im back...
<Lamuness> ( we get xp for killing them )
<OddBird> session ends in 2 minutes...where is fex
<Verifex> (whoa blooder, hope it didn't start a fire)
<Rorschach> (I'm bringin Fexyback.)
<[CB1]Gun> (btw OB, unload THE WHOLE CLIP OF 30 of drug PB at the dude)
<OddBird> (oh ya)
<Blooderfly> ( not seeing flames  was a big white flash
<Verifex> Alright, OB, before you fire your gun...
<OddBird> shit.
<Verifex> Roll D10 + Schoolin + Int
<[CB1]Gun> (nvm it's 20 if I'm reading right)
<OddBird> 14
<Verifex> Alright, roll to hit..
<Blooderfly> ( we ever going to make it back to the safehouse so i can do my alchy lol
<OddBird> shat, I didn't learn anything
<[CB1]Gun> (seems you can only do 1 shot per round too)
<OddBird> (WTF seriously?)
<OddBird> 18
<AG_Titan> (we should have PB everyone else to sleep on our team then carried them out of the building, and let me blow the bitches up with some C4)
<OddBird> (do I need to roll for imitating the mindcontrol noise)
<[CB1]Gun> (they might start attacking us again)
<AG_Titan> not if they were asleep
<Lamuness> ( I could attack Bob again )
<AG_Titan> ()*
<OddBird> they aren't instantly asleep
<OddBird> ()
<[CB1]Gun> (and this is why I wanted to not come here....we need at least 3 ass.rifles)
<Blooderfly> ( could be given the gass mask.. and all the paint balls... alchy them so they are airborn and put the whle building asleep
<Blooderfly> ( but what would I know )
<AG_Titan> (or people who can control their own minds, bunch of pansies I swear)
<[CB1]Gun> (takes like 15 shots put one guy down)
<Blooderfly> ( So am I done being controlled?)
OddBird left the room.
<AG_Titan> (bye OB
OddBird has joined the room.
- server grants op status to OddBird
<Rorschach> (Yes Fly.)
<OddBird> FUCK
<OddBird> (what did I miss)
<Blooderfly> ( ahh lovely)
<Verifex> You fire the shot, and it hits the ground about  100 feet in front of you.
<AG_Titan> (nothing(=)
<[CB1]Gun> (loser!)
* Blooderfly gets up shaking her head looking at bob with a look of apology
<Rorschach> (It seems everyone who was mind controlled is just sitting in the room.)
<OddBird> (I miss? BOO)
* Blooderfly never sat
<OddBird> (also, do I need to roll for making the mindcontrol jam or no)
<OddBird> er, noise
<[CB1]Gun> (fapfapfap)
<AG_Titan> (yah your a zobo sitting down now blood)
<Blooderfly> ( oh... damn..
<Verifex> (Blooderfly, Rorschach, Lamu you are all still in pain from the static, but you can move around and do actions)
<Rorschach> (3:05 AM)
* Blooderfly looks around holding her head)
<Verifex> Alright, and I'm going ot call it here.
<OddBird> okay :)
* Lamuness holds OB's head
<Rorschach> Any ideas on how we kill the rest of these guys?
<[CB1]Gun> I'm over 9000!
<Lamuness> pounds!
<AG_Titan> Arty looks at Snake  "If you ever even look at me again 30 bullets are going through your chest"
<Verifex> 15 IP for everyone, and 3 IP for OB for finding something to save everyone from dying.
<[CB1]Gun> Shotguns, SMG, and bolts
<OddBird> coooool!
<Rorschach> It's ova, Titan. XD
<[CB1]Gun> omg I should get 3 too
<AG_Titan> why because you killed someone
<[CB1]Gun> 2
<Rorschach> Because the game already ended.
<AG_Titan> so i killed one
<OddBird> I pwned someone, but it was Hakai
<[CB1]Gun> and three 10's
<OddBird> lol
<OddBird> thanks Fex! :D
<Verifex> If I gave you guys IP for kills, you would all get 100 IP.
<[CB1]Gun> and sent the email, and bunch of shit you fools ignored
<AG_Titan> well i got 2 1's and 1 2 so how bout that gun
<[CB1]Gun> and did the HP for all
<Verifex> Okay Gun, you do run the extra mile, 2 IP but no complaining! :)
<AG_Titan> I dont even use the email I have for CB, so if you need to email me you should prolly get a different one from me
<Rorschach> Titan has 1 HP left. XD
<AG_Titan> no i have 3
<Rorschach> Oh. Hm.
<AG_Titan> well anyway got school here pretty shortly better go bed, good night all
<Rorschach> PEacies.
<Verifex> I'll tell you what, if you guys can get out of here without losing a party member, I'll give you extra IP.
<Rorschach> Oh. Nice.
<AG_Titan> Alright looks like I won't kill you Snake :(
* Blooderfly leaves.. climbs down the damn rope and goes back to the safe house?
<AG_Titan> lol good night everyone
<Blooderfly> does that count
<OddBird> hehehe
<OddBird> nice Blooderfly xD
<Verifex> (game is over already)
<[CB1]Gun> (o rly?)
<Blooderfly> can i do that anyway?
<[CB1]Gun> no
<AG_Titan> THATS WHAT I SAID WE SHOULD DO but no OB wants to go kill some fools
<Blooderfly> shes been mind controlled and fallen on by a zobo slob
<Verifex> (besides, that is ABOVE game)
<Rorschach> Titan...
<[CB1]Gun> you're stuck with a pissed off Bob next session
<Rorschach> You're the one who convinced us to come here.
<Blooderfly> they have a point mr I made my leader roll thing lol
<AG_Titan> yah i know i didnt know you guys would succumb to mind control, i can kill zobos but i can kill backstabbers
<[CB1]Gun> the bot punishes you all for such actions
<AG_Titan> well anyway ive got to go, this time for sure, good night everyone
<Rorschach> No wai. Snake can totally pwn Artemis.
<Rorschach> Byee.
<[CB1]Gun> think about it, wasn't fly 18 damage roll mine? ;)
<Verifex> night
<Verifex> that was an exciting game,
<[CB1]Gun> and they'll fuck it up on sunday just for you
<Verifex> but I'm really starting to wonder if there is some irony in the fact that Kenny is almost getting other people killed all the time.
<[CB1]Gun> 6 guys with backstrap cannons, no biggie
<Lamuness> pfft...
<Rorschach> We pose more danger to ourselves than any enemy.
<Lamuness> I should've been the one to get everybody killed...
<Verifex> I'm not sure, I'm thinking the tide may be turning...
<Lamuness> I haven't been successful yet...
<[CB1]Gun> that's why I ran away from him like a pussy once ;)
<Blooderfly> yea blooder is going back to safehouse next game
Hakai left the room.
- OddBird has kicked Hakai out of the room
<Rorschach> I really wanted to unload 75 DC all at once.
<[CB1]Gun> no girl you have to stay, we must kill that head
<Blooderfly> .... nahh
<Blooderfly> shes gonna go play with some metal
<[CB1]Gun> hey you just tried to kill me
<Blooderfly> and?
<Blooderfly> thats why shes leaving
<[CB1]Gun> bitch!
<Lamuness> I'll help you bob
<OddBird> Verifex
<OddBird> I am requesting a /kill and a fine
<[CB1]Gun> btw idea you must remember....the sling fires steel balls which you can make
<Blooderfly> .. the sling fires balls made of acid.. which i can make
<[CB1]Gun> no you buy those
<Blooderfly> I can make them as well
<OddBird> Verifex
<[CB1]Gun> too complex atm I think and don't have the stuff
<Blooderfly> as well as arsenic darts
<Blooderfly> umm nope
<Blooderfly> basic elements
<Verifex> yes?
<[CB1]Gun> oh shhh and make steel balls we got 980 acid balls :P
<OddBird> I need a /kill and a fine
<Verifex> REally?
<Blooderfly> can break down plastic and the rubber She has.. as well as using the bits of gasoline she has "tasted"
<Rorschach> Wtf OB?
<OddBird> I thought carnage was PM, and I dropped the F bomb in there, along with some other vulgarity
<Blooderfly> can make muratic acid which burns
<Verifex> yikes
<OddBird> ya
<Verifex> but I'm not even in carnage
<Rorschach> Who were you cursing abouts?
AG_Titan left the room.
<OddBird> that's OK, I still saw myself do it
<Blooderfly> me too.. I fined him a COI
<Blooderfly> and hes not paying up
<OddBird> lol
<OddBird> JS jsut bought it
<[CB1]Gun> what's up with you guys and acid? save it for car windsheilds
<Blooderfly> hea's been a member since july 15 2005 he should know better
<Rorschach> Can a bolter generate an EMP?
<OddBird> Indeed, + CB1 time
<Verifex> Well OB, since I didn't see it...
<OddBird> I should know better, /kill and fine
<[CB1]Gun> no SS
<OddBird> Jon's in the room Fex ;)
<OddBird> I would rather you fine me than he signs on, sees the log, and gives the appropriate fine
<Rorschach> OB, just do what novice did and /kill yourself and send money to Slayer.
<Blooderfly> appropriate fine is the COI lol
<Verifex> Yeah, you're an op, you can do that! :)
<OddBird> that's probably the best option
<Blooderfly> or telling novice not to send over the 300k
<Verifex> bye bye ob, nice game
<OddBird> what's appropriate for that much vulgarity
<Rorschach> 1000 USD
<Lamuness> so how much IP do we get???
<Verifex> I don't know, whatever you feel is appropriate, you're the op :)
<Verifex> 15
<Rorschach> 15, Lamu
<Lamuness> aw...
<Verifex> But as I said earlier...
<Verifex> If you guys get out of there without losing a party member, you'll get extra IP.
<Blooderfly> meh uped the manipulation stat
<Rorschach> Has anyone died so far?
<Lamuness> aw...that's going to be hard
<OddBird> not so far
<OddBird> Hakai got really close when I shot her
<OddBird> 1 HP left
<Rorschach> Blood I think you can only train at the safehouse.
<Blooderfly> woulda been a 27 lol
<[CB1]Gun> btw SS you get a +2 REF bonus
<Blooderfly> ehh.. no biggy not like i can use it here
<Rorschach> Why?
<[CB1]Gun> bolter thing we missed
<Blooderfly> too many people watching and not enough time to do anything
<Lamuness> how much more IP do I need for the chainsaws?
<Lamuness> or for anything that rotates?
<Rorschach> Sweet.
<[CB1]Gun> buy a chainsaw and lash it to yourself
<Lamuness> ;p
<Verifex> Well lamu, you should read the book on Tinmen...
<Lamuness> i should...
<[CB1]Gun> and fly can only train in safehouse
<Blooderfly> fine.. lemme reduce the points
<Rorschach> Tinmen can incorporate things to be part of their body?
<Verifex> Tinmen may not form powered or two-part shapes.
<[CB1]Gun> depends
<Blooderfly> fixed
<Verifex> All shapes formed must be part of one whole
<Lamuness> no two=part shapes?
<[CB1]Gun> can make a huge pair of scissors
<Lamuness> you mean I can't make one arm a half of a scissor?
<[CB1]Gun> like T-1000
<Verifex> Once you increase your shaping ability though, you can shape both your arms at the same time (instead of one at a time)
<Verifex> and you could make a big set of scissors.
<Lamuness> I should be able to make a ball and chain
<Verifex> Sure, but you can't create a chain with individual links.
<Rorschach> Wolverine claws.
<Blooderfly> wouldnt be a chain moreso as a whip like tendril with a large ball on the end
<OddBird> Turn your arms into dual scythes - think Scyther.
<[CB1]Gun> SS, they're called wolvers ;)
<Lamuness> can I turn into a guillotine?
* OddBird has those :D
<Blooderfly> multiple parts... you would need both hands
<Rorschach> How exactly does tinman work? Like is the amount of metal there constant? Like if Lamu made a really big sword would it have to be hollow since it's only the metal contained in the arm? Or does Lamu generate more metal as needed?
<Verifex> ITs only the metal in the arm..
<Verifex> So its dependant on the body stat.
<Rorschach> Gotcha.
<Verifex> You could make a little guillotine maybe
<Verifex> one hand as the bottom half, one hand as the top half..
<Blooderfly> but they get neat thinhs like a bio atk
<OddBird> churchmouse guillotine
<[CB1]Gun> anyways fly the only thing that should be on your mind is coal
<Lamuness> what am I going to do with a little guillotine?
<Rorschach> So the bigger the weapon it forms the less dense it is?
<Blooderfly> bio atk punch kick crush leap and jump
<Lamuness> give all the enemies a circumcision?
<OddBird> ultimate mousetrap, Lammy
<OddBird> OHHH
<OddBird> also good
<Verifex> I don't know. behead little people?
<Lamuness> come here OB~
<OddBird> o_o
<Verifex> besides a head isn't that big.
<[CB1]Gun> form an axe
<Rorschach> Carnage.
<Blooderfly> ohhh lamu can make a mono blade
<[CB1]Gun> totally SS
<Blooderfly> dc 25
<[CB1]Gun> no he can't
<OddBird> Can he propel parts of his arm at all?
<[CB1]Gun> nvm he can
<Blooderfly> umm pg 131
<OddBird> i.e. shoot out bits of metal?
<Blooderfly> LMAO
<Blooderfly> lamu can make a gun
<Blooderfly> dc 25
<Blooderfly> but needs ammo
<OddBird> holy shit he CAN?
<Lamuness> I think Bloody can make ammo
<Blooderfly> lol
<[CB1]Gun> yep that's how I convinced him to up hex
<OddBird> holy
<OddBird> that is awesome
<Lamuness> Bloody better make lots of bloody ammo
<OddBird> dual machinegun arms lammy
<Blooderfly> basic ammo right now yes stuff from history books and chem books
<[CB1]Gun> it's based on ammo
<Blooderfly> need to find me milspec stuff or somebody to teach me milspec
<Lamuness> me and bloody are an ultimate team!
<Lamuness> Bloody needs to make me a rocket
<Blooderfly> and actually.. yoru whole chainsaw thing you can do..
<Lamuness> rocket launchers
<Blooderfly> just has to be done right
<OddBird> hey fex, out of curiosity - what's the point of being a Tribal? I can already use a bow!
<[CB1]Gun> medic
<Blooderfly> the parts are all one.. but theres moving parts ads abother 25 to the dc
<[CB1]Gun> tribal gets meds, bow, and a bike
<OddBird> specialty?
<Lamuness> does anyone use gasoline?
<OddBird> i.e. beastboy's beast
<Blooderfly> so a large blade  25 and the moving is 25
<Blooderfly> nope
<Lamuness> aw///
<Blooderfly> you move the metal wit your body
<[CB1]Gun> think they get a bow bonus
<Lamuness> I wanted to make a flamethrower...
<Blooderfly> so dc 50 for your chainsaw lol
<[CB1]Gun> hey I made 30 ;)
<Lamuness> Hey, can I disconnect the metal from my body?
<Blooderfly> hold on
<Blooderfly> no
<Blooderfly> its apart of you so no
<[CB1]Gun> you can mold other metals
<Lamuness> darn... there goes the boomerang blade...
<Blooderfly> but you can put a pocket in your armor
<Blooderfly> lol
<Blooderfly> dc 15
<[CB1]Gun> we have to re-explain your uber powers too often
<Lamuness> I can wrap myself around you
<Blooderfly> and no cant change other metals
<[CB1]Gun> we've done that with a lump of coal in jail
<Blooderfly> only his own
<Lamuness> then I can be your armor
<Blooderfly> tin man cant change other metals
<Blooderfly> only their own
<[CB1]Gun> you plan to kill her huh
<Blooderfly> but they can do so muchw ith their own based on your Body
<Blooderfly> whats yoru body stat lam
<[CB1]Gun> 8
<Lamuness> that's it... I'm going to kill everyone next session
<Blooderfly> hmm.. yea you can make a 30cm squared sheet of something
<Verifex> If you were naked, you could use your metal from your arms and legs to create some clothing.
<Lamuness> baking pan....
<OddBird> Samurai Armor
<Blooderfly> yea
<Blooderfly> yea a bakeing pan
<Blooderfly> lol
<Lamuness> you're all dead next session
<OddBird> LOL
<Blooderfly> would take a while though
<Lamuness> I'm going to provoke ALL the Zobos
<[CB1]Gun> you know I can kill you faster right?
<Blooderfly> you can sheet your torso
<Verifex> Remember that next time you happen to be in a turkish prison.
<Blooderfly> cant
<Blooderfly> cant sheet your torso
<Lamuness> I'll escape unscatched
<OddBird> Actually I have a really good plan for the next session
<Blooderfly> only legs and arms
<Lamuness> Can I turn into an iron maiden?
<Blooderfly> ohh and it takes 11 rounds to fully armor yoruselves
<OddBird> Fex, is there a door to that hallway?
<[CB1]Gun> I really doubt that OB....let me guess mind control?
<Blooderfly> no that would require your chest
<OddBird> no Gun
<Blooderfly> and you cant change your torso
<Lamuness> where are my bullets Bloody???
<OddBird> Verifex, is there a door to the hallway where the baddies are?
<Blooderfly> where is my millspec book
<[CB1]Gun> ok OB allow me to retort.....AG's bomb on your arrow
<Rorschach> Just get your arms and legs to connect and form a huge spiked rolling ball thing like that metal thing in the Mortal Kombat movie.
<OddBird> lol Gun
<Verifex> I suppose you could turn into an iron maiden, but it couldn't be a full one, you don't have that much hexite in your arms and legs.
<Blooderfly> LMAO i love how it says an axe.. or a simple gun a tinman can do...  but an full engine block is outta the question
<Verifex> (no, all the doors are missing, just doorways everywhere.
<OddBird> ahh, okay
<Lamuness> How do I become more tin?
<[CB1]Gun> don't laugh OB that bomb is DC6 over 5m
<Blooderfly> raise your body stat
<Lamuness> I want this stuff all over my body
<Lamuness> I want to be able to turn into a car
<Blooderfly> its all over your body
<OddBird> not laughing at the bomb, laughing at the idea of shooting it on an arrow
<Blooderfly> you just can change your torso
<Blooderfly> only legs and arms
<Blooderfly> thats the limits of your ability
<Blooderfly> you can armor your chest
<Blooderfly> but thats it
<[CB1]Gun> also I still have cocktails
<Rorschach> I could always denote it with my bolt.
<Blooderfly> your not a tin version of Gumbi
<Lamuness> no!  I'm going to turn my whole body into tin!
<Lamuness> everything will become tin! everything!
<Verifex> Lamu, you are not t2000
<Blooderfly> you could encase yourself
<OddBird> that could work, Rorschach, since you can bend and direct your wire.
<Verifex> er.. t1000..
<Blooderfly> but the sheat would be small
<Blooderfly> sheet would be thin
<OddBird> Toss it around the corner, send the bolt around to detotnate it
<Verifex> Your brain and internal organs are not hexite.
<Blooderfly> and youd have to have hella high stats
<Lamuness> I just need to inject more nano thingies into my body
<Blooderfly> nope they wont work together
<Lamuness> >_<  I too can become a transformer!
<Rorschach> Get a stronger dosage of AIDS from Gun.
<Blooderfly> same reason why I cant alchy your nanites
* [CB1]Gun actually had a thought of SS on the roof shooting thru windows with the use of sonar with the bends
<Lamuness> O_O  More than meets the eye
* OddBird is rofling like crazy at Lammy
<Blooderfly> but
<Blooderfly> with proper specks... I can alchy a robot and have our wizard control it
<Blooderfly> wouldhave to be part by part
<[CB1]Gun> lot's of tech and int rolls
<Rorschach> You should alchy me a solar battery.
<Blooderfly> thats fine
<Lamuness> I've got an idea
<Blooderfly> two of my high skills
<OddBird> what's the range on the sonic stun, Fex
<[CB1]Gun> then why did you fuckers want to do zobos!?!?!
<Lamuness> Bloody can wear me like an armor.  I'll form my arms into rifles or something
<Blooderfly> .. I cant
<Lamuness> then Bloody can run around shooting people
<OddBird> LOL
<Blooderfly> your torso cannot shape
<Blooderfly> legs and arms only
<Lamuness> my torso will cover your torso
<OddBird> piggyback ride
<OddBird> xD
<Blooderfly> ..... that would be odd cosidering im stealth
<Blooderfly> carrying a big peice of shiny metal
<Lamuness> lol
<[CB1]Gun> anywas....what's you plan OB? ;p
<Rorschach> Lamu, I'll wear you. You can use your arms to be my wires.
<Lamuness> ;p
<[CB1]Gun> SS would kill lammy of course
<OddBird> Fex disappeared
<[CB1]Gun> one shot and he fly down the stairs like a Slinkie
<Verifex> yes
<[CB1]Gun> fap man1
<OddBird> how far does the sonic stun reach
<Verifex> I'm fapping for jesus
<OddBird> what's the range on that
<[CB1]Gun> 10 + body thingie ;p
<[CB1]Gun> +3 fex
<Lamuness> veri's making jesus juice....
Blooderfly left the room.
<OddBird> wowwww.
<[CB1]Gun> every sperm is saaacreeed
<OddBird> 10 + body stat, Gun? meters, feet...?
<[CB1]Gun> and mine is uber AIDs
<[CB1]Gun> meter I think
<OddBird> how far down the hallway are those guys?
<[CB1]Gun> guessing 15m
<Verifex> farther then that
<OddBird> how far though?
<[CB1]Gun> anyways the sonic is like a 1/15 shot
<Lamuness> I'm going to make Baraka blades
<[CB1]Gun> if that
<OddBird> 1/15 shot? How so?
<[CB1]Gun> cuz would need to roll a 15 damage to make it work
<Verifex> After taking out your measuring tape, you find that it seems they are further down then the tape goes...
<OddBird> fucking measuring tape.
<OddBird> are you serious? How would I have to roll 15 damage for it to work
<OddBird> that's insane
<[CB1]Gun> they're like 30 body
<OddBird> I can add luck to a damage roll though
<[CB1]Gun> now you see why we need the ass.rifles
<[CB1]Gun> no you can't
<Verifex> Ass rilfes?
<OddBird> assault
<[CB1]Gun> assualt
<[CB1]Gun> a must
<Verifex> oh...
<Rorschach> asslut
<OddBird> well I was thinking stun them and then let ag go to town with his submachinegun
<OddBird> pop out, stun, 30 bullet spray, back to hiding
<[CB1]Gun> it's only DC3 :P
<[CB1]Gun> and we only need to kill the one
<OddBird> yeah, but 30 bullet at 3 damage is 90 total
<OddBird> :P
<[CB1]Gun> well epic fail I'm sure you can pull off a 15
<OddBird> hehehe
<OddBird> well I didn't know they had 30 body
<[CB1]Gun> ......did you see what we did before they slept?
<OddBird> tonight?
<[CB1]Gun> btw fly has a stun gun with pistol range
<Lamuness> we need the laser gun..
<[CB1]Gun> cap gun indeed
<[CB1]Gun> but I should get it :P
<Lamuness> mine!
<OddBird> that could be useful. She could pop out and stun that pistol guy, then titan and rorscach could handle the one guy
<[CB1]Gun> let's go with my plan for once ;p
<OddBird> what is yours
<OddBird> and we always go with yours, this zobo thing is like first time we've deviated
<[CB1]Gun> also SS can only get so much charge
<Lamuness> whatever you say Bob
<OddBird> true, he can only do like 6 or 7 DC from that distance
<OddBird> let's hear this plan
<[CB1]Gun> last "plan" of mine was stay on the highway to combat zone
<Lamuness> xD
<Verifex> hahahahaha
<[CB1]Gun> arrow with remote bomb, cocktails, bolts, tazer gun, all at one guy
<[CB1]Gun> so simple you still might fuck it up
<OddBird> who, pistol guy?
<[CB1]Gun> duh
<[CB1]Gun> it's mr cane again
<Lamuness> hey Veri
<OddBird> sounds fine to me, Fex, is the arrow attached to C4 feasible?
<[CB1]Gun> tie it on with garbage
<[CB1]Gun> alchy can weld it
<OddBird> right, but I'm thinking "will it fly"
<Verifex> uhhh sure...
<OddBird> okay cool
<Verifex> but what is going to make it explode?
<[CB1]Gun> aim high and I'm just trying to get it far down the hall
<[CB1]Gun> remote
<Lamuness> Veri, do you want to make a game?
<OddBird> if we've got a remote for it then should be good there
<Verifex> Make a game?  Like what kind?
<Lamuness> <.<  text based rpg...
<[CB1]Gun> or can do timer
<Verifex> As long as it's firmly attached, sure.
<[CB1]Gun> and we got 3 shotguns
<Verifex> Yeah that would be fun, I wanna make MMO Rogue
<OddBird> sweet. Arrow with C4 is good then, with bolts and etc shortly following.
<OddBird> Can we run out, fire, and run back within our turn?
<Verifex> I just want to mention something..
<Verifex> I know that you probably haven't fired a real bow-arrow.. (neither have I)
<[CB1]Gun> BUT here's where a bit of planning comes in....SS does a around the bend shot for OB's cover
* OddBird has.
<OddBird> I was pretty good with it, sold my old bow for my current bed. :P
<Verifex> but, I'm willing to bet that putting something like a pack of C4 and a remote detonation device on an arrow is probably going to adversely affect the ability of that arrow to hit anything..
<OddBird> that was why I asked if it would fly
<OddBird> but if it can fly, it doesn't have to hit anything, just land near them
<[CB1]Gun> doesn't have to hit, just needs to get down there
<Lamuness> lol
<Verifex> The only problem is...
<Lamuness> time for bed!
<Lamuness> g'nite
<OddBird> night Lammy
<Verifex> Your C4 has a remote detonator and a timer, you would need a smaller version of those things..
Lamuness left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> don't care too much, just need a bomb down the hall as far as we can get
<Verifex> Goodnight everybody!
<OddBird> what if we remove the timer and just use the detonator
<[CB1]Gun> tho it is true SS could bolt it...
<[CB1]Gun> but making that hit ugh
<OddBird> yeah
<[CB1]Gun> ok how about we stick it on one of my molotovs?
<Verifex> If you want to modify the explosive beyond it's basic elements, you'll probably need Haruka to help.
<[CB1]Gun> lammy(if he gets his head out his steel ass!) can throw it hard
<OddBird> I wonder if tossing it over would work any better
<OddBird> can't get Haruka to help, we're not bringing her back in
<[CB1]Gun> she's a scared
<Verifex> Why?
<[CB1]Gun> why not....
<OddBird> 1 HP left, and we gotta get out with everyone good to get extra IP ;)
<[CB1]Gun> oh! got to ask....can we buy riot shields? ;)
<OddBird> Arrow would probably fly okay without the timer, and Lammy could throw it, so somehow we could get that C4 down there
<[CB1]Gun> or hope your snake loves you ;)
Blooderfly has joined the room.
<OddBird> ooh, we could throw the C4 down there and then I could send my snake to push the button!
<OddBird> No more snake, but no more bad guys too! xD
<Blooderfly> bleh meh bored.. im on my nwn game spammig my summon spell to level it cause noboy is on
<OddBird> I would join you if I weren't on dialup
<[CB1]Gun> no no snake carries the bomb
<OddBird> tie the bomb to the snake
<OddBird> ?
<[CB1]Gun> no he just pushes it all the way down then runs back
<OddBird> That would be fine too, as I have a spare gene
<OddBird> oh gotcha
<OddBird> spare template* for exotic or extinct animal
<[CB1]Gun> unless the sling and make it there
<OddBird> hey Fex, think I could make a velociraptor?
<Rorschach> Make a rhinoceros.
<OddBird> raptor is so much cooler.
<Rorschach> You can't use a raptor as a mount.
<OddBird> why would I want a mount?
<Verifex> Maybe I'll send a raptor to get you.
<OddBird> Awesome, I've planned for this day
<[CB1]Gun> Fly! you have to stay in that room and Striptape bind the zobos ;)
<Rorschach> Because no one fucks with a kid riding on top of a rhinoceros.
<Blooderfly> huh?
<[CB1]Gun> lion dude
<Blooderfly> shes heading back to the safe house
<[CB1]Gun> I've planned to throw bodies out the window from the begining
<Blooderfly> why are we here int he first place?
<OddBird> you haven't done anything yet though
<Rorschach> BEcause of Titan.
<[CB1]Gun> hakai needs ppl to copy
<Rorschach> He used his leadership stat on us.
<Blooderfly> no i mean what was the purpose?
<Rorschach> To fuck around..
<Blooderfly> was there something here we wanted?
<[CB1]Gun> also cuz NO ONE LISTENS TO ME! *cries*
<OddBird> looting and action
* OddBird collects Gun's tears into a vial
* Rorschach starts the bidding a 10 CBD.
<[CB1]Gun> shit that's TAIDs
<OddBird> awesome, we'll throw that down there with the C4
<OddBird> Aids + explosion
<[CB1]Gun> but we do need bodies
<OddBird> I agree with dumping the bodies from the window
<[CB1]Gun> of course you do
<OddBird> hush you or I'll help you
<[CB1]Gun> plus fly you have to stay and tazer gun some dudes
<Blooderfly> whys that?
<[CB1]Gun> you get the smart job ;p
<Blooderfly> smart job?
<Rorschach> Like a blowjob..
<Rorschach> Only with your mind.
<Blooderfly> ....
<[CB1]Gun> cuz the zobo lord is just down the hall and we need him hurt ;p
<Rorschach> Gun gimme a smartjob.
<OddBird> unpossible
<[CB1]Gun> we got bombs and molotovs
<OddBird> I wonder if those sleepballs have to hit them to effect them
<[CB1]Gun> omg almost forgot....AG can hack the elevator
<OddBird> or if vicinity causes drowsiness
<OddBird> oo you are right
<Blooderfly> is the place vented?
<OddBird> dunno
<[CB1]Gun> doubt it
<[CB1]Gun> it's ruined and bombed
<Blooderfly> then theres holes everywhere that works
<Blooderfly> give me the gas mask... and the sleepers
<Blooderfly> you guys get out
<OddBird> you can fire 1 per round...
<Blooderfly> let me break down to air the sleep boms
<Blooderfly> I can fire an eentire bag full
<[CB1]Gun> no no takes like 15 shots to take down one guy alone
<Blooderfly> yes.. but if the whole building is infested with the stuff
<Blooderfly> and they are breathing it in then what?
<OddBird> ....and you will do this how
<[CB1]Gun> we only got 2 gas masks and then we'd have to come back :P
<Blooderfly> if I make the liquid inside the paintballs into a gas it would perferate the building
<Blooderfly> how longs the sleep effect?
<[CB1]Gun> no clue
<Blooderfly> well...which of you has the best joch?
<[CB1]Gun> no to hard press gambles
<Blooderfly> or hell which of you can slit throats fastest
<Blooderfly> i would say almu
<[CB1]Gun> would be lammy with 7
<Blooderfly> okay me and lammy go in
<Blooderfly> i gas the building and leave
<[CB1]Gun> ....-.- no
<Blooderfly> give one of you guys the mask
<Blooderfly> you two go and off everyone
<[CB1]Gun> trust me won't work and you might die
<Blooderfly> then whats your idea?
<[CB1]Gun> comeback with 3 ass.rifles after you start making diamonds ;p
<Blooderfly> need to find me some coal first
<[CB1]Gun> THEN we come in thru the roof
<OddBird> Nem has tons of sugar, which is carbon based
<OddBird> use that
<Blooderfly> when was the last time nem was around?
<[CB1]Gun> we can go buy coal
<OddBird> been a while
<[CB1]Gun> months
<[CB1]Gun> plus he sucked alchy wise
<OddBird> yah. He made a hard stone or crystal from it already
<OddBird> so you coudl always refine that and make it into a weapon
<[CB1]Gun> we can steal it from him at the safehouse
<Blooderfly> who has the bow?
<[CB1]Gun> OB
<Blooderfly> I can make him arsinic arrows
<[CB1]Gun> later
<[CB1]Gun> make those steel balls tho as that's DC6
<Verifex> hey OB, did you email me the chat log?
<Blooderfly> .. for a ball?
<[CB1]Gun> I did
<OddBird> no, Gun said he did
<[CB1]Gun> steel sling ball gotta hurt
<OddBird> I still have it, mind you
<OddBird> but I didn't email it
<Verifex> oh ok cool then
<OddBird> to bed with me, it's 3:30 AM
* OddBird is gone
OddBird left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> should save those ideas huh ;p
<Verifex> indeed..
<Blooderfly> ?
<[CB1]Gun> anyways fly remember next time you have to bind the zobos and taze the zobo lord
<Blooderfly> how am i going to do that from the safe house?
<[CB1]Gun> safe house later, hakai is getting the van
<Blooderfly> umm... most likley safe house now...
<Blooderfly> shes already gone agianst character
<Blooderfly> shes stealth and this has turned into an all out ruckus
<[CB1]Gun> don't you want hakai to shift into an adult and buy you ingredient?
<Blooderfly> dont need ingredient... need milspec books
<[CB1]Gun> need both
<Blooderfly> can make ingredients
<[CB1]Gun> don't think with you dick that's our job ;)
<Blooderfly> what dick?
<[CB1]Gun> if we don't get at least one body this whole shitty winged party was for nothing
<Blooderfly> theres bodies int he room
<[CB1]Gun> yes, you have the bind one and throw it out the window
<[CB1]Gun> lammy can help
<Blooderfly> i dont have the joch to throw a person outta window
<[CB1]Gun> ^^
<[CB1]Gun> but I do need you to try one tazer shot
<Blooderfly> on who?
<[CB1]Gun> the zobo lord
<Blooderfly> dont we have a shocker guy for that?
<[CB1]Gun> he's taking pot shots at us atm and might even hit you
<Blooderfly> If I get my arse outta the window he wont be. Ninja down the rope
<[CB1]Gun> his body score goes down by 2 each hit so more hits, more chances to stun
<[CB1]Gun> pg 152
<[CB1]Gun> anyways we deff need an great ID for hakai or her powers are pointless
<Blooderfly> okay well first off, Blooderfly has no idea what her powers are
<Blooderfly> nor what half of the partys powers are at that
<[CB1]Gun> fine I'll leadership roll you
<Blooderfly> second, why are we goingt hrough all this with thw zombos when we coulda found a single person out and about
<Blooderfly> honestly with whats been going on this isnt an act of indecisivness
<[CB1]Gun> some of these zobos are former corps and have ID and info
<Blooderfly> which is what the leadership is for. this is an act of get the hell out which is what her yogang is all about
<Blooderfly> then this was gone about all wrong then
<[CB1]Gun> duuuuuh
<[CB1]Gun> that's why I piss and moan so much ;) trying to make the best of it
<Blooderfly> thisd shoulda been  a Blooder, Titan, and hakai mission
<Blooderfly> titan to scout,
<Blooderfly> blooder to incapacitate
<Blooderfly> and hakai to shape
<[CB1]Gun> already figured it out ;)
<Blooderfly> once she was shaped she woulda been able to cpup de gra the rest
<Blooderfly> walk up acting like shes one of them and throat slit easy
<Blooderfly> so.. im sure theres a negative in the leadership in this whole plan
<[CB1]Gun> wouldn't chance it, best she gets us beer and w/e else
<[CB1]Gun> like a lab kit for you maybe
<Blooderfly> see from my understanding getting all this high power stuff and the like is not what this is about
<[CB1]Gun> that stuff is way in the future and mainly meant for taking the zobos
<Blooderfly> I thought we were sopposed to be usin our heads... a gorup of what 8 teens going up agianst armed adults...  to get something special...  at this point Blooder better get some form of backing when she says shes needs it
<Blooderfly> cause Ima see about making a emp roll, in the form aof fear and seeing if she would run
<Blooderfly> like I said this is way agianst what her yogang would do
<[CB1]Gun> first item on the list is the SmartDoc(a must!) if that makes you happy ;p
<Blooderfly> and since alchys show no signs of the carbon plegue she could easily go home and just continue being a normal kid
<[CB1]Gun> tying to get you guys the v-term
<Blooderfly> why do I need a Vterm, unless you get a milspec prog
<[CB1]Gun> bingo
<[CB1]Gun> hack the programs
<Blooderfly> and how you plan on gettinga  milspec prog?
<[CB1]Gun> hack with programs too
<[CB1]Gun> we got code guns and nanofactory might as well use them
<Blooderfly> fex has already said, that near the only way to get the milspec would be to find a runner willing to teach.. cause do to the bueclarc people millspec things are under lock and key
<[CB1]Gun> and a v-term or adult hakai couldn't help with that?
<[CB1]Gun> could buy our way into their hearts with products we make too
<Blooderfly> not realy would require hella high hack skills to get in. and adult hakai would not have the knowledge of the shift just the appearance.. and more so a runner would be able to see whats going on through hakais shape
<[CB1]Gun> .....aren't you the one who wants to make acid from thin air? ;)
<Blooderfly> thats basic chem and its not outta thin air.. she has rubber and rust
<[CB1]Gun> how could you hate the idea of a fat v-term and perfect flase ID
<Blooderfly> which gives her the base the things she needs.
<Blooderfly> personally We should all be dead now... Fex is going way to easy on us to begin with
<[CB1]Gun> naw the zobos are lame in terms of damage
<Blooderfly> my thoughts are you guys are trying to reach your hands to deep intot he snakes pit
<[CB1]Gun> they are not me
<Blooderfly> and thats why blooder wants to go back to the haven
<[CB1]Gun> just dump the bodies, it's on your way out ;p
<Blooderfly> see any other game I would have played by this point some type of law would have already come to the  place we are at
<Blooderfly> the sound of auto fire  people scaling walls outside
<[CB1]Gun> more reason to throw bodies
<Verifex> hehehe Blooderfly, you must have missed the fact that you are in what is deemed the "combat zone"
<Blooderfly> define combat zone
<[CB1]Gun> hey we can use the bodies as pillows for a fall
<[CB1]Gun> bombers comeby and drop a payload sometimes
<Blooderfly> if the corp is trying their hardest to to catch those of us that have the plegue.. wouldnt they use their resources to come here as well
<Blooderfly> witht he resources they have a good napalm would cleans this place and think nothing of it..
<Blooderfly> or am I thinking way to deep with players of this magnitude?
<[CB1]Gun> and that's why we doubt the place has a duct ;)
<Blooderfly> you say holes and the like that would work just as well
<[CB1]Gun> ask fex about the holes not me
<Verifex> a lawless place that even cops don't usually tread into, it used to be part of night city proper, but organized crime took it over long ago, then the city decided to fight back against organized crime and managed to defeat it.  But after all of that, the Collapse, happened...
<Blooderfly> okay fex... mathimatical on the fly... a building this size, Ag's paint balls.. tagged to airborn
<Verifex> The collapse was terrible economic collapse that bankrupt city and state governments...
<Blooderfly> how much of the building would get exposed and hoe much to down people
<Verifex> BASICALLY... the combat zone is equivilant to the wild west
<Blooderfly> if i need to roll a schoolin + int for fly to figure it out in her head i will
<Verifex> It's not a good place to stay for very long because there is a much better chance of you getting fragged from a random rocket.
<Blooderfly> okay then I understand the comabt zone
<Blooderfly> how about my plan?
<Verifex> Anyways, if you are interested, the last part of the book has the entire history of cybergen in it, it's basically an "alternate" history to the one we all know
<[CB1]Gun> you would have to consider the plan too little too late at this point
<Verifex> what plan?
<Blooderfly> alchy ag's back of sleep balls intot he air int he building... to sleepy the zobbos
<Blooderfly> have two in masks come back in and offem in their sleep
<Blooderfly> no more gun fire.. no more loudness or stupidity.. lam and Gun would be able to have their kills
<Verifex> You could  try it...
<[CB1]Gun> take some time to make that and OB has a shit load of drug balls btw
<Verifex> but keep in mind, these large buildings aren't quite the same as large buildings of the 20th century, they don't all necessarily have all the amenities that normal buildings do, like A/C and power..
<Blooderfly> ahh thats fine
<[CB1]Gun> but I like I said the zobo lord is right down the hall, kill him
<Blooderfly> bBUT no doors and combat zone the buildings are pretty much trash
<Blooderfly> so they have holes and the rooms are open
<[CB1]Gun> would be a shit load of flow and from up high
<Blooderfly> hell.. moving on the the big zobo..  give me the balls.. alchy them into one good concentrated one and give to the arrow guy
<Blooderfly> arrow heads with that huge dc the bow does on top of the drugs he should go down pretty fast
<[CB1]Gun> OR run away and come back with a potato gun
<[CB1]Gun> save the drug/gas stuff for when we have room to surprise someone
<[CB1]Gun> and I've told OB to use that dam snake to poison someone -.-
<Blooderfly> give me its venum.. ill put it int the weapons
<Blooderfly> the next mission fly is prolly gonna skip
<[CB1]Gun> talk to OB, we seem to think the poison PB gel on an arrow is enough
<[CB1]Gun> not some much we
<Blooderfly> well look at it this way
<Blooderfly> ... dismantle the metal bladed weapons
<Blooderfly> then reassemble with the venem apart of its make up
<Blooderfly> just dont cut yourself
<[CB1]Gun> AP is enough, put it in you balls
<[CB1]Gun> glass cap filled with poison
Blooderfly left the room.

=> Blooderfly Are you there?
=> Lamuness the static changes slightly, it is still there and painful, but it doesn't seem to be compelling you to do anything now... just sit there
=> AG_Titan the static changes slightly, it is still there and painful, but it doesn't seem to be compelling you to do anything now... just sit there
=> Blooderfly the static changes slightly, it is still there and painful, but it doesn't seem to be compelling you to do anything now... just sit there
=> Rorschach the static changes slightly, it is still there and painful, but it doesn't seem to be compelling you to do anything now... just sit there
<AG_Titan> wait do i still have control of myself
=> AG_Titan yes, that was the wrong PM :)
<AG_Titan> ok thought so
=> OddBird I'm assuming you are still jamming.. right?
<OddBird> I suppose. I intend to re-roll on my turn to try and stop it
<OddBird> if I successfully jam, it'll stop affecting everyone, right?
=> OddBird Not necessarily...
=> OddBird You are transmitting the same sound that it was, but now it doesn't have any distinguishing pattern
<OddBird> can I use my turn to identify the pattern?
<OddBird> and would that be a turn-removing action, or could I still move/fight?
=> OddBird You can try, but considering it's just static, it has a high difficulty.
=> OddBird It would take multiple turns to figure this one out... at your skill level.  probably 3
=> OddBird That is, if you successfully pass the rolls :)
<OddBird> and they are high rolls?
=> OddBird yes
<OddBird> sigh. and here I used all my luck on an unlucky fail.
<OddBird> high? *cringes*
=> OddBird 30
<OddBird> damn.
<OddBird> I think I'll stick with my current jamming for myself and go into combat
=> OddBird Since you are performing two actions, you will get -4 to attack.
<OddBird> Heh. Damned if I do, damned if I don't. I get a penalty to attack without jamming,  a penalty to attack with it xD
<Blooderfly> would it be alright if when we are at the safehouse I do a write up with rolls and the like simulating her training)
=> Blooderfly Sure if you want, that would be awesome.
<Blooderfly> that way theres a log of what she tryes with and the like as well as a possibility to have her train her ability
=> Blooderfly yes, it would be awesome.

Alright, so Gun, you are looking at the guy in front of you, about to
attack, and from this angle, you can see out the room down the hallway,
and you can see a couple people just walked into the elevator lobby at
the end of the hallway. You can't tell any more details then that as
it's just a glance.

<Verifex> You don't actually know how many it was, care to glance again?
=> Verifex not yet
<Verifex> You start to hear a faint sound of static entering your mind.
All you can hear are slight veberations of static, nothing
decipherable, although you can read everyones mind in the party.

=> Verifex meant more sheilding the group
<Verifex> Not really, you can't do anything like that

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