Friday, January 23, 2009

0017 CB CyberGen Session (deifeln only)

Private messages:

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<deifeln> you on?

=> deifeln yes, but I was about to go to lunch.. 

<deifeln> np

=> deifeln you wanted that adventure right?

<deifeln> yes

<deifeln> I will be gone from 6-8 server time (in class)

<deifeln> when is the rescheduled game?

=> deifeln alright, well its supposed to be tonight

<deifeln> time?

=> deifeln around 8:30 or so (server time I think)

<deifeln> what time do you have right now?

<deifeln> 4:00 here

=> deifeln 1pm

<deifeln> ok

<deifeln> so 5:30 your time?

=> deifeln alright, yes, or maybe a little later..

=> deifeln it's kinda slow here today so I could probably take a few minutes to do it :)

<deifeln> you sure?

=> deifeln but I'm starving.. so if you are here when I get back we can do it

<deifeln> ok

=> deifeln yeah sure.. as long as nothing catches on fire that I need to take care of

<deifeln> will be here till 5:30

<deifeln> :o)

=> deifeln okay, I should be back before then

<deifeln> sweet

=> deifeln brb

<deifeln> well fed yet? :o)

=> deifeln heya back

=> deifeln okay, so you are a squat

<deifeln> yes

<deifeln> I like digging in trash

=> deifeln ok hang on a second, my boss is around here

<deifeln> and finding stuff

<deifeln> np

=> deifeln Alrighty, so you are on a street corner of the run-down industrial side of Night City..

<deifeln> ok

<deifeln> so what do I do?

=> deifeln you have been running for a few days trying to escape BuReLoc  teams, and you have personally seen two of your fellow squats get gunned down in automatic weapon fire from corpsec

<deifeln> eww

<deifeln> so I'm on the run...did we do something wrong?

=> deifeln You just approached a V-Term and a virtuality sim pops up, the man in the virtuality introduces himself as Morgan Blackhand, he is a dark complexion guy with a large trenchcoat.

* deifeln jumps back

<deifeln> Hello?

=> deifeln You are a kid, and you live in Night City, that is enough reason for them to round you up and put you in a BuReLoc camp (bureu of relocation) and put you to work for the corps.

=> deifeln However, you've managed to escape them barely...

=> deifeln (hang on a second, need to get something to read to you)

<deifeln> ok

=> deifeln Morgan says, "If you're accessing this, it's because you're one of the lucky ones.. so far the Dead Boys and Zombie Girls haven't rounded you up yet"

=> deifeln "The Clarkers or Finals haven't managed to put you in a BuReloc camp yet"

=> deifeln "and the Edgers haven't drafted you into carting a Scorpian missle pack in a suicidal attempt to drop President Whindams private Aerodyne."

=> deifeln "You're free and clear, and you're still able to run..."

=> deifeln "Now the bad news, you're probably somewhere between 8 and 18, you're a juveganger without big guns, big euro, big cyberwear or big connections..."

=> deifeln "for the last few months you've been running safe with your goboys, hiding in the ventilation ducts of an Arco, pushing a cyberbike with a gogang, thrashing turf on a smartboard or maybe just slipping out of corpzone conapt to raise hell with the corporate dead boys.."

=> deifeln "now you're out in the open, scared... maybe you've just watched a fellow goboy, or maybe your whole yogang, go down in a hail of rocket-powered , explosive-tipped "genies" or maybe someone you know real well has just charfed up a liquid mercury lunch and you watched his skin turn metal before your eyes..."

=> deifeln "So you ran, and kept running, and maybe they kept following you, with their Genius Guns, spinners, and cyberhounds..."

=> deifeln "Or maybe its not so simple, maybe you're starting to feel sick yourself.."

=> deifeln (you have been coughing a lot in the past few hours)

=> deifeln "Your skin's starting to itch, or your head hurts so bad you think you just wanna smash it against the pavewalk and let your brains leak out.."

=> deifeln "Stop. Easy, now"

=> deifeln "Somehow you got this far.."

=> deifeln The image pans back to show a huge dark guy with old-fashioned mirrorshades and a n armor trench, in full three-dee no shit virtuality..

=> deifeln "Like I said, my name's Morgan Blackhand, if you know my name you know i'm here to help you.."

=> deifeln "Thats what I do, I help juves like you, I've done it before and I'm going to do it again."

=> deifeln The image of Morgan rezzes a bit while the scangrid n the V-Term scans and verifies your identity

=> deifeln About a minute or two later, Morgan starts talking again...

=> deifeln "Hmmm... we got a sorry buncha juves here... not enough weapons to make a stand, and not enough contacts to put CorpSec off your trail..."

=> deifeln "I just accessed the virtual datanet while you were being scanned, and it doesn't look good..."

=> deifeln "It's going to be at least 2 days before the Streets gunna cool off enough for you to show your faces..."

=> deifeln "CorpSec is combing the area right now looking for you, thats right YOU."

=> deifeln "I've delayed them a while by scambling their communications, but it won't work forever..."

=> deifeln "Grab your stuff. I'm gunna sneak you out to a safehouse, a place where CorpSec'll never look."

=> deifeln "It's not too far from here, and if you keep your brains out of your jockstraps, you oughta make it no problem."

=> deifeln "But I'm warning you, try to play hero, and I promise you'll have ever heavily armed CorpSec goon in the City right down on your ass. They're armed to the teeth, and they'll shoot to kill"

=> deifeln A map spits out of the slot in the v-term, it shows a small group of buildings

<deifeln> got it

=> deifeln with a carefully defined path to follow

=> deifeln There are a few other squats from your yogang here as well, each grabs a copy of the map.

=> deifeln "if you get grabbed along the way, tear it in half and it'll destroy itself..

=> deifeln "If one of you gets grabbed, the rest of you keep moving, you're not the only juves we're shuffling through tonight."

=> deifeln "The organization is working overtime to beat this CorpSec bust. We never thought they'd go this far---rounding up an entire block fulla juves.."

=> deifeln "I bet some of you bright boys are thinking, "Hey, why should I trust this guy? He's just a virtuality Sim, this could be a trip!"

=> deifeln "I got one thing to say to you: In five minutes the CorpSec armor is gunna be crawling this corner like fleas, You think you got any choice?"

<deifeln> guess not

=> deifeln "Enough talk, get outta here!" and the image of Morgan disappears

=> deifeln What do you do?

<deifeln> I've never done this before

<deifeln> I run west

<deifeln> ?

=> deifeln Are you going to follow the map?

<deifeln> yes

=> deifeln A path is defined on the map of which way to go.

=> deifeln Okay, you follow along the path, it leads through a number of alleys and sidestreets

<deifeln> I don't see a path...I start at M6

<deifeln> ok

=> deifeln Are you looking at the map on the wiki?

<deifeln> yes


=> deifeln Ok, thats a different map, your map has lines drawn on it, and it shows a circular section in the middle that is where you are currently.

<deifeln> ok

<deifeln> where is that?

<deifeln> on wiki?

=> deifeln It's not on Wiki, sorry!

<deifeln> in pdf?

=> deifeln But just trust me, I can walk you through it.

<deifeln> ok

<deifeln> I'm following the map

<deifeln> :o)

=> deifeln The area you are in currently is street corner next to a courtyard next to a big abandoned mill of some kind.

=> deifeln The map seems to lead right through the courtyard and behind the building

<deifeln> follow it through the courtyard

=> deifeln You follow along the path on the map and your other friends follow..

=> deifeln As you turn the corner behind the building you hear the sound of a loud spinner zoom by overhead (spinner is a flying car, typically used as police or corp transport)

=> deifeln Your nerves tense up a bit, as the spinners also seem to all sport large calibur machine guns mounted to the bottom section.

=> deifeln Do you keep following the map?

<deifeln> yes

=> deifeln You follow it into an alley, and over a couple open dumpsters

<deifeln> ohhh

<deifeln> can I scrounge?

=> deifeln some of your squat friends stop and rummage a bit through

=> deifeln Sure

<deifeln> do I do that?

=> deifeln You just tell me what you wanna do, and I tell you what comes of it :)

<deifeln> Ok I want to scrounge in a dumpster and hide in it until the spinner leaves

=> deifeln You scrounge through the dumpster and duck when a spinner passes.

<deifeln> do I find anything?

=> deifeln You manage to find a couple old pizza boxes and some used up rolls of duct tape

=> deifeln Also a couple ratty looking sweaters

<deifeln> eat any pizza that is there ad throw the duct tape in my bag. I'd live to wear the rattiiest sweater there is

=> deifeln It appears as though this was another squats home at some point in the recent past..

<deifeln> ?

<deifeln> ok...I don't want to steal from him...if it is his stuff

=> deifeln The pizza is gone, but just by knowing what you do, you can tell someone was hanging out in that dumpster

<deifeln> ok

=> deifeln Not now, but recently.. they have gone since..

<deifeln> I'll leave his stuff ...lets finish following the map

=> deifeln Okay, you head through a intersection and back into another alley.

=> deifeln One of the kids following you stops and checks out one of the street-side V-terms

=> deifeln Just as you enter the alley, you hear some loud metallic noises like a machine gun

* deifeln ducks

=> deifeln Obviously on edge, you instinctively take cover...

=> deifeln You watch as a the street explodes in little chunks from a stream of white streaks hitting it, they seem to be heading towards the V-Term that kid is investigating.

=> deifeln You see him jump out of the way and make a running dash for the alley.

<deifeln> can I save him?

=> deifeln The stream of death seems to follow him slightly, but he makes it into the alley in time..

=> deifeln the building takes heavy damage and chunks of brick and cement fly off in all directions

=> deifeln Are you going to sit there or run?

<deifeln> run

<deifeln> I'm not interested in seeing what was doing th shooting

<deifeln> (I also have class and need to leave in like 10-15)

<deifeln> :o)

=> deifeln You run down the alley and underneath a number of overhead walkways.

No longer speaking in private.

Error: no PM target specified

<deifeln> sorry net hiccup

=> deifeln You hear things exploding behind you as you run, as you glance back, things are being ripped up from some kind of streams of white death hitting the ground (heavy machine gun bullets) and descimating the surrounding street and buildings with shells..

=> deifeln You follow the map into a drainage pipe that seems to connect to another part of the city

=> deifeln Thankfully the exploding death behind you doesn't seem to be gaining on you.

=> deifeln You make your way into a fairly empty street block, and it shows the safehouse on the map about 3 blocks up.

=> deifeln Running will require you losing whatever cover you have from the surrounding buildings,  but there might not be anyone around to see you.. what do you do?

<deifeln> can I get cover from the buldings?

=> deifeln Yes, but it will take a bit longer to get there

<deifeln> I'll run

=> deifeln One of your squat friends decides to go the direct route, and he ducks and puts some of the raggedy clothes over his head..

=> deifeln he manages to make it accross one street without any problem.

=> deifeln You run accross the street, and in the corner of your eye you see a flashing light down the street a block on the intersecting street you had to cross to get closer to the safehouse

<deifeln> I stop

<deifeln> and hide

=> deifeln In the middle of the street?

<deifeln> uhh

<deifeln> I guess not

=> deifeln Keep going or what?

<deifeln> if I make a run for it will I screw over the safe house?

<deifeln> keep going

=> deifeln You aren't sure.

<deifeln> keep rnning then

=> deifeln You keep running, and you hear a loud engine revving sound coming from down the street

=> deifeln you head across the street, you can see the building up ahead, it is nestled between a few large buildings

=> deifeln a few moments later you glance and see a black van with the CorpSec logo on it comes barrelling down the street,

=> deifeln your stomach is in your throat.

=> deifeln You practically piss yourself as you see it veer off down the street, not seeming to notice you.

<deifeln> phew

=> deifeln What do you do?

<deifeln> I enter the safe house

=> deifeln You get closer to the safehouse, and a side panel (not particularlly door-like) opens and you see a young kid, maybe around 8 or 9 let show you and your squats inside..

<deifeln> sweet...can I go to class now? I've done the character sheet thing and have 'visited the mall' I want to play tonight too what room?

=> deifeln Okay, RPG Room

<deifeln> sorry I have to rush out

<deifeln> thanks

=> deifeln okay seeya tonight :)

No longer speaking in private.

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