Friday, January 23, 2009

0003 CB CyberGen Session

Chat Blender 3.1.7 starting...

Existing rooms:

    RPG Room: 5 users

    carnage: 39 users

*** Now in room carnage

- carnage: server grants op status to Verifex

webjunkie has joined the room.

<Verifex> Anyone in the cybergen RPG, please join RPG Room now

-- You are no longer an op in carnage

*** Now in room RPG Room

- RPG Room: server grants op status to Verifex

<Verifex> hello everyone!

<[DH]M'Hael> GYAR

<[CB1]Gun> CS will be gone for hours...and it's GWAR!

* [DH]M'Hael is a smelly pirate hooker

<Verifex> Isn't that nice!

<[CB1]Gun> yar she'll stick carp where the fish does stink

<Verifex> Hmm, theres gotta be something I can eat here

<[DH]M'Hael> whos she?

<[DH]M'Hael> ima dude

<[CB1]Gun> if the price is right yar

<[DH]M'Hael> fexy what happend to my concoction after i found out i was late for work last night and bailed

<Verifex> arrrr

<[CB1]Gun> you poisoned us while we slept

<Verifex> Well, it exploded, sending toxic fumes all over the place

<[DH]M'Hael> yes!

<Verifex> for some reason or another, it sent Bob, Dagger and Jacob into a nanite induced coma..

<[DH]M'Hael> what did it do to me?

<[CB1]Gun> and we pissed Orange Glo

<Verifex> Which thankfully, their little nanite buddies were able to save them from..  (one of the great benefits of being cyberevolved is that you gain 2 HP a day, instead of 1)

novice has joined the room.

<[DH]M'Hael> obviously i didnt concoct sarin like i planned.

<[CB1]Gun> hail comrade nov!

<Verifex> yeah, you aren't really sure what it was..  but it had an odd effect on them..

<novice> hail comrade Gun!

<[DH]M'Hael> oh do i need to ajust my stats according to what the book says as per the alchemist?  it says i get +1 to each stat

<[CB1]Gun> we had a telecolor dream

<Verifex> lol nice try dh

<[DH]M'Hael> it does Verifex

<[DH]M'Hael> go read it

<[DH]M'Hael> ill go look up the page

<Verifex> no, doesn't say anything about that...

<Verifex> however... there are a few people who do get stat bonuses...

<[DH]M'Hael> page 133 in the book(117 on pdf)  under manipulation skill..

<[DH]M'Hael> it says i get +1 to all stats with manipulation skill

<Verifex> no.. it says your manip skill starts at +1, as opposed to starting at 0

<Verifex> everyones skill starts at +1..

<[DH]M'Hael> oh hey...apperently i cant read

<Verifex> now a word about that real quick..

<[DH]M'Hael> NVM!

<Verifex> I kinda wish that all the people who said they would be here... would BE here...  but

<Verifex> I can't babysit everyone...

<Verifex> So, some of you, hopefully all, have some IP already...

<Verifex> you've got a little bit of down-time as you wait it out in the safehouse...

<[CB1]Gun> 30

<[DH]M'Hael> did i get some from last night?  that i wasnt told about?

* [DH]M'Hael assumes he did since he only has 15

<Verifex> Nah, Dax was trying to avoid getting pinned the blame on for all the trouble with the wrecked safehouse accoutrements

<Verifex> You got most of that out of your system, now though..

<[CB1]Gun> (one can only hope)

<Verifex> So anyways, as I was saying

CaptainSquishypants left the room.

<Verifex> You have a few hours, maybe even a day or so...  depending on if CorpSec finds your joint early or not...

<Verifex> To go and spend your IP

<Verifex> Keep in mind, you can't spend your IP anytime you want, you have to spend time "training" similar to studying for a test, or working out in the gym to improve your stats and skills..

<Verifex> none of you will have enough to improve stats yet, so you can either choose to spend them now to improve your skills (including your cybergen skill) or you can save the IP...

<[CB1]Gun> Gym it is...Dax, make us a Bowflex!

<Verifex> The V-term has a very suitable work-out program available if you want it...

<[DH]M'Hael> is its x10 for skills?

<[CB1]Gun> hmmm interesting

<Verifex> yes

<[DH]M'Hael> ok im going to up my manipulate skill since it seems fitting that ive been meddling around with it more than anything else.  ill subtract 20 for skill lvl 2

<Verifex> Okay, good!

<Verifex> Thats exactly what I did when I was an alchemist.. lol

<[CB1]Gun> will genspeak play much of a part?

secharion has joined the room.

<Verifex> I got my manip up to 8 before I improved anything else.. lol

<Verifex> Genspeak is for being able to speak to your friends in front of "adults" without the adults knowing what the fuck you are saying

<[DH]M'Hael> nice

Existing rooms:

    RPG Room: 7 users

    carnage: 42 users

<[CB1]Gun> so pointless for the most part

<Verifex> heh..  if thats what you think..

<secharion> for example?

<[CB1]Gun> well I read thoughts so it's what they think har har

<[DH]M'Hael> LOL

<Verifex> Think of it as the 2 korean guys in line speaking bad of you in your face and you have no idea...

<[DH]M'Hael> damn koreans...

<Verifex> Yes, you can't project your thoughts into their brain though...

<[CB1]Gun> unless fellow scanner

<secharion> rofl

<Verifex> Unless you are talking to a scanner, in which case you can speak with them telepathiclly..

<[DH]M'Hael> scanners rule...

<[CB1]Gun> with this group don't think speaking infront of adults with be the prob....

<Verifex> hehehe, oook

<[CB1]Gun> we'll need collars I swear

<[CB1]Gun> anyways 3 for interp

<Verifex> alrighty gun, you can increase your [REF] skill to +3 any time you want as well, so you can put a +3 in parenthesis next to your ref stat

<Verifex> Godwolf you there?

<Godwolf> ...

<Verifex> hurray..

<[DH]M'Hael> fexy wouldnt it cost 50 points to go to 3 from 1?

<Godwolf> Still eating though

<Verifex> yes it would..

<[CB1]Gun> fine 2

<Verifex> Gun you can only go to 2

<[DH]M'Hael> sorry gun...i was making sure...not tryin to rain on your parade..if that was the case i was gonna sand bag 80 IP

<secharion> if I can interject a question.. what are you talking about?

<[CB1]Gun> yo momma

<Verifex> We are playing CyberGen..  

<Verifex> if you are interested:

<secharion> O.o

<[CB1]Gun> see this is why you can't be a comrade ;p

<Verifex> indeed

<Godwolf> Rof.

<[CB1]Gun> down boy

* Godwolf bites

<secharion> uh-huh..

<[CB1]Gun> oh right we need GW's evolve

<[DH]M'Hael> yes we do!

<Verifex> hang on a second

<[CB1]Gun> if he's scanner I'm Rof'ing

<[DH]M'Hael> im guessing hes gonna be a

<[CB1]Gun> oddly enough he has 8 cool as is....

<[CB1]Gun> he's got 7 INT for that

<[DH]M'Hael> which is odd cause he always wants to "lose" his cool lol

<[CB1]Gun> no shit

<[DH]M'Hael> stab stab, shoot shoot...kill!  Godwolf is my hero.

<[CB1]Gun> no tech, no emp, no luck ;)

<[DH]M'Hael> omg after tonights shift...i have a 5 day weekend at work!  praise Allah

<[CB1]Gun> 2 on fearless leader wtf

<[DH]M'Hael> hahaha

<Godwolf> I'm  scanner

* [CB1]Gun Rols

<[DH]M'Hael> wait did you do your thing already GW?

<Godwolf> What thing?

<[CB1]Gun> RP it out

* Godwolf explores Gun's mind, screaming the word Gopher itno his brain

* [CB1]Gun is a scanner

<[CB1]Gun> did the doctor lady talk to you?

<Verifex> Scanner twins unite!

* Godwolf punches Bob in the foot.

<[CB1]Gun> holy motherfucking god

<Godwolf> I knew he was gonna say that =D

<[DH]M'Hael> bwahahah scanners are OP imo

<[CB1]Gun> anyone get scout?

<Godwolf> OP?

<[DH]M'Hael> overpowered...

<[DH]M'Hael> you would be suprised with what you can do with them

<[CB1]Gun> you would've known that if you were a good scanner :P

<[DH]M'Hael> IMHO, tinmen are the worst.  Scanners are the best.  everything else is inbetween

<Godwolf> Tinmen?

<[DH]M'Hael> they turn their skin to metal

<Verifex> Tinmen are interesting, it can be difficult to play them...

<[CB1]Gun> tinman is good for lammy tho, as he's a thin skater ;)

<[DH]M'Hael> ya gun, true

[Rainy]Blarg has joined the room.

- RPG Room: server grants op status to [Rainy]Blarg

<[CB1]Gun> easy hiding pot

<Godwolf> Tinmen sounds awesome...

<Verifex> Blarg!!

<[CB1]Gun> hey blarg

<[DH]M'Hael> they are really hard to do well.  and scanners are easy and unbeliveably OP

<Verifex> Thank god I was hoping someone else would show up

<[CB1]Gun> heh everyone first wanted tinman but me

<[Rainy]Blarg> hey veri, gun, everyone else

<[DH]M'Hael> B-larg

<[DH]M'Hael> owns you noobs

<[Rainy]Blarg> who me? ;)

<Verifex> blarg!

<[CB1]Gun> mallbrats unite eh

<Verifex> blarg, PM please -->

<Godwolf> Wooo... Nip/Tuck is some crazzzzy stufffff mahhnnnnn

<[Rainy]Blarg> shouldn't you be watching sesame street Gw

<[DH]M'Hael> dude you can make pre-emptive strikes as a scanner...and you can basically see into the future(although its not that at all) by seeing what others are thinking...technically you can be on the rooftop where the bad guy is going to be before he gets there  or you can shoot someone through a wall with your high power gun.  Scanner = op

<[DH]M'Hael> course thats all optimal examples...but it can be sooo good

<[CB1]Gun> yeah yeah

<Godwolf> so...

* Godwolf punches Hael.

<Godwolf> PG Hael!

<[CB1]Gun> ....he's OP in a different way

<Godwolf> Thoughtcrime, TMFW!

<[Rainy]Blarg> hahaha

<[CB1]Gun> ty captain precog....

<Godwolf> Thought battle!

* Godwolf starts shooting at Gun

<[Rainy]Blarg> GW=loses at thought battle

<Godwolf> Where am I gonan shoot you, where am I gonna shoot you!?

<[CB1]Gun> in the leg

* Godwolf shoots Gun in the leg.

* Godwolf gasps.

<Godwolf> Wow! You're good!@

secharion left the room.

<[CB1]Gun> dam str8

* Godwolf kicks Gun between the legs.

<[DH]M'Hael> omg ty secharion for leaving...go interupt someone elses private room.....gadferwef  that guy bothers me

<[CB1]Gun> he can be a pest

<[Rainy]Blarg> haha

<[CB1]Gun> whatcha get?

<[Rainy]Blarg> why does my score go up when i don't actually use my BA for awhile? ;)

Godwolf left the room.

<[DH]M'Hael> lol

<[Rainy]Blarg> 13 BA and my score drops 30k haha

<[Rainy]Blarg> aw dang i'm a wizard

<[Rainy]Blarg> i wanted a scanner

<[DH]M'Hael> blame canada

<[CB1]Gun> you got the INT for wiz so good :)

<[CB1]Gun> you get to command eletronics

* [DH]M'Hael tries to make drugs out of Blargs pants

<[CB1]Gun> basically...

<[Rainy]Blarg> whats the max/min and total numbers for the skills?

<[CB1]Gun> 1-8

<[DH]M'Hael> 2-8 for stats with a 50 pt pool and 1-8 for skills with a 40pt pool

<[CB1]Gun> so the mallrats are alchy & wiz... I love it

<[DH]M'Hael> one can hack the gibson, the other makes drugs out the gibson

<[Rainy]Blarg> i forget, what do all the skills do :P

Godwolf has joined the room.

<Godwolf> I freaking hate IE.

<[DH]M'Hael> were is that dumb southern kid OOB at

<[CB1]Gun> what are you from, cali? ;)

<[Rainy]Blarg> can anyone give me a real quick rundown at what each of the skills do again, i missed that part the first night and i only ahve a vague idea from the book

<[DH]M'Hael> Gun, Wa St.  but im originally from somewhere else

<Verifex> Look in the Wiki, I put all the skills in there, I did that so I wouldn't have to explain each one ;)


<[Rainy]Blarg> ah thank you veri

<Verifex> Blarg, give yourself a +2 in parenthesis next to your REF stat

<[CB1]Gun> have Get a Clue(awareness) up a few since that is also INT

* [DH]M'Hael puts his hands on Blargs char and manipulates his blood into maple syurp

<[DH]M'Hael> (knows he cant do that :P)

<Verifex> Everytime I've played CG, I always wanted to be a Wizard...  

<[CB1]Gun> that's what I wanted to be hehe

<Verifex> Blarg, give yourself Cybergen skill Arcane [INT]

<[DH]M'Hael> whats a scout..i dont see it in the boot

<[DH]M'Hael> book*

<[DH]M'Hael> nvm

<Verifex> It's in the "EcoFront" supplemental book..

<[DH]M'Hael> i dont really care

<Verifex> And your cybergen type is "Wizard"

<Verifex> oh wait.. sorry I mean +4 reflexes, not +2

<Verifex> You can talk to any computer controlled anything, anywhere...

<Verifex> Within a 1000 meters of course...

<[CB1]Gun> and my bike is kinda comp based I guess

<[Rainy]Blarg> so having my own phone and v-tem

<[CB1]Gun> least that's why I picked it

<Verifex> Possibly parts of it are.. this house is too..

<[Rainy]Blarg> v-term might be a good idea

<Verifex> You don't need a phone or anything, you can talk on internet, surf the web in your brain, and you have unlimited storage in your brain..

<[Rainy]Blarg> haha, ok

<Verifex> what this means is you have a photographic memory

<Verifex> You have a harddrive with virtually unlimited space...

<[CB1]Gun> also makes for better getaways ;)

<Verifex> Blarg, I suggest reading the entry on Wizard powers to get a good idea of what you want to do.. theres a few "instructions" you can give a computer

<Verifex> And the rest of you, hang on a minute while I put this file up on the wiki to help

<[Rainy]Blarg> so i'm basically going to be the bad ass of virtuality? :P

<[CB1]Gun> you should get like 4 or 5 on arcane then save for more INT

<[CB1]Gun> and you get robots/programs

<[CB1]Gun> it's pretty kick ass

<Verifex> Yes, just remember, you can't jack-out of virtuality.. so don't go looking for Black Ice programs..

<[Rainy]Blarg> anyone else one? you gun?

<[CB1]Gun> scanner with GW -.-

<[CB1]Gun> sooo... randy could steal us a car, change the data on it, dax can change the plates, and I can drive us to the mall ;)

<Verifex> indeed!

<[CB1]Gun> now you see why I wanted wiz ;)

<[Rainy]Blarg> scanner would have been better with mallrats, been able to manipulate people and know what to do what to say whem

<[CB1]Gun> which I am

<[CB1]Gun> so can play decon I guess

<[Rainy]Blarg> you are our fearless leader, its good to have scanner :P

<[CB1]Gun> w/e go make me a spider cam then ;p

<Verifex> Alright, so has everyone done their training they wanted to do?

<[CB1]Gun> most of us only have 10

<Verifex> Everyone okay with that?

<[CB1]Gun> blarg, add your wiz skill

<[CB1]Gun> also HP

<[Rainy]Blarg> k 1 sec

<Verifex> Okay, I added the basic instructions for talking to computers to the Wizard entry:

<Verifex> Okay, so you are all standing around in the safehouse trying your powers out on each other and inanimate objects..

* [Rainy]Blarg is not really here

* [CB1]Gun scoops a chickie'poo in 80's short skirt and jean jacket

* [DH]M'Hael turns blargs pants into boots

<Verifex> You have to roll to grapple, then roll to do your thing..

<[DH]M'Hael> lol im not really going to.  hah

* Godwolf reads Gun's mind and is sickened at how many times goats apear.

<[CB1]Gun> I count them before I sleep

<Verifex> You also must roll to read minds, ;)

<[CB1]Gun> and we're even atm

<[CB1]Gun> but scan to scan is easy

<[DH]M'Hael> so my assemblers can "Remember up to 2xint = 16 of mats...2 i want to remember are plastic, metal.  

<[DH]M'Hael> ill write them down, and inform you everytime i memorize a new one

<[CB1]Gun> what metal tho there's a chart full of them ;p

<[DH]M'Hael> materials it says not atomic masses

<Godwolf> remember plutonium and just throws tiny chunks at people.

<[CB1]Gun> so anything with iron will work ;)

<Verifex> Alright then, you've "Tasted" plastic and metal many times throughout the safehouse

<[CB1]Gun> fucking chipmunk he is

<Verifex> One thing to consider, if you happen to "taste" something that would hurt you, like "acid" for instance, you run the chance of losing your disassemblers or just simply burning your skin off

OOB has joined the room.

- RPG Room: server grants op status to OOB

<Verifex> OOB!

<[DH]M'Hael> kk

<OOB> Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

<[CB1]Gun> that's so colbert

<Verifex> awesome!  we haven't started doing much yet..  but I'll let you know

<OOB> that's colbert?


<OOB> everything is stolen already before I even come up with it.

<[CB1]Gun> ever seen the show?

<OOB> well yeah, I know he's egocentric, but he didn't do that did he?

<[CB1]Gun> like weekly

<OOB> x_x

<OOB> oh well. Won't do that anymore, yet another fun thing STOLEN by comedians

<[CB1]Gun> But! you can try running for prez in alabama

<Verifex> You have a lot of free time to kill in the safehouse, so you can choose to spend your IP now (you can't spend it whenever you like).  You have to train doing whatever you are trying to improve for a bit to spend IP)  Or you can save it.

<OOB> lol Gun

Existing rooms:

    RPG Room: 8 users

    carnage: 40 users

<OOB> How much IP do we have?

<Verifex> You have your IP on your char sheet


<[CB1]Gun> he has 20 which can go to "el bolt"

<OOB> Nice, 20 is a lot! ;'D

<[DH]M'Hael> or you can increase your "Stay Gay" skill

<[CB1]Gun> rofl

<OOB> Sorry DH, I'm afraid that was only available for your class.

* [Rainy]Blarg shifts in to the forefront

<Verifex> LOL  no he don't have enough IP for that..

<[CB1]Gun> and for lammy's

<Verifex> alrighty. oob you planning on spending any IP?

<OOB> Maybe.

<OOB> >.>

<Verifex> now-or-never!

<Godwolf> How many IP do I have for slapping that card in the neck with a katana?

<[CB1]Gun> 10

<OOB> They are just for skills, right?

<OOB> Your stats are always the same

<Verifex> You already got your IP GW ;)

<Verifex> no, you can improve your stats too but it costs alot more..

<Verifex> instead of x10, its x30 for stats...

<OOB> I need 10 IP to improve something?

<OOB> and 30 to improve a stat??

<[DH]M'Hael> you are sooooo dumb

<[CB1]Gun> so cost 20 for 2 on bolt

<Verifex> no, you need 20 to improve skill from 1 to 2

<[CB1]Gun> which you'll need to plaster GW

<OOB> improve a skill from 2 to 4, I'd need 60?

* OOB scratches his head*

<Verifex> no, 70

<OOB> O.o

<[DH]M'Hael> oob roll a retard check...d10 + Have you seen my baseball + franks and beans

<Verifex> 2 to 3 is 30, 3 to 4 is 40

<Verifex> 30+40 = 70

<OOB> OK, I'm not spending IPs right now, because I'm not understanding how they work.

<[CB1]Gun> lol dax

<OOB> ahhhh gotcha, 10x preexisting level

<[DH]M'Hael> hes from the south.  what can we do...

<OOB> so really all 20 IP is good for is increasing a stat by one.

* [Rainy]Blarg wants to talk to a computer to see what will happen

* OOB stuffs a guppy up DH's nose

<Verifex> 10x the skill level you are going to

<OOB> yeah, I gotcha now

<[CB1]Gun> just do 2 for bolt

<Verifex> and 30x the stat level you are going to

* OOB frowns* Wow, takes a lot of IP then...

<Verifex> yes it does...

<Verifex> most people don't improve stats except once in a blue moon..

<OOB> Gun's right, this is just going to 2 for the bolt. *edits*

<Verifex> Alrighty then.. hurray!

<[DH]M'Hael> oob dont worry...if fexy stays stingey with his IP we will start a rebellion...k?  you can be the rebel.

<[CB1]Gun> and gay him up  good

<[Rainy]Blarg> that sounds like a good idea

<OOB> ;'D

<OOB> edited.

<[DH]M'Hael> ok ive got to work in like....3 hours...lets get a move on.

<[DH]M'Hael> OOB is gay.  blarg is the man, Godwolf likes goats and Gun likes 12 year old boys....lets go

<[CB1]Gun> think it's shopping time ;)

<Godwolf> rofl.

* OOB slaps DH with a guppy.

<[CB1]Gun> Wrong! I like goats.

<Verifex> Alright, after chilling out practicing your powers you manage to blow another day in the safehouse...

<OOB> I have bolts, and if I have to be gay, I'm shooting them up your ass and zappin' it.

<[DH]M'Hael> speaking of blow...i need some blow

<OOB> >.>

<[CB1]Gun> oh it tickles

<Verifex> You are all getting really tired of the kibble at this point, there isn't much else to eat here...

* [DH]M'Hael eats OOB

<OOB> Gun - remove those fingers, you nasty!

<[CB1]Gun> *Munches* This stuff isn't so bad

* Godwolf shoots Gun.

<[Rainy]Blarg> lets get out of here, find some food

<[CB1]Gun> (it's back to this)

<Verifex> (ooc in parenthesis)

<OOB> (yeah, guess RP starts now)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (RP Is always on in the blarg world)

<[DH]M'Hael> i think we should get outside...morgan le gay cant keep us in here forever

<[CB1]Gun> (bet you hate ( ) huh fag)

<Godwolf> Don't use that word. Seriously -_-


<Verifex> You are rudely awoken by the V-Term, Morgan yells from the image, "Wake Up!  Now!"

<[DH]M'Hael> morgan le gay!

* [Rainy]Blarg laughs

<[CB1]Gun> What the hell Black'stash!

* Godwolf throws a piece of garbage at the image of his face

* OOB grumbles. Stupid Morgan. *rubs eyes*

<Verifex> "Okay, we don't have much time. CorpSec's blow the safehouse; I just picked it up on the com channels."

<Godwolf> Just now? aren't you the wise one...

<Verifex> "you've got 5 minutes til' they get their units in position and hit the place"

<[CB1]Gun> o,o Get more Kibble!

<Godwolf> Not like a few hours warning would be nice...

<Godwolf> Why not 1? It's always 1 in the movie..

<Verifex> "Grab your stuff right now and listen carefully"

<[Rainy]Blarg> (wouldn't i have heard the comms myself.. :P)

* OOB grabs his stuff.

<OOB> ;'D

* [CB1]Gun bags some kibble and a sleeping bag

* Godwolf grabs his stuff and his OOB.

<Verifex> "Stop Goofing off, else you gunna dog food here, real quick."


<Godwolf> I can be dog food!? God, that'd be awesome..

<[CB1]Gun> But we eat dog food...

<OOB> I take it we can't defend this place. =(

<Verifex> "In the floor where this V-Term sits, you're gunna find a loose board-- maybe you've already found it by snooping earlier."

* [Rainy]Blarg shrugs and starts heading gathering his stuff

<Godwolf> heading gathering?

<[Rainy]Blarg> its the new thing

<Verifex> "theres a box under the board, and inside is a data pad, one of those dedicated virtual computer decks."

<Godwolf> Awesome!

* OOB starts stomping the boards.

* [DH]M'Hael turns the board into toothpicks

<OOB> eeeeeep watch out for my foot

<[CB1]Gun> Oh an iPod.

* Godwolf takes it

<Verifex> "it's not too big, about the size of a credit card, and if you don't already have a virtuality 'trode to acces it, there are three in the box with it.  Divide them up between you."

<[Rainy]Blarg> i don't need one

* Godwolf gives one to FaceDancer, one to Bob, and keeps the last.

<[DH]M'Hael> i have a V-term already...

<Godwolf> Good thing. You weren't getting one ;_

<[CB1]Gun> 2 for me, none for you!

<[Rainy]Blarg> talk to me

* OOB stuffs his in his bag.

* Godwolf punches Gun in the stomach and pockets his.

<Verifex> (Everyone here already has one, cept the squats and the boardpunks)

* Godwolf straps on his armor.

<OOB> So we're going to be running off a data pad for this?

<[CB1]Gun> Got a new safehouse for us matey?

<Verifex> "Got it?  This datapad has  download of the combined info the Cabal currently has on the ISA, corpsec, and all the other bad guys you're going to be dealing with in the next few months"

<OOB> (temp AFK, will be back momentarily)

<OOB> (go on ahead with the RP)

<Verifex> "It also has a list of V-term codes you can use to keep in touch with us"

<Godwolf> Oh, great. You on the go.

<Godwolf> It's my fucking dream come true.

<Verifex> "Here are your choices, as I see them."

<[Rainy]Blarg> (what will we do without homosexual boy)

<Verifex> "as soon as you get out of here you can just try to run."

<[DH]M'Hael> (not be gay, thats for sure)

<[CB1]Gun> (well we would get hit less....oh OB)

<Verifex> "try to get back to your old squares and hang out."

<Godwolf> (rofl, Hael.

<Verifex> "You might get luckyl CorpSec may have eased off on the patrols"

<Godwolf> Lucky? Rofl.

<[DH]M'Hael> corpsec are gayzorz

* [Rainy]Blarg glances at his "luck'

* Godwolf follows suit and giggles.

<Verifex> "Or find a new place to run to.  But I still recommend you stick together; there's strength in numbers."

<Verifex> ""you can wait here and surrender to CorpSec."

<[CB1]Gun> Let's vote Slix off the island.

<[Rainy]Blarg> ooh that sounds like FUN

<[DH]M'Hael> i like that choice!

<Verifex> "Again, you might get lucky; they might not just shoot you"

<[CB1]Gun> Ok, Slix stays....for meat to the wolves.

<[Rainy]Blarg> the tribe has spoken

<Verifex> "Sometimes they recruit CyberEvolved to hunt other juves.  But it's risky.  They'll probably exterminate you as soon as they don't need your help."

<[CB1]Gun> (almost killed him last time hehe)

<[DH]M'Hael> oh if we are a tribe, and we are speaking...i vote off karma

<Verifex> "And you're gonna have to live with the fact that you're probably going to doom a lot of fellow yogangers to long and awful deaths.  Up to you"

<[CB1]Gun> Fags have good fashion sense tho.

<[DH]M'Hael> treue

<Godwolf> GUN!

<[CB1]Gun> Fine with us. :)

<Godwolf> I hate that freaking word.

<Verifex> "Or you can join the CyberRevolution.  We could use some people like you."

* Godwolf kicks the machine.

<Verifex> "You've proven you're smart, got skill and nerve"

<[DH]M'Hael> ok now that sounds like fun

<[CB1]Gun> Oh, sounds like fun. What's the pay?

<[Rainy]Blarg> (better than using gay, since say doesn't even mean that)

<[DH]M'Hael> how do we join them?

<[Rainy]Blarg> sounds supah

<[Rainy]Blarg> (say=gay)

<Verifex> ""You aren't afraid to stay on the edge.  If you hang with us, you'll be taking a stand against the ISA and it's goons"

<[DH]M'Hael> (if anyone is gay in here...i apologise in advance and for past comments)

<Godwolf> (say gay. I don't care, Just not the other word....)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (or something, i dunno even what i'm talking about)

<[CB1]Gun> (homo ok?)

<Verifex> "If you want in on the action, your fist styep is to get to one of our bases."

<Godwolf> (yup)

<[Rainy]Blarg> so wheeerrres the bas

<[DH]M'Hael> i say we get to one of their bases...that sounds fun

<Verifex> "the nearest one to you is in the Combat zone, south of the freeway."

<[DH]M'Hael> FUCK YA!

<[CB1]Gun> (hey we could go back to the abandoned warehouse)

<[Rainy]Blarg> the combat zone sounds lovely

<Godwolf> Vidboy, will I get to kill stuff?

<[DH]M'Hael> the combat zone!

<[Rainy]Blarg> good vacation spot

<Verifex> "hit the area and start asking cautious questions.  Use my name"

<Verifex> "we'll bring you in from there"

<OOB> (back)

<[DH]M'Hael> we need some shinys.

<Verifex> "Frack!  There goes the last of the intrusion defenses.  "

Lamuness has joined the room.

<[DH]M'Hael> guns, knives,drugs,

<[Rainy]Blarg> (lamu!)

<Lamuness> (destroys Cybergen!)

<Verifex> (Hi lamu!)

<[CB1]Gun> Run for it!

<Lamuness> (howdy gang!  *yogang!)

<Verifex> (You just caught Morgan in the end of his speech)

<Godwolf> (lucky bastard....)

<Verifex> (feel free to ignore the reactions on everyone elses faces)

<[CB1]Gun> (oh lammy, from now on use the word fag a lot)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (basically we are going to the combat zone, to join le revolution)

<[DH]M'Hael> (morgan wants to have man-boy sex with oob...but we are protecting him from that pain.)

* Godwolf kicks Gun in the ass

<OOB> (*hides from Morgan*)

<Verifex> "they're gonna be in the doors in a minute or less"

<OOB> Aw crap

<[CB1]Gun> (get some of the captain IN YOU)

* Godwolf pulls out his gun

<[DH]M'Hael> lets get going~

<Godwolf> Let's go.

<Verifex> "Get hoppin';  I'll wait til you get clear before I blow the place."

<OOB> We gotta leave.

<Verifex> "Good luck."

<Lamuness> (do I still have my silvery jacket?)

* OOB gets hoppin'.

<[CB1]Gun> (wow nice new map)

<Verifex> That was a dream Lamu ;p

<Lamuness> (you're a nightmare! ;p)

<Verifex> Yes, BTW, theres a new map that shows Night City on the wiki.

<[Rainy]Blarg> (whats the range on my detection of radio, TV and Virtuality signals again?)

<[CB1]Gun> (1000 m for you

<[CB1]Gun> (what a shitty city name)

<OOB> (no joke)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (it must be dark there)

<[DH]M'Hael> (you're a shitty city)

<[CB1]Gun> (no OB is)

<Verifex> (don't badmouth the city)

<Lamuness> (welcome to city wok, would you like to hear our city special?)

<[CB1]Gun> (the night city on that one sci fi movie was better!)

<Lamuness> (is novice playing?)

<OOB> (your mom was better!)

<Verifex> While you sit there looking stupid, you can hear the sounds of machine gun fire outside.

<Verifex> (no, he is watching)

<[Rainy]Blarg> lets get hella outta here

<[DH]M'Hael> dude...lets get going

<Godwolf> ... What are the idiots shooting at?

<[CB1]Gun> (which number are we at?)

<Godwolf> We're inside...

* OOB runs out!

<Lamuness> ( nov likes to watch.  voyeur..)

<Godwolf> Voyeurism, FTW!

<Godwolf> :P

* [DH]M'Hael agrees

* [CB1]Gun runs out to grab his bike

* Godwolf follows the FaceDancer

<Verifex> The young kid who led you into this place, leads you to the exit

* [Rainy]Blarg places himself firmly in the middle of the group surrounded by as much body mass as possible

* Lamuness follows the kid out to the exit

* [DH]M'Hael jumps on the back of Guns bike.

<Verifex> the panel opens, and you get outside

<[CB1]Gun> (don't think you can)

* OOB dives out dramatically*

<[DH]M'Hael> (doesnt care...ill sit on your face then)

<Verifex> A loud bunch of machine gun fire can be heard within 100 feet.

* OOB looks left and right

<[CB1]Gun> (if lammy had a towcable he could have you :P)


<Verifex> (not like this is important or anything, but Morgan did say he was going to BLOW THE SAFEHOUSE UP, so you might want to get away now)

* OOB runs away!

<[CB1]Gun> (which number are we again?

<[DH]M'Hael> run!

<Verifex> Gun you find your bike under the cardboard outside and quickly sit it up

* [Rainy]Blarg follows karma

* Lamuness gets on the board

* [CB1]Gun starts it up

* OOB gets a good distance between himself and the safehouse

<Verifex> You are around 27

* [Rainy]Blarg tunes into corpsec communications

<[CB1]Gun> (28 guys?)

<Lamuness> (do I have a skateboard or a hoverboard?)

<OOB> (51 is a good place for yogangs, according to the description)

<[CB1]Gun> (you choose!)

<Godwolf> I'll go anywhere.

<[CB1]Gun> (51 it is)

<Lamuness> (rocket hover board!)

<Verifex> Blarg, roll D10

<Verifex> + Arcane + INT

<OOB> (Gun, check description. 28 doesn't look good.)

<[CB1]Gun> (51 it is! :P)

<OOB> (says caution is advised there...whereas 51 is a hangout for yogangs

<Godwolf> 28 it is!

<[CB1]Gun> (fucking 51 you fag)

<RPGBot> [Rainy]Blarg rolled a 10-sided die: 7

<OOB> (rofl)

<Godwolf> (can I have op so I can kick gun? ^.^)

<OOB> (no. There's no kicking here.)

<Lamuness> (this is a huge map...)

<[CB1]Gun> (not when I'm driving)

<Godwolf> (Then tell him to shut up with that word -_-)

<[CB1]Gun> (muahahaha)

<Verifex> Blarg,  D10 + Arcane Skill + Int stat

<[CB1]Gun> 19 then

<Verifex> I believe its a 16

<[CB1]Gun> oops heh did 10 not 7

<[Rainy]Blarg> 7+8+1

<OOB> (Geez, I hope my tooth doesn't fall out while I'm asleep. Dentist worked on it yesterday and today the gum all around it is solid purple)

<OOB> (x_x)

<Verifex> You can overhear lots of garbled commo communcations

<OOB> aha! garble. That's always useful.

<Lamuness> (so where are we on the map?)

<OOB> (we are at 27.)

<[Rainy]Blarg> they are busy inside, lets start heading somewhere

<Godwolf> You'd figure those guards would have caught up with us....

<[DH]M'Hael> (sounds like this: spectre 3 this is bravo team leader...we havdsdfkdfdsfklje  oob is gayd fdslfjkdsflkjf 3 suspects on the left hand sidedkslfjdsklfjdff  oobisgay  dfskfj)

<[Rainy]Blarg> they are starting to check the outside perimiter

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<Lamuness> (lets go take out the corporation!)

<[CB1]Gun> Hope on Randy! (heh)

<[CB1]Gun> Hop*

<[DH]M'Hael> where we going!

<OOB> (hm. Sounds like they have a lot of lesbians around, then, with all the talk about gay and boobs.)

* [Rainy]Blarg hops on

<[CB1]Gun> (51)

<OOB> (51 totally!)

<[DH]M'Hael> lead the way!

* OOB follows Gun!

* [CB1]Gun revs and hauls tiny ass

<Godwolf> Umm...

* Lamuness makes way to 51 on hoverboard

* OOB just jogs.

* Godwolf lopes to 51

<[DH]M'Hael> stick together!

<Verifex> Alright, you head through some light traffic towards the mall

<[CB1]Gun> (GW & OB can run!)

* Lamuness races Bob

<Verifex> Ok GW & OB how are you getting there?

<[CB1]Gun> (dude I can go 130)

<OOB> we're runnin'.

<Godwolf> Indeed.

<Lamuness> (I can go 150! don't forget my NOS too)

<Verifex> (not to rain on your sprinting parade of running, but the bus route comes right along here, and they do head right to the mall)

<[DH]M'Hael> (LOL)

<OOB> (fine, fine. We'll grab a bus.)

<[CB1]Gun> (....we can follow that :P)

<[Rainy]Blarg> we need to stick together

<OOB> We've decided our lazy asses can sit on a bus.

<[CB1]Gun> (4 on bus, 2 looking silly)

<Verifex> Bob as you weave your way through traffic, you see the day is pretty overcast, and thankfully no BuReLoc seems to be in the rear view mirror

<[CB1]Gun> (we can race now lammy)

<Lamuness> (eat my dust! whoosh vroom!)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (u guys are all sucky and jealous of mah powers)

<[CB1]Gun> (seriously, you should have towcable.... I tow, you do tinman things ;)

<OOB> (you kidding Blarg? I'm like a freaking double agent with a stun gun in his arm. I rule the world.)

<[CB1]Gun> (like a wrecking ball out my ass)

<[DH]M'Hael> ( knew you likes balls near your ass)

<Verifex> Bob, you make it to the mall in 5 minutes flat...

<[CB1]Gun> (ok bus route plz)

<[CB1]Gun> (you made those yourself with plastic?)

<[CB1]Gun> (*nails the cyber burn!*

<Verifex> Dagger, you thrash your way through numerous parking lots and sidewalks filled with people to finally make it to the mall..  in about roughly 10 minutes

<Verifex> GW and OOB, you sit lazily on the bus to reach the mall, you see a few kids from the safehouse there and a few adults who ignore you all

* [Rainy]Blarg waits for the bus losers

<Godwolf> I thought I was running -_-

<[CB1]Gun> (us 2 go to 22)

<Verifex> GW you are still running?

<Godwolf> Thought I was...

<Verifex> Alright then..

<Godwolf> did OOB say we were taking the bus?

<[DH]M'Hael> (do you not know anything about RPing?  never split up or the GM will kill you.)

<Godwolf> I'll stay on the bus, lol.

<Godwolf> I don't care.

<[CB1]Gun> (well following the bus would look odd)

<[CB1]Gun> (plus 22 is a club)

<Verifex> Alright, you all eventually make it to the mall safely..  although you did get the evil eye from a few guys in guits..

<[DH]M'Hael> can i get a link to the map?

<Verifex> OOB and GW, on the bus did that is...



* OOB frowns. If they follow us in, I'll sneak off, and they can follow GW to someplace solitary where I can bolt 'em quietly.

<OOB> (yay for the Blend skill!)

<Godwolf> ]Umm... Right.

<Godwolf> I swear, make them follow us. I'd enjoy a bit of blood.

* [DH]M'Hael goes to look for a special mallbrat that he knows that sells drugs

<[CB1]Gun> (see he may die yet)

<Verifex> Alright guys

<OOB> (Alright Verifex)

<Verifex> Since some of you have already purchased things, I'm going to say that you run off into the mall and pick up your stuff..

* Godwolf sneers at the mallies, bored.

<Verifex> for each of you that hasn't..  you've got $1000 in a temp account cred card to spend in the mall..

<OOB> (who was the mallbrat again, was that you DH?)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (and me)

<Godwolf> Where's a list of the things we can buy?

<[CB1]Gun> (2 mallbrats)

<Godwolf> And do they sell knives/guns/ armor?

<Verifex> And BTW, everyone who has bought their stuff, if you went over $1000 then you are in Biiig trouble ;P

* OOB nudges Blarg. Think you could help me find a good couple of outfits for a cheap price?

<OOB> You know, bein' a mallbrat and everything. And I can always use more disguises.

<OOB> (yeah, we need a list...)

<Verifex> Dax, you head off into the mall looking for one of your buddies

<[CB1]Gun> (get us some armor and small electronics)

<Godwolf> And a few guns.

<Godwolf> I need a better weapon.

<Verifex> Alright, there are a ton of stores, and unless you've got the book, this will take FOREVER... so who doesn't have the book available to them to look at the mall stuff?

<[CB1]Gun> (don't need them hard as heck to steal much better)

* OOB frowns. Me.

<Verifex> Still?

<OOB> =\

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<OOB> (all I want is disguises. I have a bolter, so I don't need a weapon or anything. So I can't imagine that there's anything else I would need.)

<[CB1]Gun> (he'll blow it on great shirts/skirts anyways)

<Verifex> Alright, well I can try to put the mall pages up on the wiki, but you are going to kill my bandwidth...

* [Rainy]Blarg wanders over to the weapons shop and looks curiously at the security system

<[CB1]Gun> (no mall pages)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (what page is the stores in the book veri)

<OOB> (don't worry about them, just tell me about any outfits I can buy if there are any, and if not then I'll just keep my $1000.)

<[CB1]Gun> (90 ish)

<OOB> (I'll go buy a piece of bubble gum and ask for cash back. ;'D)

<Verifex> Dax, Roll D10 + Boost (Int)

<Godwolf> 100 or so.

<RPGBot> [DH]M'Hael rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<[DH]M'Hael> doh

<[Rainy]Blarg> pwnt

<[DH]M'Hael> 9

<Verifex> page 87 and beyond

<[DH]M'Hael> (can i push my "luck" fexy?)

<Verifex> You don't find anyone in the mall after looking around for about half an hour

<Verifex> DH Roll D10 + Get a Clue + INT

<[DH]M'Hael> (refer to my previous comment, or does luck not work that way in CG)

<[CB1]Gun> (want a suit/jacket,shirt/pants or what OB?)

<OOB> (looks like there's a common sense roll here! Better hit it!)

<[DH]M'Hael> (me roll?)

<OOB> (how much are they, Gun?)

<Verifex> You can only use luck before you roll ;) not after

<[DH]M'Hael> ahh

<OOB> (oooooh, lame-o-rific)

<[Rainy]Blarg> talk to me security system

<[DH]M'Hael> (ya its diff then, thanks for that info)

<Verifex> Roll Blarg..

<[CB1]Gun> ($20-80 for cheap shit then x4 and up for the good stuff)

<RPGBot> [Rainy]Blarg rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<Verifex> D10 + your power + whatever it has in parenthesis..

<Verifex> Ok guys..  I can't keep track of all your numbers for you

<[Rainy]Blarg> 10+1+1

<[Rainy]Blarg> 10+1+0

<OOB> (shoot, I need the good stuff then if I've got $1000 to spend.)

<[DH]M'Hael> (does CG also allow for exeptional feats of glory by allowing you to roll again on a 10?0)

<[CB1]Gun> (so a suit & dress?)

<Verifex> Yes it does...

<Verifex> DH roll D10 + Get a Clue + Int

<OOB> (yeah, I think a suit and a dress would work out nicely)

<RPGBot> [DH]M'Hael rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<OOB> (how much would that be?)

<[DH]M'Hael> 14

<Verifex> Blarg, you try to get it to talk to you and it ignores you.

<OOB> (rejected by an it?)

<[CB1]Gun> (can do 640 for fine on both...)

<Verifex> You wander around looking for your friends, and after a few minutes, a guy in uniform steps up to you

* [Rainy]Blarg uses boost on kibble

<OOB> (they are 640 each? or 640 total?)

<[CB1]Gun> (640 is the combined btw)

<OOB> (ooo, nice!)

* Godwolf keeps his money, yawning and still bored as hell.

<Verifex> "Whatcha doin there kid?" says to Dax

<[DH]M'Hael> (the gaurd is on me?)

<[CB1]Gun> (that's for exceptional + designer)

<[DH]M'Hael> im looking for a present for my sister...

<Verifex> D10 + Little Angel + Cool

<OOB> (very nice, I think I'll grab that ;'D)

<[CB1]Gun> (wait think I did average and name brand =/)

<Godwolf> DAMN IT!

<RPGBot> [DH]M'Hael rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<[DH]M'Hael> 11

<Godwolf> Oh... Sorry... Forgot to buy my BA -_-

<OOB> (use OOC)

<[DH]M'Hael> (brb)

<[DH]M'Hael> (gf aggro)

<Verifex> "Thats right kid, why don't you get outta here before I bring you into seecurity, I saw you lurking around."

<[Rainy]Blarg> (haha)

<OOB> (did he fail or pass the roll?)

<[CB1]Gun> (ok average + name designer suit&dress for 960 total)

<Verifex> (thats for me to know, and you to find out)

<OOB> (yeeeeep! But okay. I have nothing better to spend my $$$ on)

* OOB buys a suit & dress for a total of $960.

<[CB1]Gun> (can get a carrybag too for $5

<Verifex> Lamu whatcha doing?

<Lamuness> staying cool

<OOB> (I have a bag for my stuff though =(

* [Rainy]Blarg uses boost on some kibble

<Lamuness> OB, I'll sell you my carrybag

<[CB1]Gun> (don't see it in your yogang stuff)

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy wanted a $5 bag instead of a $150 towcable)

<Verifex> D10 Boost INt blarg

<Lamuness> (so I can carry my stuff!)

<OOB> (can I buy lammy's bag, even with a credit card?)

<Lamuness> (it's going to cost you $1000)

<RPGBot> [Rainy]Blarg rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<OOB> (guess what part of me you can kiss)

<[Rainy]Blarg> 10+8+8

<OOB> (wow Blarg, another 10?)

<Lamuness> (my fist!)

<Verifex> (LOL)  you get a smoking deal on Kibble

<OOB> (okay, that'll work. Punch yourself in the mouth, I'm gonna go buy a carry bag)

<[Rainy]Blarg> haha, so how much kibble did i just steal

* OOB buys a carry bag as well, and frowns at his wallet. $35 left.

<Verifex> You didn't steal it, you manage to get a huge bag of it for $2

<[Rainy]Blarg> ah k

<OOB> we're going to be towing Kibble?

<Verifex> (Thief stuff and Boost are different remember)  (boost doesn't always necessarily mean steal, although it can)

<Verifex> Gun what are you doing?

<Lamuness> let's go mess up the police station

<Verifex> Are you going to look for the mall police station?

<Verifex> Or a different police station?

* [Rainy]Blarg boosts heavy auto pistol

<Verifex> Blarg, where are you doing this?

<[CB1]Gun> (I'm chilling outside atm I guess)

<Lamuness> we'll have to go to #35

<Verifex> It's a mall not a weapons store..

<Verifex> (I think not Gun, you had to have that tattoo put on at some point)

<[Rainy]Blarg> haha, Hot 'za, where is that

<[CB1]Gun> (heh)

<Verifex> You head over to Hot'za..   it looks like a pizza place, a chipper girl behind the counter asks what you'd like to order.

<OOB> You!

<OOB> ;'D

<Lamuness> (ask for her number)

<[CB1]Gun> (heh maybe I should be there)

<Verifex> Randy = You

<OOB> (okay, so I can't hit on her? T-T)

<[Rainy]Blarg> I'd like to order a heavy autopistol (boost)

<Verifex> You are at the clothing shop, not the pizza place

<Lamuness> where can I find a lightsaber?

<OOB> shoot. If Blarg says she's hot, I'm headin' to the pizza place.

<[CB1]Gun> (hey you're right I should look good)

<Verifex> "Uhhh..  hey we don't sell those here, k, so you want some pizza?"

<[CB1]Gun> (OB you could get a underskin wrist watch for $20)

<OOB> (ew. That sounds gross.)

<Verifex> Dagger, you wander around and you find a toy lightsaber at KayRToys

<[Rainy]Blarg> oh, i know you sell more than pizza here, so maybe go get me some "pizza" with some extra "heavy autopistol" on it

<Lamuness> I need a real lightsaber..

<OOB> (hey, should I write up in the Wiki the stuff that I just bought?)

<Verifex> (Please do that OOB, I can't keep track of it all, also write down how much money you have left)

<OOB> (can do)

<Verifex> The lady at the counter gives you a funny look, turns around and heads into the double doors in the kitchen

* Lamuness wanders around the mall PICKPOCKETING/THIEFING wallets

<[CB1]Gun> (....lammy is so fucked)

<Verifex> Tell me who you are trying to pick pocket, ootherwise I'm going to assume you try to only pickpocket cops and security guards...

<Lamuness> (what do I roll?)

* Lamuness pickpockets innocent looking people

<OOB> (don't pickpocket a freaking cop!)

* Lamuness especially mothers

<Verifex> (give me a target person description and I'll tell you if they exist)

<[CB1]Gun> (the clothes do go base x quality x designer right?)

<OOB> (oooh! Pick a momma walkin' around with a wide open hanging purse!)

* Lamuness looks for a woman with a distracting child

<Verifex> A stocky looking guy wearing a apron comes to the counter

<Verifex> You find a couple younger people with kids here

<[CB1]Gun> (nvm I was right)

* Lamuness targets all of them

<[Rainy]Blarg> hey, hows it going, do you got what i need?

<Verifex> roll your D10 + theifStuff + int

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Lamuness> ...9...

<RPGBot> [Rainy]Blarg rolled a 10-sided die: 7

<Verifex> "Hey man, we don't want any trouble.."  says the guy behind the counter as he starts walking in front of the counter over to you

<Verifex> not you blarg

<Lamuness> (whew...for blarg)

<Lamuness> (damn..)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (yeah i get that now my bad :P)

<Verifex> The guy leads you over to a booth, and asks you what kind pizza you want

<[Rainy]Blarg> i'm not looking for trouble neither, just looking for what i need

<Verifex> You come up to the woman, and you manage to get close enough to see her purse in her little stroller, but you don't manage to find an opening...

<[Rainy]Blarg> (i need some good pizza names for heavy autopistol and ammo:P)

<Lamuness> (I don't even know how much money I have...)

<Verifex> $1000 on a cred card

<[Rainy]Blarg> i need a heavy sausage pizza with extra cheese

<Verifex> "coming right up sir" and the guy walks away

* Lamuness pickpockets all day long

<Verifex> D10 + theif stuff + int again

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Lamuness> 12

<Verifex> You come up to a woman scolding her child, and manage  to grab something from her purse when she doesn't notice.

* OOB wanders through the mall, looking for a restaurant that he can afford to eat at for only $35.

<OOB> <.<

<OOB> >.>

* Lamuness takes a look at the stolen item when there's a chance

<Verifex> It looks like a big ol' makeup compact

* Godwolf follows the FaceDancer.

<[Rainy]Blarg> haha score!

<[CB1]Gun> (bribe OB for sex)

<Verifex> OOB,  you find a pizza place and a burger joint

* Lamuness throws down the compact.  argh!

<Verifex> Again?

* Lamuness looks for a rich businessman type of person that looks clueless

<[CB1]Gun> (keep it and sell it to OB fool!)

* [Rainy]Blarg patiently waits for some "pizza"

<Verifex> Roll D10 + Get a clue + Int Lamu

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Lamuness> 15

<OOB> (Hmmm, Lamu, you should totally give me that compact when you find me. I could use it for my new lady outfit! ;'D)

* OOB wanders into the pizza place.

<Verifex> You find a guy that "looks" like a corp, and is talking on a cell

<Verifex> Karma, you see Randy sitting there looking pretty intense..

* Lamuness picks the compact back up and uses it to distract the corp looking guy to pickpocket

<Verifex> Randy : D10 + Boost + Int

<RPGBot> [Rainy]Blarg rolled a 10-sided die: 7

<[Rainy]Blarg> 23

<Verifex> A guy in a t-shirt and jeans slides into your booth

<[Rainy]Blarg> helllo

<[Rainy]Blarg> (lol from slides i thought it was OOB

* OOB wanders up to order some food, but keeps an eye in Randy's direction.

<OOB> (hahaha)

<Verifex> "ok, we got a heavy auto pistol in the back, $550, bring it up front to the counter"

<Verifex> "the guy kinda says under his breath

<OOB> (sweeeet, go Randy!)

<Verifex> Dagger, how exactly do you want to "distract" the guy with the makeup compact...

<Verifex>  I just want to understand what you are doing :)

<[Rainy]Blarg> $550? i'm suure we might be able to cut a better deal than that

<Verifex> (You throwing it at him, or flashing the mirror, or cutting him with it, or what?)

* OOB waits for some service, and checks the counter for a bell or something to alert them that they have a customer.

<OOB> >.>

* Lamuness is going to break the contents of the compact by "accidentally" running into the guy, pickpocketing during the "bump"

<Verifex> "What kinda deal you got in mind, we only got one a deez, and you ain't the only customer here"

<OOB> (sell Bob to him!)

<OOB> (;'D)

<Verifex> Dagger : D10 + Theif Stuff + REF

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Lamuness> 19!

<Verifex> You bump into the guy pretty fiercely, fortunately he doesn't notice how obviously staged it was as he is on the cell..

<[Rainy]Blarg> well, lets just say that i've got a lot of strong friends in strong places, and if you help me them i might get them to help you a lil bit

<Verifex> you manage to slip your hand in his pocket and grab a metal feeling something

<Lamuness> hey mister!  watch where you're going!  oh geez, you broke this gift I bought.  You owe me a new one!

<[Rainy]Blarg> (mistype, "help" before them

<Lamuness> This costs $50!

<OOB> (d'oh.)

<Verifex> "Interesting, hey tell ya what kid, you meet me out back later tonight, and I'll get you some more weapons if you and your "friends" can help me with something"

<Lamuness> (hm, is this where Empathy comes into play?)

<Verifex> He doesn't really pay attention to you, he just kinda shoos you away

<[Rainy]Blarg> sounds like an interesting idea

<Verifex> On the plus side, you manage to grab a metal case from his pocket

* Lamuness shouts even louder at the guy

* OOB lazily taps the counter....maybe I should've gone to the burger joint. I'm starving to death here.

<[CB1]Gun> (like duh)

<Lamuness> hey! you owe me a new compact!

* [Rainy]Blarg starts to sit up and walk towards the door

<OOB> (d'oh! Lammy, if he's a corp guy, you're so screwed...)

* Lamuness keeps blocking the path of the guy

<Verifex> Guy to Dagger, "hey kid, can't you see I'm on the phone here, leave me the frack alone or I'll call security"

<Lamuness> :P  pay for the item you broke!

<Verifex> Guy pushes you outta the way

<OOB> (Lammy = owned.)

* Lamuness trips the guy and runs away

<OOB> (Lammy = screwed.)

<Verifex> D10 + Streetfighting + REF

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Lamuness> 17................

* [Rainy]Blarg sees the confrontation between dagger and some guy

<Verifex> You manage to run off after tripping the guy, but he doesn't fall to the ground completely, just kinda loses balance for a moment..

<Lamuness> (anybody still at the Hot'Za place?)

<Verifex> You glance back and see the guy flipping you off while still chatting on the cell.

<[Rainy]Blarg> (OOB)

<[CB1]Gun> (told you he was fucked)

<OOB> (dude, I'm still there trying to get a pizza.)

* Lamuness quickly makes way to Hot'Za

<OOB> (I'm thinking I'm going to shoot a bolt up this chick's skirt when she gets here if she doesn't hurry.)

<Verifex> Karma, the cute waitress behind the counter comes up to you (are you at booth with randy or at a stool?)

<OOB> (oh heck yeah.)

<OOB> (no, I'm at the counter.)

* Lamuness stands next to Karma

<Verifex> (At the stool then)

<Lamuness> heya Karma.  here you are

<[CB1]Gun> (get me a tazer pistol while you're at the pizza place ;)

<OOB> Hey Dag. ^_^

<Verifex> shes behind the counter still, but she comes over and asks, "Hey there, what you wanna order?"  she says kinda flirty

* [Rainy]Blarg wanders back into hotza with karma and dagger

<[Rainy]Blarg> (gun i set up a meeting for a lot of good weapons tonight)

<Lamuness> Excuse me Miss!  I want order 2 large pepperoni pizzas

* OOB smiles* Well the pizza would be nice, but somehow it's lost my attention at the moment. What do you recommend?

<OOB> ~_^

<Verifex> "Just a moment sir!" she hand gestures to Dagger

<Lamuness> No, we're together.  I'm ordering 2 large pepperonis for him

* OOB elbows Dag.

* [Rainy]Blarg pretends to be miles away

<Lamuness> thanks for pizza Karma :D

<[CB1]Gun> (ok while I'm shopping...who wants a drug "kit"?)

<Verifex> "Ohhh, ok, is that your order?"  she looks into Karmas eyes

<OOB> Hm. Depends, what else can you offer me? *smiles*

* [Rainy]Blarg waits for pizza and thinks about heading to the tech shot

<[Rainy]Blarg> shop*

<OOB> Is it pizza only?

<[CB1]Gun> (steal something for me rat!)

<OOB> (Yay stealer-rats!

<[Rainy]Blarg> (haha, i got a lot of kibble for $2 and a good meeting for weapons, give me time :P)

<Verifex> "We've got a nice soup and salad, but I like the nice chinese place down the street"

<[CB1]Gun> (still anyone want drug stuff?)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (what does it do gun)

<Lamuness> (sure)

<[CB1]Gun> (drug scanner and a niddle)

<OOB> Ahh, okay. Well I suppose it depends then...what time does your shift end? I wouldn't mind some company for lunch.

<[CB1]Gun> (at the face place anyways)

<OOB> (Any way I could get info from this girl over lunch?)

<OOB> (or is she going to know anything at all...)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (nah i'm alright gun)

<Lamuness> c'mon Karma, hurry.  I'm hungry

<Verifex> "I get off around 5, whats your cell? we can meet up"

* [Rainy]Blarg smiles inwardly

* OOB gives the girl his cell number*

<OOB> And yours?

<Verifex> the girl blushes a bit then hurriedly goes into the ktichen sensing

<Verifex> -"sensing"

<OOB> (she went into the kitchen sensing?)

* Lamuness as the girl goes into the kitchen, pilfers the contents of the cash register!!!

<Verifex> (no, minus word "sensing" typo)

<[CB1]Gun> (so fucked....)

* [Rainy]Blarg tries to detect the girls cell phone number

<Lamuness> (c'mon, let me get some cash out of this box!!!)

<Verifex> The cash register is hard to get to from where you are sitting, you'd need to scoot over onto the reigster side of the counter to get a good grip on it

* Lamuness scoots over to the register side of the counter

* [Rainy]Blarg starts heading to the tech shop and loiters in there for awhile

* OOB wishes Dag good luck and goes to stand outside the door of the restaurant. I'll let you know if anyone's coming from here.

<Verifex> you'd have to go behind the counter is what I'm saying... its an inset register into the big chest level counter

* Lamuness does that

<Verifex> Roll D10 + get a clue + int

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Lamuness> 11...

<Verifex> You make it to the other side of the counter no problem

<Verifex> now what?

* OOB checks back inside, sees Dag behind the counter, and keeps watching outside the door, appearing to just be standing around.

* Lamuness opens the register to steal cash

<Verifex> It's shut, you can't open it

<[CB1]Gun> (steal only $30 dude)

* [Rainy]Blarg monitors the mall security communications

<Verifex> How are you going to take the money?

<OOB> (and then gimme that money for my date, I'm totally getting info from her tonight)

<Lamuness> (lol.  steal the entire register)

<OOB> (or something)

* Lamuness presses buttons to open the register

<Verifex> D10 + Schoolin + Int

<[Rainy]Blarg> lamu ur a tinman...

<Verifex> (gives blarg a prize!  :)  )

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Lamuness> 12

<[Rainy]Blarg> oh and the mall is being notified of a robbery at this pizza place

<Verifex> You can't open it up, it looks like you need a cashier number to get it open

<Verifex> (do you take the register?)

* Lamuness getting flustered, steals the entire register

<OOB> d'oh.

* OOB walks away from the restaurant nonchalantly*

<Lamuness> >_<  Karma!  don't forget to get our pizzas!

<OOB> (I am so not going to be around when the cops get here.)

<Verifex> D10 + JockStuff + BOD

<OOB> (I didn't order pizza, I got a date with the pizza chick for tonight.)

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Lamuness> 17

<Verifex> (you did order a pizza, by way of Dagger)

<OOB> (I did no such thing! I told her I wanted to know what else was available, and that led up to the date.)

<Lamuness> ( :P  get "our" pizzas! )

<Verifex> You manage to pull out the cords holding the register in place, by force,

<Verifex> You can hear a zap as the electric connection is broken

<[Rainy]Blarg> well so much for the meeting later

<OOB> Pffft. She'll still show.

<[Rainy]Blarg> 2 guards coming

<Lamuness> (where's Randy at?)

<[Rainy]Blarg> no i mean for the guns OOB

<OOB> oh. No kidding.

<[Rainy]Blarg> around, near pizza shop not inside

<OOB> Guess that's not happening.

<[Rainy]Blarg> blending in

<Verifex> Dagger, what do you do with the register?

* OOB is around the pizza shop as well, just watching what's going on.

<Verifex> Karma did you leave the stool you were at ?

* Lamuness looks for a place to hide by BLENDing in

<OOB> I did indeed

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<Lamuness> where's that Bob when I need him?

<OOB> I went to the door to watch for people coming in, and then when he took the register I went outside

<[CB1]Gun> (somewhere else that's for sure)

<Verifex> You look around, and a couple people seem to be staring at you Dagger, you aren't sure of a place to hide..

<Verifex> Where do you go, you are still behind the counter,

* Lamuness gets away from the counter and pickpockets the people staring at me!

<OOB> (find somethin' and bash that sucker open and get out quick!)

<[CB1]Gun> (he's a tinman, thta might help)

<Verifex> Dagger, you see a stocky large man emerge from the kitchen

<Lamuness> (aaaaaaaaaah!!!!)

<OOB> (oh, you are so boned.)

<[CB1]Gun> (OB should like bolt him)

<Verifex> he comes out just as you are walking away from the register

<OOB> (no way. That'd draw attention to both of us.)

<OOB> ('Sides, I'm outside right now.)

* Lamuness grabs the register and attempts to bash it open on the large man!

<[CB1]Gun> (you would be the hero!)

<Verifex> "What the fuck? which one of you little frackfaces did this?"

<OOB> (yeah, but I wouldn't get the date with the girl!)

<[Rainy]Blarg> jump over the counter daxx

<[CB1]Gun> (heros get the girls, I meant bolt lammy)

<OOB> (aha, good thought)

<Lamuness> ( >:O )

<OOB> (I should totally go bolt him and say I was going to turn him in, and then sneak him off....)

<[CB1]Gun> (and the meeting would still be on ;)

<Verifex> (Dax is getting chewed out by a sec guard, and is busy with GF currently last I heard)

<[Rainy]Blarg> jump over the counter dagger

* OOB walks back into the restaurant.

<Lamuness> hey dude!  I tried to stop the guy!  Luckily he didn't get away with your stuff!

* OOB stops at the door.

* Lamuness tries persuasion / deception

<[CB1]Gun> (yeah like touch stun lammy)

<Verifex> D10 + Little Angel + Emp

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Lamuness> 10....

<OOB> (if that fails, I'm so going to come up behind him and make like I whacked him, but just bolt stun him.)

<OOB> (and then we're outta there.)

<OOB> (where the heck did GW go off to?)

<[CB1]Gun> (is about to by a 300 jacket -.-)

<Verifex> "I don't see him anywhere, I think everyones gotta get outta here now"

<Verifex> The guy goes over and tells you all gotta leave,"

<Lamuness> what about our order of pizzas??????

<Verifex> You see him head over to another table in the resteraunt,

<[Rainy]Blarg> (dammit lammu :P

<Verifex> "I said leave kid"

* Lamuness drops a grenade while leaving

<Verifex> (you carry your molotov cocktails with you?)

<OOB> (No! I need to go on a date with her later!!!!)

<[CB1]Gun> (has the cocktails)

<Lamuness> (lmao)

* OOB walks in, grabs Dag, and pulls him out of the restaurant)

* [Rainy]Blarg practices his wizard ness on the tech store products

<Verifex> (You don't have any grenandes or anything)

<Lamuness> was a toy grenade from KayRStore...

* OOB grumbles about screwing up a weapons meeting and a date for info and getting nothing from it...

<Verifex> The guy turns to talk to the people at the table, and you see one of them point over at you Dagger

* Lamuness runs

* OOB heads back out of the restaurant. Good luck!

<[CB1]Gun> (steal me a intrusion sensor & smart goggles if you can ;)

<Verifex> He turns back around, towards you all, and he looks absolutely livid...

* OOB is not in the restaurant.

<[Rainy]Blarg> talk to me bostergogg smart goggles

* Lamuness looks for Bob

<Verifex> He starts moving towards Dagger

<[CB1]Gun> (is not there!)

<Verifex> (where are you anyways?)

<[CB1]Gun> (getting a tat still ;)

* Lamuness heads towards for the Mall exit

<[CB1]Gun> (and yes the boostergogs)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (gun the sensor isn't very useful if i am around

[CB1]Gun left the room.

[CB1]Gun has joined the room.

* OOB watches Dagger heading out, and sees the man following him.

<Verifex> He starts running for you, but stops as you gain distance with him

<[CB1]Gun> (ok what was my last message?)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (and yes the boostergoggs

<Verifex> he turns around and heads back into the pizza place

<Lamuness> woo.... was that a thrill or what!?

<[CB1]Gun> (will be there soon to play look out)

<Verifex> Dagger, you feel someone tap on your shoulder behind you

<[Rainy]Blarg> (gun the sensor is useless because i'm a wizard)

<[CB1]Gun> (you might not be here and it can jam)

<[Rainy]Blarg> (ah so it can

<[CB1]Gun> (plus you need to jack something)

<[CB1]Gun> (20' isn't much but not bad)

<OOB> (hm. Just gotta wait until 5 for that much longer 'till that, Fex? I don't recall you mentioning what time it is.)

<[CB1]Gun> (great if the cops get us I say)

* Lamuness turns around

<Verifex> its around 2:30

<Verifex> pm

<[Rainy]Blarg> talk to me tech store security cameras

<OOB> Okay.

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<Verifex> You turn around to see a kid in a leather jacket laughing his ass off

* [CB1]Gun grabs sides

<Lamuness> hey kid, I like your jacket.  give it to me

<[CB1]Gun> (can shock you just the same as OB)

<Verifex> "I saw it all, great stuff, what kinda crazy kid tries to steal a register in broad daylight"

* Lamuness gets into a fighting stance

<Lamuness> give me all your stuff!

<[CB1]Gun> (yes! steal me a jacket!)

<Verifex> "You alright, what you doing here at this sleazy place"

<OOB> (yeah, but it hurts your health when you do it, Gun)

<[CB1]Gun> (I know, but worth it if he fucks up again)

<OOB> (probably true)

<Verifex> (ignoring your obivous aggression)

* Lamuness attacks kid

* [Rainy]Blarg still loiters in the tech store until everyone else is not doing anything

<Verifex> D10 + Get a Clue + INT

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Lamuness> 10..

* [CB1]Gun walks up and nods to Randy

<Verifex> The kid who is obviously bigger then you, grabs you by your neck, and throws you violently into the ground, knocking the wind out of you

<[Rainy]Blarg> looks like dagger might need some help :P

<[CB1]Gun> Shall we help?

* Lamuness kicks kid in the crotch

<Verifex> "Hey kid, whats your problem?"

<Verifex> D10 + Streetfighting + REF

* [Rainy]Blarg just follows bob

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<[CB1]Gun> Let's watch before you have to loop cams.

<Lamuness> 17

* [CB1]Gun slowly walks towards the fight with Randy

<Verifex> you manage to kick the kid in the leg, he doesn't fall though..

<[CB1]Gun> (coming OB?)

<Lamuness> gah!  k! I give I give!

<[CB1]Gun> (lol the tinman got beat)

* OOB walks towards Dagger and the other kid*

<Verifex> You notice another guy walking over to you, with a 5 mile wide smile

<[CB1]Gun> (the cops will so bust this party)

<Verifex> hes dressed with a ragged looking jacket, not leather, but looks heavily worn

<OOB> (I know it, but we can't leave him when he keeps getting himself in fights...)

<Verifex> "You like to fight kid? do ya do ya?" says the leather jacket kid

<[CB1]Gun> (hope these are gogangers)

<Lamuness> what's it to ya!?

* OOB maneuvers around behind the leather jacket kid.

<OOB> (I'm going to bolt the loser.)

* [CB1]Gun lightly waves to the two "Yo!"

<Verifex> As you approach the scene, you notice a group of about 5 or 6 guys behind the leather jacket kid, it isn't really possible to "get behind him" without moving one of the other kids out of the way..

* [CB1]Gun grabs Dag by the back of the neck

<[CB1]Gun> (roll for it?)

<Verifex> D10 + jockstuff + bod

<Godwolf>  (Can I be of help?)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<[CB1]Gun> 14

<[CB1]Gun> (we don't know where you are)

<Godwolf> (I was following OOB :P_

<Verifex> "Chaos man, its what you gotta embrace, whats what I tell my man Rum here"

<[CB1]Gun> (I grabbed him?)

<Verifex> You slowly lift Dagger, but you strain quite a bit

<[CB1]Gun> (don't lift, just pinch :P)

<Godwolf> (Verifex, can I help? Was busy.. -_-)

<Verifex> Ahh, okay, well then

* [CB1]Gun is a calm manner "What the fuck have you been doing young man?"

<[CB1]Gun> "My apoligies for this bitches outburst as comically as they are."

<[CB1]Gun> bitch's* bah

<Lamuness> !?!?

<Verifex> (GW you are at the mall, you wandered around and notice Dagger try to rob the pizza place, then get knocked down by a kid outside

<[CB1]Gun> comical* too -.-

<Godwolf> (hell yeah. Are we beating the crap out of the kid that knocked dag down? ^.^)

* Lamuness huffs and puffs

<Verifex> "NAh nah man, its all good, but who are you, I don't think you got the spunk of this guy here"

* [CB1]Gun with non offesive hand gestures "What gang you guys running with?"

<Verifex> "I just saw him try to rob big Pauls joint there, and then try to attack me

<Verifex> "So I think this guys got a set a balls here, what you got juve?"  says to bob

* Godwolf jumps up and down, watching Bob and the kid...

<[CB1]Gun> "As nice as a B&E is we have biz with Paul."

<[CB1]Gun> "Hate to fuck up a deal"

<Verifex> "Business, with paul, yeah well we got some business with him too"

<Lamuness> hey foo, you in a gang or what?

<Lamuness> what kind of business? how about we scratch your back and you scratch our back, eh? eeeeeeh?

<Verifex> "Whats it to ya, we just a buncha juves sittin outside the mall"

<Godwolf> Answer the bloody question!

<Lamuness> buncha wannabes

<[CB1]Gun> "Doubt that, lot of guys with nothing to do means something later.

<[CB1]Gun> (GW, scan em!)

<Verifex> One of the guys behind the leather jacket guy smiles real big

<Lamuness> hey smiley, got a problem?  too much botox?

<Verifex> (BTW gun, you are a scanner..  Dee dee dee!)

* Godwolf steps up behind Bob, resting hand on katana and starting to scan the group.

<[CB1]Gun> (yeah but I like getting ppl to do my dirt)

<Verifex> (what a jerk!)

<[CB1]Gun> (duh)

<Verifex> (LMAO)

<Godwolf> (I don't care.)

<[CB1]Gun> (he wants to dee dee dee)

<Verifex> Which one first?

<Lamuness> (the smiley)

<Godwolf> (the guy Gun was talking to)

SNK4R has joined the room.

- RPG Room: server grants op status to SNK4R

<Godwolf> (Hey, SNK ^.^)

<Verifex> (hey snk)

<SNK4R> (Hello.)

<Lamuness> (oi snk)

<Verifex> Roll D10 + Interpretation + COOL

<Godwolf> Interpretation>

<Godwolf> ?

<[CB1]Gun> "You in the back, guess you're the leader of this bunch with nothing to do?"

<[CB1]Gun> (yours is 10

<[CB1]Gun> 1)

<Godwolf> (how do you know?)

<Verifex> Interpretation is your cybergen skill, hello?)

<Godwolf> (didn't say nothing about this...)

<[CB1]Gun> (just roll)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Godwolf> So 19.

* Godwolf (loves having 8 cool)

<Verifex> What are you scanning for?  

<Verifex> ---->

<[CB1]Gun> (15)

<[CB1]Gun> (was a typo, you have interp 1)

<Godwolf> Oh. thought I rolled a 10 :P

<[CB1]Gun> (it happens ;)

<Godwolf> (hehe_

<[CB1]Gun> (scan for subvocal

* OOB continues lurking a bit behind Smiley, ready to bolt him if anything violent breaks out.

<Godwolf> (any ideas what would happen if I drew my katana and attacked them?)

<[CB1]Gun> (I would run for one)

<OOB> (Mall security would arrest you, and we'd be one member short?)

SNK4R left the room.

<Verifex> "Ohh Jammy, yeah he leads us all into hell, damn right"  all the guys kinda chortle

<Godwolf> (oh, they're adults?)

<[CB1]Gun> "That an Incest joke?"

<Verifex> (no they don't look it)

<Verifex> "Yeah sure kid"

* Godwolf throws Bob a mental image of beating the shit out of the entire group to get a response

<[CB1]Gun> "Ewww. Poor momz."

<[CB1]Gun> (do  subvocalization dude)

<Godwolf> Hey. Kid. Attack me and pay, k? ;)

<Verifex> "You all a bunch of free-thinkers huh?"

<Godwolf> You could say that. If you were a bloody idiot.

<[CB1]Gun> "If we ever think."

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

* [CB1]Gun steps aside so they can see Slix

<Verifex> they chuckle a bit

* Godwolf smiles, running thumb up and down katana handle.

<[CB1]Gun> Should we place bets?

<Godwolf> I got 100 dollars saying the first one screams before he dies?

<Verifex> "you all looking for some rumble?"

<[CB1]Gun> "No. He is. I'm a voyeur this time.

<[CB1]Gun> One on One outside since we have nothing to do?

<Godwolf> Yeah yeah.... Sounds good. Would hate to ruin this fine mall with blood...

<[CB1]Gun> Better yet 2 on 2 with steel balls.

* Godwolf tightens armor, then loosens katana.

<[CB1]Gun> (no outside yet :P)

<Godwolf> (they better hurry up ;p)

* Godwolf scans gun his information. The kids attacking one other kid as a group, killing him

<Godwolf> Come on bastards. Outside.

<Verifex> "hey, I don't think these frackin mall scum should have the glory of seeing us fight"

<Verifex> (you are already outside)

<Verifex> right outside the front door

<[CB1]Gun> What glory? it's a sidewalk and you aren't dressed to impress or anything.

<Godwolf> Hey. I don't think calling me scum will give you a long and healthy life!

Mitt has joined the room.

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy still here?)

<Verifex> "What glory?  you some kinda brainwashed corp?"

* Godwolf snarls and steps forward

* OOB wanders out with the others.

<Lamuness> (here)

<[CB1]Gun> No. I'm a voyeur who came for goggles serving that purpose for when you ride to train on yo momma.

<Godwolf> It's been over a day since I smelt fresh blood, you little fuck. Keep talking though.

<Verifex> "Thats what I wanna hear, none of this pussy talk!"

* Godwolf reaches out and grabs the kids collar and pulls him close.

<[CB1]Gun> (guess lammy & GW should roll ;p)

<Verifex> OOB roll D10 + GET a Clue + Int

* [CB1]Gun scans big cheif grin

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<[CB1]Gun> 12

<Godwolf> (waits to see the kids reaction to being grabbed...)

<[CB1]Gun> (surface intent)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<OOB> I rule.

<OOB> 18.

<[CB1]Gun> (you fighting too?)

<OOB> (maybe. Looks like I must've gotten drawn into it. I don't mind, I wanna loot him after he's unconscious.)

<Godwolf> (deadd)

<Godwolf> ..

<Godwolf> Hello?

<Lamuness> Hello!

<Verifex> The kid pushes Slix back, but doesn't seem to have the expected angry reaction youd expect..

Mitt left the room.

<Verifex> what is dagger doing?

* Godwolf laughs and grabs the kid with both hands and drags him forward.

* OOB looks towards the mall

<[CB1]Gun> (go tinman wep on his ass!)

<OOB> Guys, there's a couple security guards over there near the door

* Lamuness is watching

<OOB> They have tazers....

* OOB starts backing away from the group

<Godwolf> Tazers? Ha!

<Verifex> two kids on either side of the kid step forward a bit, and grab your hands, picking them off, and the leather kid pushes you back

<[CB1]Gun> (can I sense the gaurds for a while?)

<Godwolf> (guys, can I start beating ass?)

<Verifex> (You can scan them if you want to)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<Godwolf> (Is there a penalty for cutting someone half?)

<[CB1]Gun> 19

<OOB> Slix, if you get in a fight here and the guards come out here, you are on your OWN buddy.

<Verifex> actually on 10 you get to roll again..

<[CB1]Gun> (what static lvl is this anyways?

<Godwolf> They have tazers...

* OOB points to the gathering number of guards*

<OOB> Yeah, but you're one kid.

<Godwolf> Shit. There's more of them?

<Lamuness> fellers we better get moving

* Lamuness uses Fearless Leader ability

* Godwolf snarls at the group of kids and takes a step back.

* OOB agrees with Dagg. It's time to head out.

<OOB> Wait! What time is it?

* OOB checks the it 5 yet?

<Godwolf> Guys. These little bastards are going to hurt someone. Badly.

<Lamuness> ;p  she hasn't even called you Karma

* OOB grumbles. I know, but I need to get info from her. I don't wanna miss that date...and we might end up having to leave.

<[CB1]Gun> Ok gaurds they haven't noticed us yet.

* Godwolf suddenly smiles, and scans the guards the image of the group of kids jumping one kid and killing him.

<Verifex> you can't send images to other people who aren't scanners ;)

<Godwolf> (can I send anything to them?)

<Verifex> you can send images to gun though

<Verifex> no, you just read them

<[CB1]Gun> (shudders)

<Verifex> It's about 3:00

<OOB> =\

<[Rainy]Blarg> (man, you were involved with the guy who tried to steal the register...)

<Godwolf> Can we just go somewhere to hang out instead of sitting next to a bunch of idiots? *casts a glance at the group of kids*

<Verifex> "If you wanna play kids, come back any time"

<[CB1]Gun> (same guy with the make up compact)

<Godwolf> Hey, asshole, why don't you follow me somewhere without guards?

<Godwolf> And we'll answer the age old question "If some little puke dies in a gutter, and no one is around to see, does the little puke really matter?"

<[CB1]Gun> "Shit this is what are you guy up to after this?"

<Verifex> "guards?  they always join in, but they are no fun, wanna go somewhere private loverboy?"

<Verifex> The guys behind him laugh a little

<[CB1]Gun> Ahhh. Kinky.

<Godwolf> Very.

<[CB1]Gun> Glad you found someone to hold Slix.

<Verifex> (LMFAO)

<Godwolf> Yeah. And sorry I killed that goat. Told you I was hungry.

<[CB1]Gun> (there are no goats in the future)

<Godwolf> (there are no Gun jr's then either)

<Godwolf> (... thank god....)

<Verifex> There is very little livestock in the future.. most of it is "synthesized" food..

<OOB> (hey, they offered to go somewhere private.)

<[CB1]Gun> (good, I hate kids ;)

<OOB> (maybe you could take them up on that to satiate your need for violence.)

<Lamuness> so now what?

<Godwolf> (seriously, can we draw them somewhere and beat them to death??!?!_

Forsaken has joined the room.

<Verifex> Everyone roll D10 + Get a Clue + Int

<[CB1]Gun> (dude, I'm looking to make connections and not in your buttfucking way)

<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Lamuness> 12

<Verifex> (everyone includes... everyone, hello people wake up!)

<Godwolf> (I've scanned them. They want to kill someone. Worthless. Better off dead)

<[CB1]Gun> (biz deals ftw)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<[CB1]Gun> 12

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<Verifex> (roll again godwolf)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<OOB> oh crap.

<Verifex> give me your numbers!

<Godwolf> (do I add 10 and 3 together?)

<Verifex> yes!

<[CB1]Gun> (that we should qoute you on that)

<OOB> 11

<Godwolf> 25

<Godwolf> ^.^

<OOB> (my roll blew chunks)

<Verifex> alright GW... ->

<[CB1]Gun> (all over the dashboard)

<Verifex> What do you do?

<[CB1]Gun> (wait for you to call? ;)

* Godwolf grabs Karma and runs with him somewhere away from guards.

<OOB> Suck at life, apparently.

<Godwolf> Guys. Run. Now.


* [CB1]Gun runs after

* OOB roots around for his moldable mask in his bag while he's being dragged.

* Lamuness runs full speed MOV 8

<[CB1]Gun> Why did you grab the fag anyway!?!

<Verifex> Dagger, Bob, Randy

* Godwolf (beats the royal shit out of Gun

<Verifex> Roll REF check (D10)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<[CB1]Gun> 13

<Verifex> no, just D10, no other numbers...

<[CB1]Gun> k

<Verifex> you have to roll under your REF to succeed.

<[CB1]Gun> (ahhhh)

<Verifex> Randy and Dagger?  wake up?

<[CB1]Gun> (randy is still in store)

<OOB> (Shame I'm not rolling, then, I'd rule)

<Verifex> alrighty, nevermind then..

<Verifex> Dagger D10

<[CB1]Gun> (com'on tincan!)

<Verifex> alright, I'll roll it then

<OOB>  (what is being rolled for?)

<Godwolf> Just roll when asked to roll, lol)

<[CB1]Gun> (running like hell!)

<Verifex> To see if you trip and fall like dorks.

<OOB> Ooooh. Haha, you dorks.

<Godwolf> I'm holind OOB.

<Godwolf> holding/dragging

* OOB starts running on his own

<[CB1]Gun> (that is soooooo gay)

<Verifex> lol

<novice> booty in a bag...

* novice returns to the lurk

<[CB1]Gun> (you said it comrade)

<Verifex> (Come on lamu, we need to taze you?)

<[CB1]Gun> (that's like caveman rape)

<OOB> (don't taze me bro!)

<Lamuness> (aren't I running?)

<OOB> (you have to make a roll)


<RPGBot> Lamuness rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<[Rainy]Blarg> (HAHA)

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<Godwolf> (ROFL)

<Verifex> you succeed!

<OOB> (wow, and that's actually a good thing this time O_O

<Lamuness> 2 < 8

<[CB1]Gun> (yeah so it's worth a laugh)

<Verifex> yes so you all haul ass out of there?

<Godwolf> Somewhere where we can still see the kids.

<[CB1]Gun> (follow GW for a block)

<Godwolf> Not far away, just far enough where we can see without being seen. Know what I mean?)

<Verifex> you glance back, and see the guards heading towards the kids

<Verifex> (the leather jacket punks)

<Godwolf> (oh, yeah, There are 10 guards. 4 with tazers, at least. That's why we ran)

<OOB> sweet. Kill 'em, guards.

<Verifex> you see them talking a bit, and one of the kids makes some obscene hand gestures

<[CB1]Gun> (can we scan and maybe if Dax were here....)

<Verifex> It looks like one of the kids tries to knock something out of one of the guards hands

<[CB1]Gun> (fight breaks out let's save ass!)

<Verifex> then you can see the kid get dropped  it looks like he was tazed...

* Godwolf laughs like hell into his arm.

<Verifex> the rest of the kids start shuffling away, one of them drags the guy on the ground

<Verifex> the guards all shuffle back into the mall

<OOB> Alriiiiight

<Godwolf> Guys. Let's finish them!

<Verifex> you can't see where they went


<[CB1]Gun> (scan)

<Verifex> they went into one of the side halls

<Verifex> you would need to get a little closer

<Verifex> Gun you move closer to scan?

<[CB1]Gun> (isn't there like 6 anyways?)

<Godwolf> (5 now ^>^)

<[CB1]Gun> (let GW scan)

* Godwolf lopes back to where the kid got tazed and scans for the kids

<Verifex> ok, you need to get about 25 feet closer

<[CB1]Gun> (you guys want to fight?)

<OOB> (Sure, just so long as we finish them off before my date tonight ;'D)

<Verifex> you know there are a lot of people around, but you don't recognize any of them to be the one you had scanned previously

<Godwolf> (Verifex, come clean, are you going to let me fight those kids? :P)

<Verifex> I'm not stopping you!

<[CB1]Gun> (heh)

* Godwolf runs around in a wide circle, scanning for the little bastards

<Verifex> instead of sitting there, why dont' you go down the hallway that they did when they went away?

<[CB1]Gun> (dee dee dee)

<Godwolf> (thanks fexy =D)

* Godwolf walks down the hall, scanning ahead of him.

* OOB shadows along behind Slix, keeping to the edges of the hallway and being all sneaky-like.

* [CB1]Gun follows at a distance

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy!?!)

<Lamuness> (hm?)

<Verifex> (you can feel the one guy you scanned previously on the other side of the wall, along with some other people

<[CB1]Gun> (get on the bus;)

* Lamuness gets on the bus

<[CB1]Gun> (uh not that way)

* Godwolf walks closer until he can hear them.

<Verifex> (if you keep going along the hallway it probably leads out to there

<Verifex> (not telling you how to move or anything)

<Verifex> you hear some laughing

* [CB1]Gun scans for chief grin

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<[CB1]Gun> 17

<Verifex> as long as you are following GW, you can detect him on other side of wall when heading down the hallway

* [CB1]Gun gets nothing...keep on cruising

<Verifex> as you reach the end of the hallway, it leads to the shipping dock

<Verifex> and on to the rest of the mall

* Godwolf scans and walks rapidly towards the kids.

<Verifex> from where you detected them previously they would be around the wall somewhere just look around

Forsaken left the room.

<Verifex> When you turn around the corner that blocks the garbage bins and other stuff from the front of the mall, you see them all standing there

<Godwolf> (ya'll ready?)

Forsaken has joined the room.

* OOB stays hidden in the shadows. Ready though.

<[CB1]Gun> (should've got the bike huh ;)

<Verifex> unsure of who was actaully the tazed guy, you don't notice any of them unconscious or anything

* Godwolf walks towards them slowly.

* [CB1]Gun looks over shoulder

<Verifex> "Hey friend" you can hear leather jacket guy say loudly

* Godwolf watches them, smirking, still strolling forward slowly.

<[CB1]Gun> Yo!

<Verifex> are you by yourself?

<Verifex> who is behind GW?

<Godwolf> Are they following me, lol?

<[CB1]Gun> (OB is)

<Verifex> lamu?

<OOB> (I'm behind you and hidden.)

<Godwolf> (are you, Gun?)

<[CB1]Gun> (am behind OB-for the butseck- then lammy)

<OOB> (Should I roll a Blend check?)

<Lamuness> (nods)

<Verifex> no blend

<OOB> (okay)

<Verifex> theres nothing to hide behind here anyways, if you follow GW, you can't hide the fact that you are there.. theres just a brick wall there, no "cover"

* OOB tries his hardest to disguise himself as a brick wall.

<OOB> >.>

<[CB1]Gun> (already called out so all 4 go)

<Verifex> (you fail horribly)

<OOB> Gahhhh

<Verifex> (the brick wall laughs at you)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

* OOB kicks the wall

<Godwolf> (1 point of damage to OOB)

<Verifex> "So you reconsider our fun and games?"

<OOB> (- User the wall is not online)

<[CB1]Gun> (*does the carrie voice* Their all gonna laugh at you!)

<Godwolf> Well, are you al still pathetic idiots?

* OOB stays to the back of the group, knowing he can manipulate his bolt through and hit any of them.

<[CB1]Gun> (stay behind GW for chance to stun)

<Verifex> "Well, Hey Frank's pretty pathetic, hasn't been laid in like a year."

<Verifex> you see one of the guys hold up his hands and smile, the rest of them laugh

<Godwolf> yeah. I get like that after I haven't beat someoen to death.

<[CB1]Gun> "O Rly? This dancer here can change that."

<OOB> Ahhh. Well I can fix that, I'll lay him flat right now if he'd like.

<[CB1]Gun> ....You scare me...

<Godwolf> (ROFL)

<Verifex> "What'dya say Frank, you go for the guys?"

<OOB> I meant with my bolter. >.>

<[CB1]Gun> (GW, we need to both scan the leader...he's hiding something....)

<Verifex> Frank makes a humping motion, "Well I'll fuck him up alright!" they laugh

<Godwolf> (verifex is too into this....)

* Godwolf scans the leader for everything.

<Verifex> Roll D10

* OOB holds his arm straight up towards Frank.

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<[CB1]Gun> 18, subvocal

* OOB gets ready to fire his Bolter at the clown of the group, Frank.

<Verifex> GW?

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<Godwolf> (fuck you)

<Verifex> (hehe)

<[CB1]Gun> (rofl)

<Verifex> Well needless to say you get nothing but static..

<[CB1]Gun> (guess do surface intent)

* OOB cocks his wrist back and fires his bolt at Frank*

<Verifex> you both get statis

<Verifex> er.. static

<OOB> (do I need to roll for my bolt firing?)

<Verifex> Yes...

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<OOB> I think it fired.

<[CB1]Gun> (fuck yeah)

<OOB> ;'D

<Verifex> nice.. D10 again

<Godwolf> ^.^

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Verifex> Ok, 16 + 2 + REF

<OOB> 26

<Verifex> You nail Frank in the chest, how much charge do you use?

<OOB> (how much do I have?)

<OOB> (and how much will just knock him out? I don't wanna kill the pussy.)

<Verifex> what is your body?

<Godwolf> OOB? he's a b cup. Why?

<[CB1]Gun> 5

OOB left the room.

OOB has joined the room.

- RPG Room: server grants op status to OOB

<OOB> (sorry 'bout that, dialup DC'd me. How much charge do I have, and how much will just knock him out?)

<[CB1]Gun> (60 DC)

<Verifex> you have 60DC of charge available to you, if you do anything more then 8 or 9 you stand a strong chance of killing him instantly unless he has very good armor on..

<Verifex> 8 or 9DC I mean..

<OOB> (5 DC should knock him out then)

<OOB> (right?)

<[CB1]Gun> (yeah do 5)

<Godwolf> (do 7)

<[CB1]Gun> (ebil...)

<Verifex> 5 is still quite a lot...

<Forsaken> (Wolfy is a horrible person.  Don't listen to him <<)

* Godwolf (wanted to say 10 ;)

<[CB1]Gun> (no shit)

<Verifex> the "wound damage table" on page 152 gives you a good idea

<Lamuness> (early to bed today)

* OOB uses a 5 DC charge to zap the little pussy.

<Verifex> for instance.. DC14 is "really gross stuff only the military has"

<[CB1]Gun> (pictures a hole thru)

<Verifex> he zaps and convulses and collapses

* OOB recoils in his bolt line.

<[CB1]Gun> Hey, he got laid.

<Verifex> Alright D10 + Get a clue + Int everyone...

<OOB> Sure did.

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<OOB> 12

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<[CB1]Gun> 14

<Godwolf> 13

<Godwolf> I beat OOB with a 1, rofl.

<OOB> x_x

<Verifex> (gnite lamu if you are leaving)

<OOB> (later Lammy!)

<[CB1]Gun> (remember GW, we got touch shock)

<Godwolf> (I got a katana)

<[CB1]Gun> (which is metal ;p)

<Godwolf> (so?)

<[CB1]Gun> (nvm)

<OOB> (so you could channel your shock through a sword cut for extra damage, perhaps...?)

<OOB> (after all, metal conducts electricity)

<Verifex> The guy in front runs at GW looking ready to do some damage... (freeze time) brb bathroom

<Godwolf> (Is it an actual electric shock though?

<[CB1]Gun> (well the shock is more for grapple anyways)

* Godwolf laughs at the frozen time and pants the guy.

* OOB slipped on a pair of shades before timestop for a matrix look.

<[CB1]Gun> (it's a static wave)

<[CB1]Gun> (3 or 4 and we don't take damage, 5 & up is harmful)

<Lamuness> (g'nite :)  was fun )

<OOB> ('night!)

<Verifex> (unfreeze time) the leather jacket guy lays a square punch at slix

<OOB> (I'll need to hit the bed in an hour-ish as well, it's 2 AM)

<Verifex> gnite lamu.. (give yourself 10 ip)

<OOB> (does he roll to dodge it?)

* Godwolf sways back to reduce power behind it

<Verifex> no, but GW, are you wearing armor?

<Godwolf> (I don't roll well in heavy armor)

<Verifex> and what is your BTM?

<Godwolf> BTM?

<Verifex> er.. wait I forgot that.. (D'oh!)

<[CB1]Gun> (dee dee dee)

<Godwolf> (my AR is 12 that I know of)

<Verifex> BTM is body type modifier..

<Verifex> I'm trying to find the table for it...  it gives you extra damage buffer if you are larger body

<OOB> (I'm thinner, and only 5'10, so I'd be a smaller body =( nobody punch me!)

<Godwolf> (I'm 6'2, 210, rofl)

<[CB1]Gun> (he's a -3, I'm -2 I think)

<Godwolf> (negative is bad or good?)

<Verifex> alright.. I can't find table.. but

<Verifex> body of 4 is -1, body of 5 is -2, body 6 is -2 , body 7 is -2, body 8 is -3

<Verifex> it won't reduce damage to 0, you will still take a minimum 1 damage, but it will reduce damage if you've taken some

<Verifex> I'll add it to your char sheets if you want

<Godwolf> 8 body.

<Verifex> oh...  I did include BTM, I just never filled it out...

Lamuness left the room.

<Verifex> so thats what you all need to fill out

<Godwolf> 12 AR

<[CB1]Gun> (done)

<OOB> Hm, so my 5 body means -2. Sweeeet.

<OOB> (on a side note, I still have on there that I have 3 HP left from our first session. Should that be regen'd?

<Verifex> ok GW, I'm sorry but you can't have AR12...

* Godwolf does

<Godwolf> I have two different pieces of Heavy armor.

<Verifex> AR 12 is (and I'm quoting) Lt military Vehicle Armor

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<Verifex> so unless you are a vehicle... and I doubt that..  you have one set of armor..

<Verifex> you don't combine AR together..

<OOB> (rofl)

<Verifex> (sorry for not explaining this stuff better)

<Verifex> (what armor do you have?)

<OOB> (nah, I like hearing about GW's vehicular armor. He's like a Transformer)

<Godwolf> (two pieces of heavy armor. Both body and legs.

<Godwolf> (each with an AR of 6)

<[CB1]Gun> (you could share with me ;p)

<Verifex> you have AR6, thats equivilant to Heavy Armor, which is pretty damn good..

<Verifex> its right below metal gear armor... so anyways... enough metagaming!

<Godwolf> (wait a bloody minute)

<Godwolf> (so just the flak pants would give me the same AR??)

<Verifex> yeah.. on your legs

<Godwolf> OH. So it matters where they attack... okay. fight on ^.^)

<Verifex> so if a guy hits you in the chest, you would not have armor...

Forsaken left the room.

<Verifex> Alright well the guy punches you, but just gets a rough knuckle as your armor absorbs the damage

<Godwolf> (From the nature of the fight, should I be fighting to kill!?)

<Godwolf> (As in, fist or katana?)

<Verifex> (do kids who fight at a mall kill each other?)

<[CB1]Gun> (might now...-.-)

<Godwolf> (My yogang says yes?)

<Verifex> (do whatever you like!)

* Godwolf swings out with fist, aiming for the side of the guys head.

<[CB1]Gun> (let's check between battleglove and wolvers for a sec ;)

<Verifex> alright, here are the guys: leather, red hair, black hair, raggedy, wifebeater and frank...

<OOB> (Frank's down for the count)

<Godwolf> And who just punched me?

<Godwolf> Leather>?

<Verifex> leather punched Slix

<OOB> (Slix, hit him with the handle of the katana!)

<OOB> (No need to killllll)

<Godwolf> Fine...

* Godwolf draws katana and smacks leather in the head with the flat of blade.

<[CB1]Gun> (I suggest battleglove)

<Verifex> Red hair runs over and does a power kick to Slix, but the armor absorbs it

<Godwolf> (I don't have battlegloves ;P)

<Godwolf> (Rofl. I'm loving being a tank)

<[CB1]Gun> (ok was suggesting since you can't have 12 ;)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<Verifex> alright, Slix, your turn

<OOB> Hm. I take it Slix is going to handle most of these guys by himself?

* Godwolf draws katana and uses both hand to hit leather in the head with the flat of his blade.

<[CB1]Gun> (kinda why I'm at a distance still)

<OOB> I am as well, but that's what a bolter's for.

<Verifex> D10 + streetfight + ref

<Godwolf> (ref?)

<[CB1]Gun> reflex

<Verifex> yes

<Godwolf> (nevermind)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> 27

<[CB1]Gun> (ouch)

<Godwolf> (laughs hysterically)

<Verifex> (damn!)

<[CB1]Gun> (maybe he is a truck)

<Godwolf> (I tried to tell captain)

<Verifex> Alright, roll D10 for damage

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<[CB1]Gun> (capt still needs his type ;)

<Godwolf> (Did I hit Verifex? :P)

<Verifex> 5 damage..

<OOB> (no, he's not an opponent ;'D)

<Godwolf> (I he unconscious? :P)

<Verifex> he looks like he got a bit bruised

<[CB1]Gun> (lol)

<Godwolf> (WTF? How strong is he!?)

CaptainSquishypants has joined the room.

<[CB1]Gun> (speak of the devil rofl)

<OOB> (wow, 5 damage = bruise?)

<OOB> (he must be really strong...O_o)

<Verifex> leather might be wearing armor too, I'm not giving you his stats though ;P

<CaptainSquishypants> (I'll be able to join you guys in about twenty minutes or so.  I have to put Ebony to sleep.)

<[CB1]Gun> (keep watching capt, GW is a true tank atm)

<Verifex> (hi captian!)

<Verifex> (hmmm .. leather is wearing armor?  Shocking!)

<[CB1]Gun> (he's a scanner not a thinker)

<Verifex> alright gun, you and black hair go at the same time

<Godwolf> (I'm a bruiser, actually)

* [CB1]Gun does a jumping front kick

<CaptainSquishypants> (Be back asap guys.  And GW, dont have too much fun without me. :P)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 7

<Godwolf> (tell Ebony I said night!)

<Verifex> black hair runs over and tackles slix

<OOB> rofl. Karate Bob?

<Godwolf> (can I like... Not fall over?

<Godwolf> (like... body check or something to just watch him bounce off?)

<Verifex> Roll D10 Ref check

<OOB> (right. Like he'd bounce off.)

<Verifex> (ref check means roll under your ref)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Verifex> oooh.. you are tackled...

<OOB> (hahahhahahahahah)

<Godwolf> They're equal?

<[CB1]Gun> (GW must have more armor than SWAT)

<[CB1]Gun> (nvm)

<Verifex> but on the plus side you didn't take any damage

<Godwolf> (lol, Gun, spoke too soon?)

<[CB1]Gun> (that I did)

* Godwolf laughs at the little idiot.

* OOB lifts his armo towards black hair, intending to get him off of Slix. (I suppose this comes after Gun's move.)

<OOB> arm*

<Verifex> Gun what did you do?

<[CB1]Gun> (fine, not helping you up)

<OOB> (he jump-kicked)

* [CB1]Gun kick blackey

<Verifex> oh.. roll if you didn't already

<[CB1]Gun> 8+?

<Godwolf> streetfighting and ref.

<Verifex> you got a 7,

<Verifex> + streetfight + ref

<Godwolf> (owned!)

<[CB1]Gun> 20

<Verifex> you connect!  D10

<OOB> (looks like Gun jumpkicks him good!)

<Godwolf> (roll d10 Gun...)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> Woot!

<[CB1]Gun> (I'll fuck you while you're laid fag! ;)

<Verifex> you kick him down

<Verifex> bruised good


<[CB1]Gun> (you should've saw me last fight)

<Verifex> Karma your turn.

<Verifex> yeah that was a killer kick..

<OOB> (who is still standing up? Red hair and Black hair?)

<Godwolf> (and leather, and he's hurt, so finish him)

<[CB1]Gun> (go for red)

<Verifex> also.. theres a "body modifier" for fighting hand to hand...

<Verifex> but it only applies to "damage" not to hit ;)

* OOB points his arm towards Red hair, cocks his hand back, and fires his bolt.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<OOB> (REF + bolt + d10?)

<Verifex> yes

<OOB> 12

<Godwolf> (verifex... Are you adding my katana to my attack and damage?)

<[CB1]Gun> (stop trying to kill!)

<Verifex> (uhh yes, katana doesn't give add to your attack, it adds to your damage)

<Godwolf> (did you calculate damage last time?)

<Verifex> you fling a bolt at red hair, and it just flies past him

* OOB pulls his bolt back in*

<[CB1]Gun> (step child to the rescue!)

<Godwolf> (Rofl)

<Verifex> raggedy goes and does a hammer punch to slixs face

<OOB> O.o

<[CB1]Gun> (haha that one's for me)

<Verifex> he connects, and it stings, but thats about it

<CaptainSquishypants> (Operation Put Ebony Asleep: Complete)

<Godwolf> (did you tel her I said goodnight!?!?!)

<Godwolf> Hmm... Free aftershave... thanks raggedy....

<CaptainSquishypants> (Yeah.  She said something about you being gimpy for not getting CP today and making us lose first. :P)

<[CB1]Gun> (excellent)

<Godwolf> (we were 5k points behind, at the least.....)

<Verifex> wifebeater comes over and kicks, but misses

<Verifex> frank is still on the ground reeling in pain

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<[CB1]Gun> (CS to the rescue after we feed him his type....quickly!)

<OOB> What the heck? Frank's awake?

<Verifex> leather kicks at slix, and connects

<Godwolf> Kicks where?

<OOB> (your balls.)

<[CB1]Gun> (the only face open...your face ;)

<Verifex> your body (unless specified)

<Godwolf> (otay)

<[CB1]Gun> (place* bah!)

<Godwolf> (eat 6 AR, bitch!)

<CaptainSquishypants> (lol  What am I supposed to do now?  Sit back and chuckle as you all get beat?)

<Godwolf> (you mean as I own?)

<OOB> (actually, we're kickin' butt pretty well.

<Verifex> it hurts hard, but armor absorbs

<Godwolf> My turn again now!?

<[CB1]Gun> (heh I'm literally kicking more tail than GW)

<Verifex> (I have to roll at least 11 on damage chart to do any damage to you)

<Godwolf> (rofl!)

<OOB> (Verifex, you didn't answer my question from earlier. Should I change my HP back from the 3 it was at in our session-before-last?

<Godwolf> (how much damage did you do, Gun?)

<OOB> (I keep forgetting to close these parentheses.)

<[CB1]Gun> (sure OB, you slept it off)

<OOB> (okay, good.)

<[CB1]Gun> (rolled a 9)

<Godwolf> (you rolled, but how much damage actually?)

<[CB1]Gun> (well more bruises than you)

<Verifex> red hair comes over and kicks Slix in the chest really really hard... it does 1 damage (booyeah!)

<Verifex> (I had to roll a fucking 17 for that 1 damage, so bask in it!)

<[CB1]Gun> (step child saves the day!)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<Verifex> Slix your turn

<Godwolf> (can I stand and attack in the same round?)

<Verifex> (maybe if I say "well I have to roll atleast 11 on damage table to hit you" I'll get high roll again)

<Verifex> you can stand up, but you can only hit someone right next to you, (your armor is kinda bulky too, remember)

* Godwolf stands and hacks at leather in return for the retard-tastic kick

<Verifex> D10

<[CB1]Gun> (you could fall on them and break a rib hehe)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Godwolf> 22

<Godwolf> No.

<Godwolf> 20

<Verifex> Are you using katana blade?

<Godwolf> (yes, but it's more of a slash, less stab... not going for the kill)

<Verifex> alrighty, roll for damage

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Godwolf> (this better knock the bastard out....)

<OOB> (nah, I have a feeling it won't)

<Verifex> you can tell he is hurt, but he isn't down yet

<Godwolf> (BULL! What is his body!? 35346?)

<[CB1]Gun> (me turn?)

<OOB> (so it is Gun's turn now, no? Then mine?)

<Verifex> imagine if you will, that he is wearing AR4 leather

<Godwolf> (KILL LEATHER!)

* [CB1]Gun haymakers leather

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Godwolf> (danke, goat raper)

<[CB1]Gun> 18

<Verifex> I'm not giving you what he really has, but just imagine he has real armor on!! (shocking!)

<Verifex> black and gun go

<OOB> (zaps 'Fexy.)

<OOB> (shocking!)

<[CB1]Gun> (har har)

<OOB> (yeah, well, I had to go there.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Heh... I'l be back in a few minutes.  You guys have fun trying to beat one person.  And no giving Gun shit, thats my job.)

<Verifex> you connect.. roll damage

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<OOB> (wait...Gun, you eat his what?)

<[CB1]Gun> (shit, bounce off)

<OOB> (rofl)

<Verifex> Black hair attacks Slix

<Verifex> kicking in the side

<Verifex> but it just kinda bumps it a little

<Godwolf> (giggles)

<Verifex> Karma go

<[CB1]Gun> (CS can't give much shit...I injured 2 ftw last fight)

<[CB1]Gun> (kill red!)

* OOB gets revenge on Red Hair for kicking Slix and dodging the last bolt!

* OOB fires a bolt at him with an evil grin*

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<OOB> 15

<Verifex> you hit, how much dc?

* OOB grins wickedly* 10 DC.

<Godwolf> (YEAH!)

<[CB1]Gun> (no way go for 6)

<Godwolf> (no way go for 13)

<Verifex> alright, roll D10

<OOB> (nah, 10 will kill him.)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<OOB> (or not.)

<[CB1]Gun> (man it's going to smell in this alley)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<OOB> (my rolls are sucking now. =[ )

<Verifex> he is zapped pretty good, and falls down, he isn't out for the count though like frank

<OOB> well if I rolled better he'd be KFC

<Verifex> raggedy comes over to jump on slix but misses and ends up skinning his knee

<Godwolf> (omg... so funny...)

<[CB1]Gun> (that's it I'm bully rags

<Verifex> wifebeater kicks Slix pretty hard in the leg

<CaptainSquishypants> (Are you guys still having trouble doing this...)

<Verifex> but it doesn't hurt

<Godwolf> ROFL

<OOB> (hey CSP, I've taken out 2 guys so far)

<[Rainy]Blarg> g'night guys

<Verifex> And leather goes

<[CB1]Gun> (GW is the unbruisable pinata)

<Verifex> gnite blarg...

<Godwolf> (dude, I've been attacked nearly 10 times for a grand total of 1 damage)

[Rainy]Blarg left the room.

<CaptainSquishypants> (woot OB!  And Fexy, you might want to make atleast one guy who can hurt GW if the Human Punching Stick there can't be hurt.)

<Verifex> leather tries to kick Slix but misses and loses his balance a bit

* Godwolf laughs hysterically.

<[CB1]Gun> (red shall save the day!)

<OOB> (Heh - but if he can hurt GW, then it'll be a one-shot kill for the rest of us.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (*shrugs* Personal vendetta ftw?)

<Verifex> punches Bob outta the way  (are you wearing armor bob?)

* Godwolf scans the group of kids, to check their current mental state

<[CB1]Gun> (nope)

<Verifex> Red hair punches bob (does 2 damage)

<[CB1]Gun> (don't waste the turn GW)

<OOB> Red hair's back up again already?

<OOB> x_x

<[CB1]Gun> (told ya he's kick ass)

<Verifex> yes.. he didn't get unconscious, he just fell down

<OOB> (up, down, up, up, punch....FINISH HIM)

<Verifex> and Slix your turn...

<Verifex> (you scanning them?)

<[CB1]Gun> (fight leather!)

<Verifex> you can scan them instantly for emotions (no turn loss)

<Godwolf> I'll do it then.

<Verifex> alright

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Verifex> what else?

* Godwolf grabs leather's hand, taking advantage of him being off balance, and brings his knee up and leather's head down to connect brutally.

<Godwolf> hannd = head

<OOB> (you failed anatomy, didn't you...)

<[CB1]Gun> (his gang tells the tale)

<Godwolf> (I hate you :P, I meant head)

<Verifex> D10 + jockstuff + bod

<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Godwolf> still an 18 ^.^

<OOB> (GW on his first date after anatomy class - "I think they said if I insert my toe into your bellybutton, and then you won't be a virgin anymore?"

<Godwolf> (ROFL)

<Verifex> you smack him, roll D10

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> YES!

<Verifex> you knock him in the face pretty good and he falls down

<Godwolf> (out for the count?)

<Verifex> you aren't sure if he is out

<CaptainSquishypants> (*stabs GW in the toe with a penny and watchs him die*)

<Godwolf> (WTF? I know he ain't wearing a helmet....)

<Verifex> black hair and gun

<[CB1]Gun> (can I grab 2 guys at once?)

<Verifex> sure, you get a wonderful penalty on the second one

<Verifex> D10 to grab one guy

<Verifex> d10 +street fight + ref

<[CB1]Gun> (going for the static wave so how about just a palm ;p)

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<[CB1]Gun> 21

<Verifex> ok you touch one guy

<Verifex> you going to shock him?

<[CB1]Gun> DC 4

<OOB> (I think he wants to shock both at one time)

<[CB1]Gun> (naw just red)

<OOB> (oh alright)

<Verifex> roll D10 for damage

<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<Godwolf> lol.

<[CB1]Gun> (goat fucking shit!)


<Godwolf> (anal, huh? ewh)

<OOB> (better than oral, after all a goat will eat anything)

<Verifex> you shock him, and he hurts, but he isn't going down

<Godwolf> (I saw a movie where a sheep did that....)

<OOB> What. The. Heck.

* OOB raises his arm towards Red Hair.

<OOB> My turn.

<Verifex> blackhair attacks gun

<Verifex> (sorry I didn't do black hair)

<OOB> (okay, almost my turn.)

<Verifex> Black hair punches Bob for 1 damage

<OOB> (After this fight, OOB goes to sleep.)

<OOB> ('cuz it just hit 3 AM)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Lol Aargh is having issues farming me...)

<Verifex> (dude you need to get armor with atleast AR1)

<[CB1]Gun> (long fight)

<Verifex> go Karma

* OOB raises his arm, cocks his wrist back, and attempts to bolt Red into KFC.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<[CB1]Gun> (oh the armor will comes from paul ;)

<OOB> Unfortunately, I suck at life.

<OOB> 13.

<Verifex> you miss barely..

<OOB> >.<'

<Verifex> raggedy attacks bob

<Godwolf> Guess they gave up attacking me...

<Verifex> and swings wildkly at the air

<Verifex>  wildly..

<Verifex> wifebeater attacks Bob

<OOB> (guess bob is the wife.)

<Verifex> Punches in chest for 2 damage

<[CB1]Gun> (am running for the bike after this)

<OOB> (owww, your boobies!)

<[CB1]Gun> (and I'm running you down)

<Verifex> (you are hurting really bad now bob)

* Godwolf mentaly tells BoB to get out of here and attack from a distance

<Verifex> Leather doesn't get up

<[CB1]Gun> (Duh!)

<Verifex> red hair attacks bob

<Godwolf> (who's still standing?)

<[CB1]Gun> (but the pistol will be loud)

<[CB1]Gun> (I'm so dead)

<OOB> (I think red, wifebeater, is blackhair standing?)

<Verifex> (yes)

<OOB> (crap)

<Verifex> swings and misses

<[CB1]Gun> (Yes!)

<Verifex> go slix

<OOB> (hey GW, feel free to use deadly force on these guys to finish the fight)

<Godwolf> (That's it. I'm starting to kill. I probably won't be able to, but it'll hurt them faster)

<OOB> (I'm certainly going to)

<CaptainSquishypants> (*watchs Jacob chuckle and walk down the alley to dig for something to eat that isn't a nasty power bar* :P)

* Godwolf swings blade with all his strength at red.

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<[CB1]Gun> :)

<Godwolf> 25 good enough?

<Verifex> you slice at him and connect, roll damage

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 1


<[CB1]Gun> (welcome to the goat party pal)

<OOB> (sounds like he must've reached climax)

<Verifex> red is bleeding really bad, he starts backing up

<OOB> (knew he got too much of a jolly out of fighting)

* Godwolf scans the group for emotions

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<OOB> (congratulations! They have emotions!)

<[CB1]Gun> (most of which say owww)

<Godwolf> (pretty sure leather is unconscious...

<Verifex> gun and black hair go

<[CB1]Gun> (who cares, I'm coming back with the bike to ride speedbumps)

* [CB1]Gun runs like a bitch

<OOB> (well there's his turn)

<Verifex> black hair runs after Bob and kicks

<Godwolf> (Rofl)

<Verifex> he connects for 2 damage

<OOB> uh oh

<[CB1]Gun> (and I'm out)

<[CB1]Gun> (lammy so sucks rancid goats balls)

<Verifex> (what hp are you at?)

<Godwolf> (you unconscious? )

<[CB1]Gun> 0

<Verifex> (thats okay, thats just unconscious)

<OOB> (unless a bullet puts you there?)

<Verifex> (-4 is death)

<OOB> oh

<[CB1]Gun> (let's make them -5 when I get up)

<OOB> My turn.

<Verifex> yes

* OOB points his arm at blackie

* OOB fires a bolt

<Godwolf> (oh, yes, I plan on killing them now)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<OOB> 14

<OOB> (my rolls tend to suck, I keep getting 5 or less)

<Verifex> you connect

<OOB> 10 DC

<OOB> toast him

<Verifex> he happens to be running near you

<Verifex> D10 damage

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<Godwolf> ROFL

<[CB1]Gun> (W.T.F.)

<OOB> ....

<Verifex> he falls over zapped

<Godwolf> (I think Verifex is being kind :P)

<OOB> (I think so too.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (*snickers softtly* What makes you say that?)

<Verifex> (I don't think you are looking at the freaking damage tables are you)

<[CB1]Gun> (he has to be at this point)

<OOB> (but 'Fex, I rolled a 4 earlier and the guy got back up next round)

<Verifex> (you thought I was kidding about DC 8 and above being deadly didn't you?)

<OOB> (No, I didn't. I really wanted to fry him.)

<Godwolf> (i've done over 10 damage to leather boy...)

<[CB1]Gun> (we'll do that soon)

<OOB> (and it just seems odd that a DC10 earlier with a roll of 4 let the guy get right back up next round...)

<Verifex> DC 10 is equivilant to a heavy machine gun..

<OOB> OK, so I heavy machine gunned the guy earlier. How'd he get back up next round?

<Verifex> he must have had some armor

* OOB is confused by how that works.

* OOB calls dibs on that armor after this is over

<Verifex> (if you really want to go around killing everyone, you can if you want)

<OOB> (not especially, but I was getting frustrated with 'they fall over and whimper a little, and then they get back up and kick everyone's ass. ;'P)

<Godwolf> (lol. So true :P)

<Verifex> Welcome to combat!

<OOB> ;'D

<[CB1]Gun> (knock them out, get me up, I'll finish this)

<OOB> (well, at least there's just one guy left.)

<OOB> (finish him off, GW)

<Godwolf> red and black?

<Verifex> raggedy runs away

<OOB> red backed off I thought, and I just killed zap

<[CB1]Gun> (red is bleeding bad)

<OOB> killed black*

<[CB1]Gun> (crush rags!)

<OOB> (no, wifebeater remains)

<Verifex> wifebeater also runs

<Godwolf> OH COME ON!

<OOB> (or not)

<OOB> (little pansy)

* Godwolf pulls out SMG and starts shooting at wifebeater

<[CB1]Gun> (oh well, steal armor)

<Godwolf> And I'm dead serious.

<Verifex> well you can catch up to them if you want

* OOB calls wifebeater a pansy.

<[CB1]Gun> (catch up!)

* OOB chases after him

<Godwolf> It's my turn, dang it! :P

* OOB particularly goes for Red

<[CB1]Gun> (red is like half dead)

<OOB> (good point. Hurry up, chase them, and let me go after Red and finish him. After all, I bolted at him like 20 times.)

<Verifex> red crashes into someone as he passes around the corner

<Verifex> he trips and falls down

<Godwolf> I already said I'm shooting at whoever I still see.

<[CB1]Gun> (better be Cs!)

<OOB> Nah, Slix, don't make gunshots.

<OOB> Not good.

<[CB1]Gun> (yeah, I got plans)

<OOB> Especially with Bob out cold

<CaptainSquishypants> (Bwahahaha!  Why do you want me here?  Fresh punching guy?)

* Godwolf scowls and runs after red, grabs him, and drags red back to the group, katana to his neck

<Verifex> It is a cop, he has his gun out and and turns around the corner looking at you both


<CaptainSquishypants> (Smooth move GW...)

<[CB1]Gun> (no shit)

<Verifex> "Get on the ground now!"

<Godwolf> (can I take him?)

<[CB1]Gun> (he has a gun :P)

<Verifex> (why are you asking me?)

<Godwolf> (so do I)

<Godwolf> (well, what kind of good is it? does he look like he's wearing heavy armor? etc?)

<[CB1]Gun> (he's a dam cop)

<Verifex> You can't tell, but he definitely isn't a kid.

* OOB bolts to the hallway he came from*

<[CB1]Gun> (take me with you!)

<Godwolf> OOB, don't forget Gun -_-

<OOB> (hope he doesn't shoot me)

<OOB> (no worries, I have a plan)

<Verifex> you see a cop car (not a spinner) Karma

<[CB1]Gun> (now lie to the cop, Lie!)

<OOB> (where? I'm in a hallway)

<Verifex> theres another cop in the passenger side who is getting out

<Verifex> It's a woman and shes carrying what looks like some kind of shotgun

<OOB> (outside the building, you mean?)

<OOB> (aw snap)

<Verifex> well yeah, you are in the shipping dock

<OOB> (Little Angel works on Empathy, right?)

<OOB> ;'D

* Godwolf stares at the cop, not moving yet, but releasing red and sheating katana.

<[CB1]Gun> (did rags and wife get by?)

<OOB> (GW, there's 2 of them.)

<Verifex> "On the ground now Juve!"

<Godwolf> Awh, come on... Can't have a bit of fun?

<Verifex> The cop is stepping closer and close with the gun aimed squarely at Slix

<OOB> "Officer, I'm so glad you are here"

<OOB> "This gang of kids attacked us and we were trying to defend ourselves"

<[CB1]Gun> (bought time someone thought!)

<Verifex> he cuts you off-- "On the ground kid!",

<Godwolf> (OOB is talking to female, I believe)

<OOB> "You aren't here to help us? T-T"

<Verifex> No, male

<Godwolf> Come on... Man... Just defending ourself...

<Verifex> The female officer appears around the corner

<Verifex> carrying a shotgun of some kind

* Godwolf looks to the female officer and then back at male officer.

* OOB holds his hands above his head* "I'm just a kid...don't hurt're here to arrest the bad kids, right?" D';

<Godwolf> Offficer... Just defending ourselves...

<Verifex> she takes ahold of Karma and leads him back over to the car


<Godwolf> (RAPE)

<Verifex> "On the ground punk!"

* OOB asks "Did you catch the bad guys too, at least?" as he is being lead to the car


<OOB> (what, no Little Angel?)

<Verifex> D10 little angel

<Godwolf> Sir... Really... What if they come back while I'm on the ground?

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<[CB1]Gun> (-,-)

<OOB> 3 + 8 EMP + 5 little Angel = 16

<OOB> (GW's gonna get his butt shot up)

<OOB> (rofl)

<Godwolf> (then I'll shoot back)

[DH]M'Hael left the room.

<Verifex> The guy fires a shot, it whizzes right by you, "Warning shot, next one will be at you, last chance on the ground now"

<OOB> (at least get down on one knee or something so he lowers his gun)

<Godwolf> (was my next plan :P )

<OOB> (hey, did I pass/fail my LA check?)

* Godwolf falls to knees and raises hands

<Godwolf> Look, sir, just defending ourselves... Not a bad guy....

<OOB> (I got a total of 16)

<Verifex> Yes, the woman doesn't rough you up or cuff you

<OOB> (sweet.)

<Verifex> she leads you to the back of the police car

<Verifex> and puts you in

<[CB1]Gun> (and DH had to leave -.-)

[DH]M'Hael has joined the room.

<Verifex> hahahaha

<[CB1]Gun> (yes!)

<[CB1]Gun> (DH you must save us!)

* OOB sits quietly back in the back of the cop car, and waits for her to enter the front seat.

<OOB> (does she leave the window open, or anywhere else I can send a bolt through to aim it around at her?)

<Verifex> she walks back over around the corner, and you see her talking into her radio

<Godwolf> (yeah... Hard to look innocent with a bloody katana..)

<Godwolf> (OOB, never been in a cop car, rofl?)

<OOB> (I know, I know, but this is the future)

<Verifex> (DH you there?)

<[CB1]Gun> (DH save us!)

<CaptainSquishypants> (lol  I love not being in the area yet...)

<OOB> (I'm just hoping there's something shoddy I can take advantage of)

* OOB puts on his most innocent looking face ever and stares tearfully out the window at the female cop with her radio.


<[CB1]Gun> (accordingly I have a jammer on me....)

<[CB1]Gun> (too bad eh)

<OOB> (GW, you should totally be scanning what the cop is saying on the radio)

<OOB> (btw)

<Verifex> (GW what do you do?)

* Godwolf scans what the cop is saying on the radio

* Godwolf also scans the emotions of the male cop

<[CB1]Gun> (bet he's pissed :p)

<OOB> (btw, is my bolter capable of piercing the barrier between myself and the driver cop?)

<Godwolf> (No, if all hell breaks loose, attack him. He's not paying attention to you)

<OOB> (Gun's unconscious...)

<Verifex> you aren't sure really

<[CB1]Gun> (have to do turns for that I think OB)

<CaptainSquishypants> (*pokes Fexy to get his CyberGen back on track*)

* Godwolf stares at the male cop, on knees and hands raised*

<[CB1]Gun> (seriously CS should've been in fight like an hour ago)

<OOB> (haha, no kidding)

<Verifex> the male cop comes over and puts your hands in striptape binders

<CaptainSquishypants> (I never found out what CyberGen I have. :P)

<OOB> (crap, GW's caught.)

<[CB1]Gun> (I know *glares at fex*)

<[CB1]Gun> (GW touch static!)

<Verifex> the female  cop comes over to Bob first

* Godwolf does touch static the minute he's touched.

<Verifex> and rolls him over and  checks his pulse

<Verifex> "looks like this one is just unconscious"

<OOB> (will touch static even have an effect on a cop...I think you'll just piss him off....)

<Godwolf> (why wouldn't it!?)

<Verifex> ummm he isn't magic

<OOB> (armor)

<Godwolf> (it will stop him from cuffing me...)

<[CB1]Gun> (have to try for stun check)

<Verifex> static doesn't affected by armor in most cases I think

<Godwolf> (he's touching me with bare skin. Not thick, rubber, energy resistant armor...)

<OOB> (d'oh, static not affected by armor. That's useful!)

<[CB1]Gun> (and GW can go hard DC with all his HP)

* OOB quietly checks the door of the cop car to see if it was closed all the way.

<OOB> >.>

<Verifex> The male cop leads you by the shoulder over to the car

<OOB> (after all, she was being gentle with me)

<Godwolf> VERIFEX!?

<Godwolf> Are you in lala land?

<OOB> (He didn't static the cop?)

<Verifex> what?  did I miss something?

<Godwolf> (I freaking did, -before- he got the cuffs on all the way_

<[CB1]Gun> (....too much)

<OOB> He said touch static as soon as the cop touched him.

<Verifex> sorry, I've got a million texts I must have missed it :)

<OOB> lol

<Verifex> Alright, roll D10 + streetfighting + ref

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Godwolf> 18.

<Godwolf> I love having 8s everywhere :P

* OOB quietly checks the door of the cop car to see if it was closed all the way.

<OOB> >.>

<Verifex> you hit, how many dc?

<Verifex> is this when he is putting the cuffs on you?

<Godwolf> (what's my max again?)

<OOB> Yeah, this is when he went to put the binders on him

<Godwolf> (yes, but before both hands are cuffed)

<Verifex> alright, well roll for damage (he does have on hand in the striptape binders

<Verifex> (one)

<Godwolf> (what will knock him out?

<OOB> (don't forget you are missing 1 HP from the fight earlier, GW.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Go Go Gadget Arms!)

<Verifex> (why would I tell you that?)

<Godwolf> (common sense would tell me that...)

<Verifex> no, he is at full now

<Godwolf> Rofl!

<OOB> d'oh.

<Verifex> we slept through a night so its okay

* Godwolf is an immortal tank god.

<Verifex> but he did lose a 1 hp from battle

<Godwolf> I think he meant the 1 damage from the fight.

<OOB> That is what I meant...

<[CB1]Gun> DC7 but does DC5 to you

<[CB1]Gun> (that's max)

<Godwolf> (does using it reduce my HP?)

<Verifex> how much DC you going to put into it?

* OOB still checks to see if the door of the cop car closed all the way, since the cop was being gentle....

<OOB> (yes, it'll reduce your HP)

<Godwolf> (are you sure?)

<[CB1]Gun> (only DC 3 & 4 don't hurt you)

<OOB> (GW. Very sure. Zap the cop already.)

<Verifex> (Yes.. if you go above DC4 you take dc 3 damage

<Verifex> HOW much DC?

<Godwolf> Then I'll do 4.

<OOB> x_x

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 4-sided die: 3

<[CB1]Gun> (pussy!)

<OOB> (exactly!)

<Godwolf> (should wake him up :P)

<OOB> (cops gonna say "Ow, that stung!" and bitchslap you.)

<Godwolf> (I can just do it again....)

<Verifex> the shock does 3 damage

<[CB1]Gun> (one can only hope -.-)

<Verifex> the cop moves his hands back in surprise, and then bashes you in the head with his gun

<OOB> (Would like to point out that I'm checking still to see if the door to the cop car closed all the way, what with the girlie cop being gentle with me.

<OOB> (ahahaha, GW got pistolwhipped!)

<[CB1]Gun> (stab the door lock with a chain)

<Godwolf> (I'm waiting to see damage... I got a thick skull :P)

<Verifex> he bangs your hard, it dazes you for a second

<Godwolf> No it doesn't.

<OOB> Yes it does.

<Godwolf> You forget my 8 berserk.

<[CB1]Gun> (or wait for all to be in car, charge the fuck out of it, and unleash hell)

<Godwolf> I severly doubt my skill is THAT useless.

<Verifex> alright did you go bereserk and not tell me?

<Godwolf> It's not an active state!?!

<Godwolf> And, yes, I did then :P

<[CB1]Gun> (hell think the lives berserk)

<OOB> (you aren't constant effect berserk all the time every day....)

<Verifex> you have to "go" berserk.. its not always on

<OOB> (What the heck do you think you are, a caveman)

<[CB1]Gun> (bingo ringo)

<Godwolf> (berserk sucks. Real fucking hard)

<OOB> (<insert statement that your mom does as well, but we don't mind.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (*snickers*  GW, have you NEVER heard of a Berserker Rage?)

<Godwolf> (let's assume I went berserk when I stung him)

<Godwolf> (Yeah, but I've never heard it not happening when you get in battle -_-)

* OOB continues checking that damn door to see if it is cracked open a little or not entirely shut or something. Ahem.

<Verifex> hmmmm

<[CB1]Gun> (well you have missed a lot fex, think you could've missed that ;)

<Verifex> yeah right..

<OOB> (she WAS being gentle with me.)

<Godwolf> Look! Godwolf goes into berserk state as cop grabs hand

<OOB> Great, you're still psycho.

<Verifex> you can go into berserk as you shock ok

<Verifex> but you have to roll "berserk roll"

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<Verifex> Berserk + ref + d10

<OOB> haha

<Godwolf> It's still a 17. SO HAHA!

<[CB1]Gun> (-.-)

<OOB> (indeed, HAHA! It's freakin' hilarious.)

<Godwolf> (Ain't it? Everything I use is a 8 :P)

<Verifex> whats your score?

<Verifex> er number

<[CB1]Gun> (DH could dust the door lock if he were here)

* OOB fingers the crack of the door. Maybe it's open a little, or not entirely shut!

<Godwolf> <Godwolf> It's still a 17. SO HAHA!

<Godwolf> Verifex, answer OOB :P

<OOB> :P

<Verifex> alrighty, you go into berserk then

<Verifex> (it is shut entirely)

<Godwolf> (saw that coming :P)

<OOB> (thank you.)

<Godwolf> (back to real time. Am I "dazed" :P)

<[CB1]Gun> (bolts go at rifle speed so fire!)

* OOB lays down in the cop car and waits for his arresting officer to return.

<Verifex> I guess you aren't dazed then

<OOB> Hm. Idea.

<[CB1]Gun> (yes yes! wait for the door to open.)

* Godwolf smiles winningly at the cop.

* OOB checks to see if the cop is still a decent distance away from the car.

<Godwolf> Sorry. So much static in the air :P

<[CB1]Gun> (spent like 15 fucking min playing with the door I forgot to mention that)

<OOB> (haha)

<Verifex> you get hit on the back of the head with the gun, and the cop grabs your hands, but he can't get ahold of your hands

<OOB> (She's not going to open my door, though, I expect.)

<[CB1]Gun> (nvm 20 mins)

<Verifex> (the female cop is over on the other side of the wall

<OOB> excellent.

* Godwolf laughs ad lashes out a hand in an upper cut into the man's grin

<[CB1]Gun> (DC 6 is ass gah dam)

<OOB> (I can still fire bolts around obstacles, no?)

<OOB> (via bending the wires?)

<[CB1]Gun> (no wonder I'm the "fearless leader")

<Verifex> you can try..

<OOB> Well I'll only get one try if I do this. =\

<Verifex> tell me what you are doing and I'll let you know if it works

<Verifex> alright, roll D10 Slix

* OOB leans back in the seat, leverages himself, and attempts to kick the window of the cop car out.

<Godwolf> (should I do this guys?

<[CB1]Gun> (watch another 1 roll)

<OOB> (I'm going to send my bolt out the window and zap her.)

<Verifex> hehehe bob is unconscious, how can it get any better?

<Verifex> Karma roll D10 + Jockstuff + Body

<OOB> Oh heck yeah

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<[CB1]Gun> (bout time)

<OOB> 4+5+5=14

<Verifex> you violently slam against the window, and it refuses to give in to your requests

<OOB> (btw, I've seen an 8th grader kick out a cop car window. If I can't do this...)

<OOB> >.<'

<[CB1]Gun> (shoot the fucking thing, you're a weapon!"

* OOB attempts to fire the bolt through the window without using any charge.

<Verifex> You shoot the window, (no charge?)

<OOB> (right)

<[CB1]Gun> (touch blast it)

<Godwolf> (why electrocute glass?)

<OOB> (Roll d10, GW)

<Verifex> it richochets a bit

<OOB> rifle speed can't go through a window. *sigh*

<Godwolf> (Do you all think it wise to punch a cop in the balls?)

<Verifex> (lmao)

<[CB1]Gun> (grabs his balls and DC 6 you pussy)

<Godwolf> (rofl. can I do  higher DC? :P)

<OOB> (I'm thinking I'm going to try and knock the window out again. I mean c'mon, this is something I've seen an 8th grade girl do to a cop car.)

<Verifex> (how much DC have you used so far?)

<[CB1]Gun> (4)

<Godwolf> (four)

<OOB> (I vote you try for a static punch, GW)

<Verifex> (I'm not basing this on anecdoctal evidence if you can kick the window out, you roll and you see how it goes)

* Godwolf punches the cop hard in the balls

* OOB rolls to try and kick the stubborn window out. I swear, if I get another number below 5....

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<[CB1]Gun> (oh yeah scanners are soooo OP :P)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<OOB> !! 18 to kick out a cop car window

<Verifex> Sorry, the window stands fast..

<OOB> -.-

<Godwolf> Verifex? Nut punch?

<[CB1]Gun> (shoot the door.....)

<OOB> (I already did, Gun. It ricochet'd.)

<Verifex> I only saw a roll, what was the number?

<[CB1]Gun> (thought that was the window ;p)

<Godwolf> 5

<Godwolf> So.. 21?

<OOB> (well, it was the window. But the door will be metal.

<OOB> )

<[CB1]Gun> (actually leather on the inside)

<Verifex> (are you making a called shot GW?)

* [CB1]Gun been in a cop car

<OOB> (either way, I'd have to bust a hole to the outside to use my bolt on her)

<Verifex> (are you specifically aiming for a part on the cop?)

<[CB1]Gun> (that's why I ranted about aim for the lock)

<Godwolf> (well... yeah... But I mean... not a hard target from a foot away...)

<OOB> (mmm. I'll try that one now.)

<[CB1]Gun> (-.- I now rule by default)

<Verifex> you fail to hit the cops balls

* OOB fires an uncharged bolt at the locking mechanism on the door.

<Godwolf> BULLSHIT!

<[CB1]Gun> (qoute that)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Godwolf> COME ON!?

<Verifex> (don't aim for cops balls if you want to hit)

<OOB> (harder to hit really tiny targets)

<Verifex> it requires higher then that to hit

<Godwolf> (FUCK THAT)

<Verifex> think 25 or higher

<Godwolf> (HOW!?!?!?!? 5 plastic steel cups?)

<OOB> 18 was my roll for the bolt fired at the locking mechanism on the cop car door.

<Verifex> hey you could have used your luck..

<[CB1]Gun> (should've gone for a grapple play on top of him)

<Godwolf> (of 1?)

<[CB1]Gun> (you have 2)

<Verifex> you fire at the lock Karma, and you blow it off

* OOB dances a little!

<Verifex> however, the door is still locked

<[CB1]Gun> (praise me anyways fucker)

* OOB reaches into the exposed mechanism and unlocks it.

* Godwolf grumbles and lays down, no longer remotely interested in this

<OOB> ;'D

<Verifex> you can't reach in there with your finger

<OOB> I can't?

<OOB> =\

<Godwolf> Shortcircuit it.

<Verifex> the cop strip tapes your hands

<[CB1]Gun> (shoot again, and again, and again)

<Verifex> (its not electronic)

<Godwolf> (Future my ass...)

<OOB> (geez, GW, get that cop!)

<Godwolf> Hell no.

<[CB1]Gun> (like he has another option)

<Verifex> (its a damn cop car, you probably CAn get out of it, but you can't do it like that)

<Godwolf> If I can't hit him in the balls from a foot  away, so how can I take him in a fight?

<[CB1]Gun> (guess you can kick the door -.-)

<Verifex> you could have easily hit him with 21..  but not in the balls..

<OOB> (Except kicking the door really won't do anything. Kicking the glass is my best bet....)

<[CB1]Gun> (rush the touch as you fall into or near him)

* Godwolf springs up and tackles him hard to the ground.

<OOB> Slix, that's the idea behind a 'called shot'. The extra accuracy of the shot deals more damage, but it's harder to hit.

<Verifex> D10 + jockstuff + bod slix

<Godwolf> (yeah, but how much? 25 or higher? Do you aware I HAVE to roll a 10, with two 8 stats, to do that!?)

<Verifex> to overpower the cop

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<OOB> (GW, you don't *have* to do a called shot. Ordinary shots hit.)

<OOB> holy geez.


<Verifex> dumbass, yes I'm aware of that.. its not supposed to be easy!

<Godwolf> 35!

<OOB> (rofl)

<[CB1]Gun> (nut shot!)

<Verifex> you get away from him

<Verifex> now what do you do?

* Godwolf pulls out his SMG and puts it to the cops temple, calm as hell.

<Verifex> you can't.. the striptape binders are on now

<[CB1]Gun> (....thought the idea was to get near him and kill)

<OOB> (go stomp on him and zap him to make sure he's out! If I can get this blasted door open, I'll get the girl cop)

<Godwolf> When did that happen!?

<Verifex> when you got on the ground

<[CB1]Gun> (hours ago)

<OOB> (do a combination of kick and zap!)

<Godwolf> I shocked him?

<Verifex> he put them on as fast he could

<Godwolf> Okay.

<Godwolf> Did I knock the cop down when I massively overpoweed him>

<OOB> (kick and on contact static!)

<[CB1]Gun> (touch him now!)

<Verifex> as he was leading you away, you got away from him

<Verifex> no, you just managed to overpower him holding you

<Verifex> you can touch him but you'll have a slight penalty to hit as you are doing it backwards now

* OOB attempts to kick out the window again.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<OOB> 16.

* Godwolf reaches back to do a simple touch to his chest.

<Verifex> you can hear something kinda make a noise Karma but the window is still there

<[CB1]Gun> ($10 says both cops would be dead by now if I was awake -,-)

<OOB> (GW? Why a simple touch to the chest? Punch him and do physical + electrical!)

<Godwolf> To make sure I hit?

<Verifex> the lady cop comes over and tries to grab Slix, but misses

<Godwolf> Fine.

* Godwolf punches the cop as hard as he can

* OOB inspects the window area to see what made that sound.

<OOB> (and zap at the same time!)

<OOB> (zap on punch's contact! ;'D)

<[CB1]Gun> (-.-)

<Verifex> which one male or female?

<Godwolf> (male

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 7

<[CB1]Gun> (male is stronger)

<Godwolf> 23

<Godwolf> For damage:

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<CaptainSquishypants> (Has his CyberGen and his mall stuff... But is on the other side of the mall and can't find everyone...)

<Godwolf> And I'll shock as high as I can on contact.

<Verifex> you manage to touch the cop even with your slight penalty

<[CB1]Gun> that's DC 7 for DC 5 on you

* OOB backs to the other side of the back seat, and then rushes at the same window!*

<Godwolf> I was punching :P

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<OOB> Darn. 14.

<Verifex> okay, are you keeping track of how much you've shocked.. you are probably almost out of charge...

<Verifex> 16 - 4 -4 you have 8 left..

<OOB> He shocked 4 to start with, and then another weak shock on the cop again

<Verifex> wait.. as high as you can.. dc7?

<Godwolf> sure?

* OOB assumes the window didn't give.

<Verifex> (nope)

<OOB> (this is one freakin' tough window.)

<OOB> (they build them a lot stronger in the future.)

<Verifex> alright, roll damage twice.. once for you and once for him

<Godwolf> (OOB, on your back, and starts kicking window. Don't stop)

<Verifex> you take DC5 damage

<Godwolf> Wait. One roll for punch damage, one for shock, and one for my shock?

<CaptainSquishypants> (Someday, I'll find this fight...)

<Verifex> uhh ok, so you are punching and shocking?

<[CB1]Gun> (if fex finds you)

<Godwolf> Yup.

<Verifex> alright, I wasn't clear about that.. ok, roll 3 then

<[CB1]Gun> (man, I should be awake after all this huh)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Godwolf> damage.

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 7-sided die: 4

<Godwolf> shock

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 5-sided die: 5

<Verifex> (no you don't heal that fast)


* OOB leverages himself against the back seat and attempts to kick the window out again.

<Godwolf> Dude I'm getting pissed -_-

<OOB> (dude, I've been getting those rolls the whole time.)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<OOB> 14 against that window again.

<[CB1]Gun> (SNK deserves hate mail huh)

<Godwolf> (hell yes)

<Godwolf> (can't even hit a cop in the balls... what is the world coming to...

<Verifex> ok, 1 dmg.. punch, 7 dmg shock, 5 damage to yourself..

<OOB> (In my last 17 rolls, 4 have been rolls of 5 or above. Yours are better than mine, GW.)

<Verifex> he falls on his back

<Godwolf> (how true :P I'll stop bitching :P)

<Verifex> you aren't looking at him, so you don't really know what the hell happened other then you hit

<[CB1]Gun> (stomp him or charge the female)

* OOB kicks the door handle.

* Godwolf spins around and goes on the offensive

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<OOB> a 15.

<Verifex> you hear another crunching noise

<OOB> Yessssss

* OOB kicks the window as hard as he can

<Godwolf> (I spun around. What's the cop doing?)

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<OOB> 15.....>.<

<Verifex> the female cop grapples you

* Godwolf pulls away

<Verifex> she has you

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> No way :P

<OOB> (headbutt her!)

<Verifex> what are you going to do?

<Godwolf> Just pull away

<Verifex> she is leading you back to cop car

* OOB grumbles

<Verifex> alright D10 + jockstuff + bod

<OOB> I'm still in the freakin' cop car.

* Godwolf sooooo already did the roll :P

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Godwolf> 20

<Verifex> lol riiight.. ;)

<Verifex> you manage to pull away

<Godwolf> She better be on roids...

<Verifex> you are still striptaped but you are now running

<Verifex> er free

<Godwolf> Woo.

<OOB> (she chasing?)

<[CB1]Gun> (open the door!)

<Verifex> yes, she is

* Godwolf runs for the male cop

* OOB kicks the window while the cop chases Slix!

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<Godwolf> (is he laying down?)


<Godwolf> (ROFL OOB)

<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell no)

<Verifex> she grabs you again

<OOB> grabby, just my type

* Godwolf spins in her arms, kisses her, and bashes head into hers

<Verifex> as you turn around you can see is he still laying there holding his head

<Verifex> he is visibly dazed

<OOB> (good, when I finally get outta here I wanna be able to gang up on just one cop)

<Godwolf> (ooh.. let me free... I wonder what 300 pounds can do bouncing on a windpipe...)

* OOB kicks the freakin' door again!

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Verifex> D10 + jockstuff + bod - 4 for kissing and headbutting

<OOB> 16! (above a 5!)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Ya know... if Jacob wasn't so inept at finding his way around, he'd of found ya'll...)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Godwolf> 20

<Godwolf> 16

<OOB> (did the window take that 16?)

<Verifex> you spin around and kiss her, but miss the headbutt

<OOB> (bahahaha. WTG GW!)

<[CB1]Gun> (quit fucking around guys)

* Godwolf scans her emotions

<Verifex> (it crunches again the door)

<OOB> (dude, I've been kicking the door the whole time.)

<[CB1]Gun> (am amused for once -.-)

<Verifex> she is really angry

<Godwolf> Schweet...

* OOB aims his bolt at the door and fires an uncharged one!

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<OOB> >.<

<Godwolf> What does she do, FexyMexy?

<Verifex> *peeerreoing*

<CaptainSquishypants> (Hey Gun...  Atleast you were in combat.  I got lost in the mall and am now surfing on my V-Trodes to figure out where I should go now.  I don't know ya'll are fighting.)

<Verifex> she just continues leading you back to the cop car, struggling and everything...

* OOB gets quiet when he notices the female cop approaching, but readies his bolter.

* Godwolf sighs and punches her

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Verifex> you can't punch her

<Godwolf> OH.

<Godwolf> D'oh.

<OOB> You're cuffed.

<Verifex> you can elbow her maybe though

* OOB waits for her to open the door to push him in.

<Godwolf> Verifex, ever been handcuffed?

<Verifex> but you've got a -4 to that too

<OOB> (GW, hands behind your back, cuffed together. No, you can't punch her.)

<Verifex> so, you are telling me with your hands behind your back you can punch someone?  no...

* Godwolf tries to just break free in the direction of the male cop

<Godwolf> (Verifex, I meant with your hands cuffed you aren't elbowing anything :P)

<[CB1]Gun> (that being said, OB,  bring the cuffs under you legs ;p)

<Verifex> ahh.. ok nevermind

<OOB> (I have no cuffs, Gun.)

<OOB> (She didn't cuff me.)

<Verifex> D10 + Jockstuff + Bod

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Godwolf> 21

<[CB1]Gun> (something for GW to think about tho)

* OOB fires a bolt into the door again.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<OOB> 15!

<Godwolf> *hush, gun :P)

<Godwolf> I break away, Verifex?

<Verifex> OOB, you see a crowd of gawkers outside

<OOB> (yesssssssssss!)

<Verifex> not quite

<[CB1]Gun> (shit, knew fex would eventually get back to reality)

* Godwolf struggles with her again, desperately trying to break away

<Verifex> theres only like 3 or 4 of them, so dont get too excited ;)

* OOB pushes his sad face against the window and does his best to appear helpless and persecuted to the onlookers*

<Verifex> you are about 10 feet from the squad car now

<[CB1]Gun> (OB could contact charge the door when the cop grabs hold)

<Verifex> (LOL)

<Verifex> (hopefully they are connected too)

* Godwolf struggles against her

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<OOB> (hey, do any onlookers react?)

<Godwolf> 22

<OOB> (I made sad, persecuted, helpless victim expressions!)


<[CB1]Gun> (if only CS could follow the crowds ;p)

<Verifex> you win at being sad!

<OOB> ;'D

<Godwolf> Verifex, get away?

<Verifex> you escape once again Slix

* OOB tries to persuade an onlooker to let him out because he's just a kid!

* Godwolf sprints with his 8 move toward the male cop and does a body slam on him.

<OOB> (Little Angel?)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Is totally not doing some other stuff that might save ya'll.)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<[CB1]Gun> (well wake me up, I can drive!)

<Verifex> you can't see the male cop any longer..

<OOB> (crap)

<Verifex> it is behind the wall, you can run back over there if you want though

<Godwolf> Yeah

<Godwolf> I figure I'm fast enough.

<OOB> * OOB tries to persuade an onlooker to let him out because he's just a kid!

<OOB> (Little Angel?)

<[CB1]Gun> (get me up, I got charge)

<Godwolf> (how do I wake you up?)

<OOB> (piss in his ear)

<OOB> (that always does it)

<Verifex> (you can't, none of you have medical training)

<Verifex> but as a plus, he isn't bleeding really so he won't die

<[CB1]Gun> (I got a gun tho)

<Godwolf> (when I turn corner, is the cop still on ground like I assume he would be?)

<OOB> <OOB> * OOB tries to persuade an onlooker to let him out because he's just a kid!

<OOB> <OOB> (Little Angel?)

<Godwolf> Rofl.

<Verifex> no, he has gotten up and he is walking towards you (which is where the car is) when he sees you turn the corner he pulls his gun out and fires

* Godwolf jerks to the side.

<Verifex> (kinda slowly walking, but still walking)

* OOB passes gas and dies from his own methane.

<Godwolf> ROFL!

<Verifex> the shot flies by your ear, you Hear the bullet

<Godwolf> (is female cop chasing me?)

<[CB1]Gun> (let him take you and then OB can fire)

<OOB> <OOB> <OOB> * OOB tries to persuade an onlooker to let him out because he's just a kid!

<OOB> <OOB> <OOB> (Little Angel?)

<Verifex> D10 + little angel + EMP - 20

<Godwolf> -20, rofl.

<CaptainSquishypants> (lmao!)

<OOB> (>.< wow at the penalty. Thanks, 'Fex.)

<Godwolf> OOB hasn't got a roll of 20 in 2 months.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Godwolf> ROFL>

<Godwolf> ROFLMFAO>

<[CB1]Gun> (and so it continues)

<Verifex> Close, but no cigar! ;)

<OOB> 3+5+8 = 16 -20 = -4

<OOB> Don't I die at -4? Isn't that such an epic fail that I die on the spot?

<Godwolf> II can't stop laughing...

<[CB1]Gun> (innocent death ;)

<[CB1]Gun> (now kick some more!)

* OOB kicks the window of the cop car again.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<OOB> God.

<[CB1]Gun> (there is no god)

<Verifex> you fail.. miserably..

<Godwolf> *obviously)\

<OOB> story of my dice-rolling career.

<Godwolf> Verifex, is the female cop chasing me?

<Verifex> you don't know, she is behind you

<OOB> (You know, if I ever get a chance to bolt this cop, I am using all my luck on it. I'll need it.)

<Verifex> do you turn to look?

* CaptainSquishypants barrels charges into the female cop, lowering his shoulder to use the armor pads pushing up from his black polyester coat.

* OOB cheers from the cop car! Now let me out!

* Godwolf smiles at captain and plows hard into the male cop, shoulder down

<[CB1]Gun> (you should've openned the door)

<Verifex> Karma, you see Jacob emerge from the hallway to the right

<Verifex> the female cop motions for him to leave

<CaptainSquishypants> (Female cop between me and the car. :P)

<Verifex> D10 Jacob + Streetfighting + Ref

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 1

* OOB waves for Jacob to come let him OUT!

<[CB1]Gun> (tinman can knife her)

<OOB> D'oh.

<CaptainSquishypants> 16

<[CB1]Gun> (shit I think we broke the bot)

<Verifex> alright D10 for the fail

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<OOB> (I think you are right Gun)

<CaptainSquishypants> (You really think the bot would let me do a Heroic Charge into the fight? :P)

<OOB> (well, it is still broken for me. I have rolled so many 1's.....

<Verifex> you charge the cop and accidentally trip, losing your balance

<Verifex> you catch yourself though

<CaptainSquishypants> (And ya'll really think Jacob is a killer type?)

* Godwolf brutally hits the male cop, head down*

<Verifex> D10 + Streetfighting + Ref

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Godwolf> 24

* OOB kicks the car door again.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Verifex> You manage to hit


<Verifex> (poor oob)

<CaptainSquishypants> (OB lives in the Cop Car...)

<Godwolf> Damage now?

<Verifex> Roll damage Slix

<OOB> (come let me out, obviously I have the strength of a dying 4 year old)

<OOB> (I'm not getting myself out anytime soon)

<Godwolf> Before I roll.. Don't forget... I'm 210 pounds and wearing two pieces of heavy armor...

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

* OOB frowns. Everyone's fighting cops, me, I just sit in the car and waste my talent.

<OOB> (hey 'Fex, are those onlookers still out there?)

<Godwolf> (you could have spent the time turning max into something useful!)

<Godwolf> (max = mask)

<OOB> (that's what I'm going to do now if I can)

<[CB1]Gun> (seems pointless)

<Godwolf> Damage, fexster?

<Verifex> Jacob, the woman cop throws you to the ground in your moment of unbalancedness, she knees you on the back, and starts putting the striptape binders on

<OOB> Come live in the car with me!

<Verifex> you do some damage

<Godwolf> How much?

<Verifex> but he isn't falling down or anything.. 2

<Verifex> DC3 gives you 2

<CaptainSquishypants> Turn my left forearm into a blade to cut the binders and then try to kick her off

<Godwolf> Wait... How can you be tackled but not fall down?

* OOB uses Facedancer to appear to be an adult male, and puts on the suit he bought at the mall earlier.

<RPGBot> OOB rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<OOB> (Facedancer + EMP + D10?)

<Verifex> He is much taller then you, he succeeded his athletics roll..

<Godwolf> Otay =D

<Godwolf> (and I thought height would be a bad thing when tackled... but eh_

<Verifex> wait, did I say height..  

<Godwolf> So he's taken... Nearly 10 points of damage?

<CaptainSquishypants> (Should I roll too Fexy?)

<Godwolf> (yes)

<OOB> My roll is 22.

<Godwolf> (weight would help... but height would be worthless... negative, if at all...)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Trying to put a binder on a tinman... *snickers*)

<Verifex> I meant he is little bigger, weightwise then you, but a little shorter..

<Godwolf> (okay ^.^)

<[CB1]Gun> (and tinmen bend ;)

<Verifex> Yes Jacob roll for hexite shaping

* Godwolf scans cop for general condition

<Verifex> which one?

<OOB> (Verifex, I assume I passed my roll with a 22?)

<Godwolf> I'm trying to see how close to death he is.

<OOB> (;'D)

<[CB1]Gun> (so the male)

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<CaptainSquishypants> (Add anything to that Fexy?)

<Verifex> Yes, you kick it again, and it crunches some more, you think you see the window move a bit, but it doesn't "break"

<OOB> Yeah, I wasn't kicking the window.

<Verifex> what were you doing?

<OOB> * OOB uses Facedancer to appear to be an adult male, and puts on the suit he bought at the mall earlier.

<OOB> Rolled Facedancer + EMP + D10

<Verifex> Alright you put on the suit and mold the face

<Verifex> its a great outfit, looks sharp

* OOB yells, "Let me out! That damn kid fooled me into opening the door, and locked me in here!"

<Verifex> Hexite shaping + whatever it says

<Verifex> please figure out your numbers Captian, I can't keep track of them all ;)

<OOB> (when the cop comes back, hopefully s/he'll fall for that. It's 5 freaking AM, btw.)

<Verifex> (hexite shaping + ref + d10

<Godwolf> 6 here, OOB ;)

<CaptainSquishypants> (lol you read faster than I do. :P)

<CaptainSquishypants> And I got 15

<OOB> Yeah, but I've got stuff to do starting at 8 AM.

* OOB frowns.

<OOB> 3 hours of sleep is going to suck.

<Verifex> what are you doing?  slicying the binders?

<[CB1]Gun> (has been asleep for 2 hours here ;)

<Verifex> what shape are you making your hand?

<[CB1]Gun> (dagger)

* OOB points his bolter towards his head. I'm thinking maybe so long, cruel world....

<Verifex> lol

<OOB> (I probably wouldn't make the roll to commit suicide.)

<Verifex> don't give up hope!

<CaptainSquishypants> (I'm turning my left forearm into a blade to cut it Fexy.)

<OOB> (You roll a 1! You can't even kill yourself.)

<Verifex> you cut the striptape binders

<[CB1]Gun> (GW should open the door)

* OOB gets an onlooker's attention. "Hey, help me out here! That kid had me come open the door for him and he pushed me in here and locked it!"

<Verifex> the female cop sees this and screams "What the fuck!  oh shit!"

<Verifex> She pulls out her firearm and backs up shooting at you

<OOB> (see, should've let me out of the cop car.)

<CaptainSquishypants> Hexite armor, full body.

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Verifex> you have to extrude your armor first

<Godwolf> No soup for you!

<Verifex> it takes 30 seconds

<OOB> (ooooh, your armor sucks the big one.)

<OOB> (in the meantime:* OOB gets an onlooker's attention. "Hey, help me out here! That kid had me come open the door for him and he pushed me in here and locked it!")

<[CB1]Gun> (should bioleap or something)

<CaptainSquishypants> (oh owned... rolling out of the way and hoping to get my armor up while wearing my normal body armor...)

<Verifex> it gets faster as you increase your hexite shaping skill

<OOB> Well, as fun as it was living in a cop car for 3 hours tonight, I'm going to sleep.

<OOB> Goodnight.

<Godwolf> Verifex, what did the cop do after I tackled him?

<Verifex> Roll D10 + Big Fake Adult (Little Angel) + EMP

<Godwolf> Night, OOB =

<OOB> G'night.

<Verifex> gnite oob..  

<Verifex> oh.. add 15 IP

<OOB> kk

OOB left the room.

<Verifex> GW what do you do?

<Verifex> jacob you roll out of the way

<Godwolf> After I tackled him, what did he do?

<Verifex> he tried to grab you but missed

* Godwolf punches him in the balls

<Godwolf> :P

<[CB1]Gun> (not this mistake again -.-)

* Godwolf punches him as hard as he can

<Verifex> you doing the backwards punch or something?

<Godwolf> Wait...

<Godwolf> How am I backwards to him?

<Verifex> you are still striptaped!

<Godwolf> D'oh.

<Verifex> female cop shoots at Jacob and misses

* CaptainSquishypants shoulder tackles the female cop again

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<CaptainSquishypants> 19

* Godwolf encircles cops neck with cuffs an goes deadweight from behind him

<Verifex> you tackle her roll D10

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Verifex> you can't do that

<Godwolf> ?

<Verifex> you are cuffed from behind

<Godwolf> Damn

* Godwolf tries to knock him down again

<CaptainSquishypants> After I have her on the ground, I want to try and force the gun out of her hands so I can bindtape her.

<Verifex> you can't move your arms to the front and strangle him with em.. for precisely that reason

<Verifex> D10 + streetfighting + ref

<[CB1]Gun> (don't bind her, shot her or stab)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Godwolf> 20

<Verifex> Roll D10 + streetfighting + REF - 3

<Verifex> directed at Jacob

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Verifex> you knock him down again + roll D10 damage

<CaptainSquishypants> 15

<Verifex> is that with the negative?

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 1-sided die: 1

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> 9 =D

<CaptainSquishypants> Yeah Fexy.

<[CB1]Gun> (finally a 9)

<Verifex> alright you don't manage to take the gun from her

<[CB1]Gun> (I blame OB)

<Verifex> you hit him for 4 damage

<Verifex> he is knocked down

<Godwolf> (this is going to realy... realy... hurt him...

* Godwolf stomps on the guys neck and throat if readily available.

<[CB1]Gun> (take his fire and brainmatter?)

<Verifex> the ffemale cop struggles you off of her

<[CB1]Gun> his gun* -.-

<CaptainSquishypants> I want to turn my right hand into a blunt hammer and smash it into her face

<[DH]M'Hael> (gah! GF aggro turned into called into work early!  so sorry!)

<[CB1]Gun> (you leaving or what?)

<Verifex> it takes a second to turn into a hammer

<[DH]M'Hael> (my called me in...i cant say still a probie

<Verifex> you have to skip a turn to turn it into a hammer..

<CaptainSquishypants> Thats fine.

<Verifex> alright, GW?

<Verifex> you stomp on the guy?  he rolls out of the way on the ground

<CaptainSquishypants> (And I need to go soon.  Ebony aggro immeniant. lol)

<Verifex> what now?

* Godwolf kicks him hard

<Verifex> D10 + streetfighting + ref

<Verifex> sorry about that DH, well maybe next time :)

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> 25

<Verifex> you hit roll damage

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Godwolf> 16?

<[CB1]Gun> (about fucking time)

<Godwolf> (hehehe)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Seriously.)

<[DH]M'Hael> ( i dunno, if you guys always game till 3 am im going to miss half the fun, so maybe ill just drop out)

<Verifex> yes, you do 6 damage stomping and he looks really hurt

<Godwolf> (they'll have a first aid kit in the car, Gun :P)

<Godwolf> (it's 6 here, Hael, so have some guts :P)

<Verifex> he just kinda lays there

<[DH]M'Hael> (hey fuck you...some of us have jobs)

<CaptainSquishypants> (GW.... Ebony Aggro is coming for me...)

<Godwolf> (sounds delightful, Captain)

<Verifex> (damn, well what next Captian?)

* Godwolf runs to the cop car and rifles through the car, looking for a first aid kit

<[CB1]Gun> (what about the female cop?

<Verifex> you are still striptaped you are finding it very hard to do that

<[DH]M'Hael> (guess that comment settles it...i wont be coming back)

[DH]M'Hael left the room.

<CaptainSquishypants> I want to smash the hammer into her face.

* Godwolf thinks

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<CaptainSquishypants> 16? lol

* Godwolf runs back to the cop and tells him to take the cuffs off or he'll beat him to death.

<CaptainSquishypants> (*doesn't understand how crits run in this game*)

<Verifex> they aren't cuffs, they are striptape binders

<Verifex> they don't have a Key...

<CaptainSquishypants> Fexy?  Hammer smashy?

<Verifex> you have to cut them off

<Verifex> you hit!

<Verifex> roll D10 for damage

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 1

<CaptainSquishypants> I get owned on a crit...

* Godwolf runs for his katana on the ground and cuts off binders with it

<Verifex> you hit for 1

* Godwolf grabs katana with freed hands and walks back up to cop and places katana against his neck

<[CB1]Gun> (do it)

<Godwolf> Oi! Cop bitch! Stop!

<Verifex> Roll D10 + Jockstuff + REF - 5

<Godwolf> I'm not attacking?

<Godwolf> Just threatening.

<Verifex> thats to cut the striptape binders off

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Godwolf> 14

<Godwolf> sorry, 17

<Godwolf> no!

<Godwolf> 20 :P

<Verifex> you manage to cut off one hand

<Godwolf> -_-

<Godwolf> That better be a joke.

<Verifex> not the hand..

<Verifex> the striptape on a hand

<Godwolf> Oh!

* Godwolf picks up blade and does what he said earlier.

<Verifex> alright, you go and do what again?

<Godwolf> Place the blade against the guys cops neck and yell at the female cop to stop moving.

<Verifex> she can't hear you she is over on the other side wrestling with Jacob

<Verifex> and the male cop doesn't appear to be moving

* CaptainSquishypants hits her in the face again with his hammer hand

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 9

* Godwolf pulls out striptape binders and cuffs the cop

<CaptainSquishypants> 24

<Verifex> she shoots you with her gun (forgot turn order here)

<Verifex> hits.. with 4 damage..  

<Verifex> do you have armor?

<Godwolf> Wow...

<Godwolf> Ya know, I could kill anyone in this party easy as hell...

<Verifex> CApt, armor?

<CaptainSquishypants> Yes I have AR3

<Verifex> alright, then you take 1 damage

<[CB1]Gun> (save me so I may burn the gang and assassinate the cops)

<Verifex> and you hammer attack with 24

<Godwolf> AR 3. Rofl.

<CaptainSquishypants> I only picked up light armor GW. :P

<Verifex> you hit her, roll damage

<CaptainSquishypants> ()

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<CaptainSquishypants> (You'd think being hammer fisted in the face twice would hurt more than that.  My Kata sucks... lol)

<Verifex> yeah its hurts, she looks a bit dazes

<[CB1]Gun> (you missed the 1 damages ;p)

<Verifex> alright, GW?

* Godwolf runs to cop car, finds first aid kit and revives Bob,

<Verifex> you run to the car, see Karma in there

<Verifex> you rumage through the car for something resembling a first aid kit

<Verifex> D10 + get a clue + int

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Godwolf> 18

* Godwolf LOVES his stat arrangement :P

* CaptainSquishypants slams my hammer fist into her hand to dislodge the gun.

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<Verifex> she shoots again

<Godwolf> DID I find it!?

<Verifex> she hits but damage absorbs it

<Verifex> er.. armor..

<CaptainSquishypants> 24 on hitting her

<Verifex> you find it in the trunk..

<Verifex> roll damage

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 2

* Godwolf runs back to heal Bob.

<Godwolf> (You alive, Gun???????)

<Verifex> you don't know what you are doing

<CaptainSquishypants> (w00t for my epic damage.)

<Verifex> D10 + schoolin + int - 8

* Godwolf screams

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Godwolf> I fail

<Godwolf> No point looking.

<[CB1]Gun> (try again ;)

<Verifex> you try to put some of the stuff on Bob, but it doesn't look like its doing any good

<Verifex> so you spray some second skin on him

* Godwolf Just 1 point...

<Verifex> he is still unconscious

<[CB1]Gun> (go kill the cop then get back to me)

<Verifex> (the cop would've been able to bring him back if you hadn't you know..  tried to kill em)

<Godwolf> The cop is cuffed.

<[CB1]Gun> (the female cop)

* Godwolf runs to female cop, yells at Captain to stop

<Godwolf> (;P)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Did I knock the gun free?)

<Verifex> no

* CaptainSquishypants slams hammer fist into her gun hand... again.

<Verifex> she shoots again but misses

<Godwolf> Your partner is near dead. Stop fighting my friend and come help me, or he dies.

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Godwolf> Put the gun down.

<CaptainSquishypants> 21

<Verifex> you miss hammering

<CaptainSquishypants> errr... 18

<CaptainSquishypants> yeah, I miss

<[CB1]Gun> (capt has a chance to heal me)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Sleepy Captain...)

<Godwolf> How does she respond, Verifex?

<CaptainSquishypants> (You mean like the fact that I made a guy who CAN heal if he has to?)

<Verifex> "You are attacking me and my partner, you lay on the ground and we can talk"

* [CB1]Gun saw you're stats

<Godwolf> "As I recall, ya'll attacked us. Help my friend. If I wanted you two dead, I would have killed him awhile ago...."

<Godwolf> "So be nice, end this fight you cannot win, and do as I ask."

<Verifex> "Lay on the ground kid and I'll see that your friend has medical attention"

* CaptainSquishypants slams his hammer fist into her face

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Godwolf> (captain...

<CaptainSquishypants> 18

<Verifex> she speaks into her radio

<Godwolf> (everytime you call a shot, you take a huge penalty to hitting)

<CaptainSquishypants> (Shuddap and take over beating her so I can go heal Gun.)

<CaptainSquishypants> (I know.  D&D nerd here.)

* Godwolf tackles her as she tries to speak into radio

<Verifex> you hear one distinct word "backup" uttered by her..

* CaptainSquishypants flips on his SnoopBoxx Personal Intrusion Sensor button 2, jamming.

<[CB1]Gun> (button 4 I think)

<Verifex> She already did it, it takes you too long to pull it out,

<Godwolf> Rofl.

* Godwolf walks up and punches her hard.

* [CB1]Gun blames GW for trusting a cop

<Verifex> you can tackle her if you want

<Verifex> she backs away from you

<Godwolf> Tackle then.

<Verifex> she dodges and runs back to the car

<Verifex> what do you do?

<CaptainSquishypants> (Dang...)

<Godwolf> Yells" Stop or your partner dies"

<[CB1]Gun> (-.- where's th gun?

<Godwolf> "no matter how fast help comes, he'll die!"

* CaptainSquishypants grabs the med kid and tries to revive Gun's fat stupid self.

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<Verifex> "don't threaten me!  punk, if you kill a cop, your ass will fry"

<CaptainSquishypants> (Now get your fat butt back in gear spanky.)

<[CB1]Gun> (have to add I few things first)

<Godwolf> "I've been cooking for years. Just forget you saw us, revive your friend, and we're gone..."

<CaptainSquishypants> (Umm... Int and Get A Clue... I got a 20)

<Verifex> D10 + Schoolin + Int - 8

<[CB1]Gun> (quit talking you fool)

<CaptainSquishypants> (12.  With the minues.)

<Godwolf> You forgot to roll again.

<RPGBot> CaptainSquishypants rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<CaptainSquishypants> 15 with the minus.

<Godwolf> (I can't guarantee I'll kill her...)

<[CB1]Gun> (I can)

<Godwolf> (rofl)

<Verifex> you still can't figure out what to do

<Godwolf> How does she respond Verifex?

<CaptainSquishypants> (Oh ffs.... Sleepy cpatain heading bedy time.  ebony mad)

<Verifex> "Lay on the ground punk!"

* Godwolf pulls out SMG and levels it at her.

<Godwolf> "Seriously?"

<CaptainSquishypants> (GW!  Burn your BA!  Gun, take over for me.  Night.)

<Verifex> "Don't try and smooth talk me, I'm not going to let you escape, you've assaulted a officer of the law. you are in violation of the law!"

<[CB1]Gun> (-,- quit talking)

CaptainSquishypants left the room.

<Godwolf> (I'm in positives)

<Verifex> you have an smg where was it?

* Godwolf rushes her, holstering SMG

<Godwolf> In it's holser on my waist?

<Verifex> alright,

* Godwolf slams into her as hard as he can

<Verifex> she shoots you as you are rushing

* Godwolf tries to roll to the side to avoid it.

<[CB1]Gun> (which should level you)

<Verifex> (hits) 8 damage

<Godwolf> Dead.

<Godwolf> Permanently.

<Verifex> (no, armor)

<[CB1]Gun> (moronic)

<Godwolf> (don't fucking scare me like that, lol)

<Verifex> 6 is absorbed, 3 more from BTM, so you take 1..

<Godwolf> HA!

* Godwolf tackles her hard, enraged.

<Verifex> you give me the stats ok, I don't want to memorize your stats

<Verifex> D10 + streetfighting + REF

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Godwolf> 19

<Verifex> you tackle her

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Verifex> she takes 3 damage and looks kinda woozy

* Godwolf takes advantage of wooziness and punches her hard

<Verifex> shes not unresponsive, she still manages to retaliate shoot you

<Godwolf> Rofl. He wants me to die :P

<Godwolf> She better take a penalty to attack :P

<Verifex> it doesn't take much to shoot a gun

<Verifex> hey don't tell me how to do this ;P

<Godwolf> Does when you just got tackled by a 6'2, 210 pound guy wearing heavy armor :P

<[CB1]Gun> (it's almost 6 am, want some pointers?)

<Verifex> no..

<Verifex> or yes

<Verifex> no to gw, yes to gun

<Godwolf> (tell him to take my advice :P)

<Verifex> 5 damage to Slix

<Godwolf> HA!

<Godwolf> Absorbed :P

<Godwolf> Easily ^.^

<[CB1]Gun> (let her faint and GW throws me in the car, drives off, done for the night)

* Godwolf punches her fanatically.

<Verifex> roll d10

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 10

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 2

<Godwolf> 28

<Verifex> you hit her

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 5

<Verifex> you hit her for 1

<Godwolf> Really? heh.

<Verifex> er.. actually 2..  but still she has BTM modifier too

<Verifex> so its 1, she is still going

<Verifex> she shoots you but misses

<Verifex> go

* Godwolf punches again

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 8

<Godwolf> Hit

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 3

<Verifex> hits roll damage

<Godwolf> 1 or 0?

<Verifex> its 2

<Verifex> she shrugs it off

<Verifex> she fires again and hits for 6 damage

<Godwolf> Absorbed? or...

<Verifex> yes its absorbed

* Godwolf punches

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 9

<[CB1]Gun> (berserker)

<Godwolf> (won't help)

<Verifex> + ref

<Godwolf> + ref?

<Verifex> yes just numvers

<Verifex> oh man I'm tired

<Godwolf> She will be unconscious soon.

* Godwolf rolls damage

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Verifex> you are going to have to kick to do more damage

<Verifex> she shrugs it off

<Verifex> shoots and misses

<Godwolf> Kicking does more damage?

* Godwolf kicks her

<Verifex> yes

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 6

<Godwolf> 22?

<Verifex> yes that hits

<RPGBot> Godwolf rolled a 10-sided die: 4

<Verifex> 3 damage hits her and she looks a little faint

<Godwolf> Yeah... at least 9 damage will do that..

<Verifex> but she isn't gone yet, she manages to pop a shot off at you, it hits the spot..  9 damage

<Godwolf> Nice one Verifex.

<Godwolf> Now I'm dead and we'll never freaking finish :P

<Verifex> that is still reduced to 1

<Godwolf> I'm still dead.

<Verifex> you don't have another hp left?

<Godwolf> I don't think so...

<Verifex> weren't you keeping track?

<Godwolf> Yeah, well, it's been 5 hours!

<Verifex> damn...

<Verifex> a hp an hour

<Verifex> alright well lets end it here... we'll figure out how many HP you have next time


<Godwolf> rofl.

<Godwolf> Good DMing Verifex.

<Verifex> 15 IP each

* Godwolf bites Verifex

<Godwolf> 15? Cheap blighter...

* [CB1]Gun bites too

<Godwolf> OOB got 15 over an hour ago :P

<Verifex> yes?  we've been in the same combat for 2 hours...

<Verifex> I think...

<Godwolf> I've just punched a cop repeatedly for 9 damage! I deserve 5 extre IP, rofl.

<Godwolf> and Gun been dead that logn!

<Godwolf> Being dead is hard!

<Verifex> pretty silly, I need to find a way to speed this combat up

<Verifex> 15 IP, or..  I can give you 10ip...

<Verifex> for complaing...

<Verifex> ;P

<Verifex> uh oh.. cb is not loading

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