Friday, January 23, 2009

0020 CB CyberGen Session

Chat Blender 3.1.7 starting...
Existing rooms:
    CrazyNic: 1 users
    carnage: 34 users
*** Now in room carnage
- carnage: server grants op status to Verifex
<Verifex> hey guys
<[CB1]Gun> ello
{CB1}Lukeyman left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> TH! Neme! come get OP!
<TheHatchetman> huh?
<[CB1]Gun> power night, better play
lotien left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> we stole a dog and heading back to the safehouse
<Nemerizt> ?
<Nemerizt> op?
<TheHatchetman> hehe, forgot it was Thursday ^_^
<Verifex> hey guys, I've gotta pack for my trip tomorrow, so I don't have time for CyberGen tonight..  :(
<[CB1]Gun> rawr
<TheHatchetman> LOL
<Nemerizt> lol
Fanta left the room.
* TheHatchetman finally has time :P
<Nemerizt> hatch
<TheHatchetman> wazzap
<Nemerizt> shrink 3 inches please
<TheHatchetman> that's what she said...
<Verifex> sorry, I don't like to call it off, but I'm going to Canada
<Nemerizt> cuz then i will be as tall as you
{CB1}_DeFiAnT left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> grrr....let us train and CM their powers ;)
<Nemerizt> have fun in canada
<Verifex> Oh.. well hey thats a good idea
<TheHatchetman> Canada, eh? :P
<Verifex> Okay, everyone into RPG room for a couple min!
lotien has joined the room.
-- You are no longer an op in carnage
*** Now in room RPG Room
- RPG Room: server grants op status to Verifex
Nemerizt has joined the room.
[CB1]Gun has joined the room.
Joey(Ariac)Sampson has joined the room.
<Verifex> No Hatch?
<Verifex> or OB.. doh
<Nemerizt> they got lost somewhere along the line
<[CB1]Gun> see why CM
Hakai has joined the room.
* Hakai wants to watch ^_^
<[CB1]Gun> oh and hakai is bored and wants to play some day ;p
TheHatchetman has joined the room.
<Nemerizt> we arent doing much today
* TheHatchetman was afk for a sec :P
<Hakai> that's ok
<Nemerizt> while we are getting our skills up and stuff
<Nemerizt> i am gonna prepare that hobo skull that i kept
<Nemerizt> well hobo head
<[CB1]Gun> predator style
<Verifex> Alright, we need OB
<Nemerizt> yeah
<[CB1]Gun> he ain't on
<Verifex> whats his name now?
<Hakai> I can see if I can get him
<Nemerizt> he has been wanting his powers for a long time
<Hakai> rent
<Nemerizt> hatch
<Nemerizt> did you ever get your powers?
<TheHatchetman> nope
<Nemerizt> lol
<[CB1]Gun> nope, all new chars are powerless
<TheHatchetman> Hakai, how does one get the rent? :P
<Nemerizt> well he joined at the same time as me
* Hakai has her ways
<Verifex> Okay, this would be lame if we don't have OB.
<[CB1]Gun> CM his powers
<Nemerizt> heh
<Hakai> he's coming fexy
<[CB1]Gun> heh
<Verifex> how do you know?
<Hakai> magic
RPGBot has joined the room.
<RPGBot> *** RPGBot is active.
<[CB1]Gun> wtf not tonight man
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 100-sided die: 39
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 100-sided die: 63
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 1-sided die: 1
<Nemerizt> there
<Nemerizt> it has been used now
<Joey(Ariac)Sampson> HOW?
<Joey(Ariac)Sampson> er How*
<Verifex> Alright then..  I'll start without OB I guess..
<Verifex> Hopefully he joins us..
<Verifex> So, you all just made it out of the building through a hole in the pile of garbage/building materials covering the exit to the building
<Verifex> You all are now outside on the street, Lamu's holding the dog on his 'hand-leash' thing
<[CB1]Gun> Let's get this dog back to the safehouse and paper train it.
<Verifex> and the dog is looking pretty pissed..
<Nemerizt> look at the head doggie
* Nemerizt pulls out the hobo head
<Verifex> (You don't have a hobo head)
<Nemerizt> (yes i do, i told you i kept one)
* [CB1]Gun tries to feed the dog again
<Verifex> You cut off a hobo's head??!?!?!
<Nemerizt> (yes)
<[CB1]Gun> (lol)
<Verifex> Ummm, no.
<Nemerizt> (and then had gun cauterize it)
<[CB1]Gun> (snickers*)
<Verifex> I would've had you roll a number of dice for that kind of feat...
<Nemerizt> (it was after he was dead)
<Verifex> Tell you what, because I don't want to argue about this.  
<[CB1]Gun> (we had no blade)
<[CB1]Gun> (plus I just cooked a face on roll ;)
<Verifex> You roll me three jockstuff rolls, and one deathwalk roll.. if you pass alll of them, you cna have your bloody head.
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 7
<[CB1]Gun> (rofl)
<Verifex> Give me the point score
<Nemerizt> 20
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 3
<Nemerizt> 16
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 2
<Nemerizt> 18
<Verifex> wtf?
<[CB1]Gun> (indeed a mix up)
<Verifex> 3 Jock stuff + Ref rolls, 1 Deathwalk.
<Nemerizt> (oh, 3)
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 4
<Nemerizt> last jockstuff roll is 17 then
<Nemerizt> jockstuff of 20, 16, and 17 deathwalk of 18
<Nemerizt> (i rolled really bad for that)
Joey(Ariac)Sampson left the room.
rent has joined the room.
- RPG Room: server grants op status to rent
<Verifex> Alright, you use your knife to cut the head off, after a couple minutes of sawing, the spinal cord and muscles seem to stop you..  however you manage to stave off throwing up from all the blood covering the place...
<rent> o.O
<Verifex> LOL  what a comment to come in on!
<[CB1]Gun> (welcome)
<Nemerizt> (noooo)
<[CB1]Gun> (knew you needed all 20's)
<Verifex> You need something stronger to cut the head off.
<Hakai> hehe, told ya
<TheHatchetman> (that wasn't nice to do to Hakai! :P)
rent left the room.
<Verifex> So, you don't have the head.
rent has joined the room.
- RPG Room: server grants op status to rent
<rent> whoa
* [CB1]Gun tries to feed the dog
<Verifex> But on the plus side, you didn't throw up all over the place.
<rent> (ok, so are we back at the hideout yet?)
<Nemerizt> (ill get myself a head eventually)
<[CB1]Gun> (nope)
<rent> (sigh)
<[CB1]Gun> (we can kill OB's old char!)
<Verifex> You are out on the street.
<[CB1]Gun> (and feed him to the dog)
<Nemerizt> lets head back now
<Verifex> Off in the distance you can see a couple guys walking towards you slowly
<[CB1]Gun> Oh what now.....
<rent> crud.
<Verifex> You can run off towards the safehouse if you like.
<Nemerizt> there is always that way
* TheHatchetman shoots the dude on the left with his hunting rifle
<rent> Yes, let's do that
<[CB1]Gun> Drag that dog!
<rent> Let's run to the safehouse and not shoot people
<rent> :D
<TheHatchetman> fine... pansies! :P
<[CB1]Gun> Work your animal magic.
<Nemerizt> had enough blood for today
<Verifex> OB, Gun, roll D10 + fearless leader + whatever the stat is
<Nemerizt> tomorrow will be a new day though
<RPGBot> rent rolled a 10-sided die: 4
<RPGBot> [CB1]Gun rolled a 10-sided die: 7
<[CB1]Gun> 16
<rent> (what stat does fearless leader use
<rent> )
<Verifex> EMP
<rent> 13
<Verifex> Go to your character sheet in wiki, and you can click the skill to find out more.. (I think)
<rent> (not on mine)
<Verifex> damn.. I haven't converted yours yet..
<[CB1]Gun> (oh well not tonight
<TheHatchetman> (hehe, "i think" was in parentheses...)
<rent> (thinking = OOC)
<TheHatchetman> ('cuz thinking is so out of character for fexy :P)
<rent> (bahaahahah beat you to the punchline)
<Verifex> (/me mind punches TH)
<Verifex> Alright, so you all run back to the safehouse?
<[CB1]Gun> (when can I do that? :( ;)
<rent> Let us run for the safehouse!
<Nemerizt> i suppose
* [CB1]Gun helps pull lammy & the dog
* rent spits silver back at the figures behind him.
<Verifex> Alright, you make a run for it, everyone follows along...
<Verifex> After getting to the safehouse, you run into the same damn hidden door..
<[CB1]Gun> (roll for it?....)
<Verifex> What are you going to do?
* rent looks for the door
<rent> Someone open up, quick!
<Verifex> D10 + Geta Clue + int
<Nemerizt> (you would think we would have mastered opening this by now)
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 10
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 5
<Verifex> nice!
<rent> I'm not going to roll, I think Nem's got it
<rent> :P
<Nemerizt> 26
<rent> lol
* [CB1]Gun sings "meow,meow,meow,meow mix"
<Verifex> Nem manages to feel it out, he's found the door.
<Nemerizt> (maybe I did master it)
<Verifex> The door doesn't open though, you can't find a handle on the outside
<[CB1]Gun> Knock, Knock.
<Verifex> Nothing..
* Nemerizt sends his feelers into the door
<[CB1]Gun> Trev, open sez meh.
<Verifex> The feelers taste the door..  D10 + Alchemy + int
<RPGBot> Nemerizt rolled a 10-sided die: 8
<Verifex> er.. sorry
<Verifex> it's manipulation + tech
<Nemerizt> 13
<Nemerizt> (i wish it was alchy+int)
* rent spits silver at the door.
<Verifex> Alright, it's made out of a complex composite iron-metal-ore
<[CB1]Gun> Allen! We need to talk about zombies for a sec.
<rent> (
<rent> (DICKSHOT!)
<Verifex> After sitting there for a few minutes, you see a car drive by the alley
* [CB1]Gun knocks on door hard
<Nemerizt> (that wasnt quite what i was trying to feel for.  Can i feel if there is a handle anywhere?)
<Verifex> And a few more seconds later, the door opens, a kid is standing there and says, "hurry get in here"
* [CB1]Gun rushes in pulling lammy & dog
* rent gets in there
<Verifex> Oh.. Nem you don't need to manipulate to find a handle...  I suppose you could try to "make" a handle though..
<rent> no need now :P
<Verifex> Alright, you all make it into the safehouse
<Verifex> Hang on a second
<[CB1]Gun> Thank you....there a doctor in the house?
<Verifex> No, but thankfully there IS an auto-doc here.
<[CB1]Gun> (wootness)
<Nemerizt> these auto-doc's are so handy
<Verifex> Alright...
<Nemerizt> you can cut someone up and fix them like new
<[CB1]Gun> Kids, don't play with the dog he's pissed and take care.
* rent barfs a little silver goo.
* TheHatchetman eats OB's goo
<TheHatchetman> (I can haz 2 powers now? :P)
<[CB1]Gun> (no you can haz a cheezeburger)
<rent> ;'D
* rent picks the silver up.
<Verifex> Alright, after screwing around for a while, Kenny, you check out the vid-term for something to watch, and the little screen pops up a message.
<rent> Must've been my last little bit. I'll call it...Flubber.
* [CB1]Gun gets a bowl, fills with keeble, and sets infront of dog
<rent> oooh, message
<[CB1]Gun> Should we feed the dog flubber?
* rent watches the message
* rent offers the dog his new friend Flubber.
* [CB1]Gun then heads to the auto-doc
<Verifex> The screen flips a bit, and it's a guy in a flightsuit, he tells you that the sensors have determined what you are experiencing is the cyberplaugue.
<rent> :O
<rent> nowai
<[CB1]Gun> Welcome to the club.
<Verifex> "Hopefully the regurgitation will settle down..
<[CB1]Gun> Ewww.
<[CB1]Gun> Dude you going to eat that?
<rent> it's just been the odd flubber now and again, it's not too bad.
* rent plays with his silver flubber
<Verifex> "In the meantime, your hearing will be as sharp as a bell.  so listen up while I give you a rundown on what it's like to be a Jammer"
<rent> kk
<[CB1]Gun> Rock on.
<Verifex> "A Jammer is a rare type of cyberevolved and a relatively new development.."
<rent> kk
<Verifex> "We believe Jammers were developed when the nanites discovered how important sound, music and broadcasting and such were to our society."
<rent> (gun, you're a jammer, aren't you?)
<Verifex> "well, either that, or they were a more accessible form of a scanner"
<rent> (oh right, scanner maybe)
<[CB1]Gun> (scanner, you get to do a shit load of stuff with sound now)
<Verifex> "using sonic energy instead of electroencephalographic energy.
<Verifex> "We're not realy sure"
Lamuness has joined the room.
<Lamuness> ( RAWWWWWWR !!!!!!!!!!!!! )
<Verifex> Hi Lamu!
* Lamuness attacks all the hobos with a rocket launcher
<rent> lol
<[CB1]Gun> (their all dead, and we stole a at safehouse)
<rent> (weird, I have no idea what to do with it :P guess I'll be looking at the page)
<Verifex> "In any event, you've been converted to a master of sonic energy, both reception and transmission."
<[CB1]Gun> (look at it now!)
<rent> sweet
<TheHatchetman> And what of me? Oh, wise message-sender
<rent> hehe
<Verifex> "I see you're having trouble swallowing your soda; I should've warned you about your throat."
<Lamuness> what about me?
<rent> but I love soda
<[CB1]Gun> (yeah OB you have to eat a lot, every 8 hours and get fucked)
<Verifex> (Lamu, you were quintiessential to bringing the wild dog back to the safehosue)
<Hakai> (o.O)
<rent> (not to be wild much longer)
<Lamuness> ( what if I decide to sell the dog? )
<[CB1]Gun> (no way we can use it to hunt)
<Verifex> "Your entire esophogus has been completely changed."
<[CB1]Gun> (oh suicide bomb)
<rent> really
<Lamuness> ( no, you sell the dog for $$, to buy weapons and ammo to hunt )
<[CB1]Gun> (btw you can't sell strays ;p)
<Lamuness> (yes I can ;P )
<[CB1]Gun> (we got over 5k altogether)
<Verifex> "Your throat and tongue, starting right behind your teeth, and ending right at the entrance to your lungs."
* rent hocks a sonic loogie
<[CB1]Gun> (infact I'm the only one who spent over $30)
<Verifex> The guy goes on for a couple minutes explaining your power in more detail.
<Nemerizt> (im going to be buying a katana or some sort of sword with my money)
<[CB1]Gun> (get GW's)
<Verifex> (If you want, I can scan and send you the page explaining it all)
<rent> (sounds good, you know my email :D)
<[CB1]Gun> (save that for another day and email that to me as well to remind him ;)
<Verifex> Alright, now hatchetman...
<Verifex> You're watching TV, and one of the kids taps you on the shoulder..
<[CB1]Gun> (jamming with a snake should be silly since they don't hear so well ;)
<TheHatchetman> (the snake isn't doing the jamming... :P)
<[CB1]Gun> (duh, it didn't eat flubber)
<Lamuness> (I better get that activation mail OB.  or else it's the end)
<[CB1]Gun> (check spam folder)
<Lamuness> (it's been empty for days)
<Verifex> He points over to the vid-term, and you can see a guy there on the screen.
<rent> keep trying to resend it....
<Verifex> He's motioning for you to come over..
* TheHatchetman walks over to it
<Lamuness> ( >_<  fine! )
<[CB1]Gun> Neme, got on this auto-doc.
<Verifex> The guy explains to you that the sensors picked you up when you entered the safehouse as exhibiting symptoms of the plague.
<[CB1]Gun> get*
<Nemerizt> alright
* Nemerizt joins gun at the auto-doc
<[CB1]Gun> (bet TH is a scout)
<[CB1]Gun> (which totally overrules the snake muahahaha)
<Lamuness> ( bah. the only new email I got is from Veri about CG )
* TheHatchetman coughs violently into the open air and doesn't cover his mouth
<[CB1]Gun> (using msn?)
<rent> (he'd be our first scout, right?)
<Lamuness> ( even regular snail mail would be more reliable than what they're doing )
<TheHatchetman> (Stamps are expensive, Lammy :P)
<rent> (yeah, if he gets scout my snake becomes worthless x_x)
<Verifex> Eggman, you're a Bolter basically.  Read the wiki page on it at hobowiki.  You can shoot tiny filiment wires out to things and shock them, you can also absorb energy.
<rent> (I'll have to kill it and go get a liger)
<[CB1]Gun> (all it can do is bite and not get so harmed by your shout)
<rent> (wewt!)
<rent> (and stealthy!)
<Verifex> Hatchetman look here:
<TheHatchetman> I must ask you, oh great dude on the teleprompter, how is it that you know of hobowiki? :P
<[CB1]Gun> (awesome)
<rent> (nice)
<[CB1]Gun> <GW> Rawr, he can charge me tazer?
<[CB1]Gun> (tho he already has that fucking rifle ;p)
<Verifex> Because I've got a massive sensorgrid in this safehouse that gives me that ability, now stop being a smart-ass and go over to the training sim and practice your power.
<TheHatchetman> (So I'm basically Omega Red now? :P)
<Lamuness> ( ;p  no, I'm more like Omega Red )
<Verifex> I have no idea what Omega Red is...
<[CB1]Gun> (and I'm a super cool canaian movie ;p)
<Lamuness> (Omega Red had "tentacles" )
<TheHatchetman> (hexite is conductive, yes?)
<Verifex> Yes.
<Lamuness> ( nope >.>, I'm wearing a rubber suit )
<Verifex> LOL
<[CB1]Gun> (dunno about rubber)
<Verifex> (Lamu, in my other CyberGen game I'm playing a Tinman, and he got taken down by fucking security guards with tazers...)
<Lamuness> ( n00b ;) )
<Verifex> (police with machine guns, pshaw!    Tazers were my worst enemy)
<TheHatchetman> (they were likely pissed you interrupted...)
<Nemerizt> (want me to mess with the hexite?)
<[CB1]Gun> (train time kids)
<Verifex> Alright, everyone edit in your skills, and everyone gets 7ip
<Nemerizt> (roger)
<Lamuness> ( what skills? )
<[CB1]Gun> (finally lammy trains ;p)
<Hakai> (I want 7ip, lol)
<Lamuness> ( does it cost ip to edit our skills?  I want 100000 in street fighting )
<Verifex> yes, if i find cheaters, i will penalize ip..
<TheHatchetman> (I trained and summarized what i did ^_^)
<Nemerizt> (there i have 5 in manipulation now)
<Lamuness> ( so we can train for free? )
<TheHatchetman> (used my 80IP to bring GenSpeak and LittleAngel from 3 to 4)
<Lamuness> ( ;p  I'll just hold onto all the IP )
<Verifex> Lamu, you can train by using IP here.
<[CB1]Gun> (that seems pointless since we kill constantly)
<Lamuness> ( thnx for the +7 !! )
<Verifex> You all are taking a couple days of "down-time" in the safehouse to train up your skills.
<Nemerizt> (and to heal up)
<Verifex> (OB, do you have any questions about your powers?)
<TheHatchetman> (you guys should start getting some genspeak, so we can be all incognito-like...)
<Nemerizt> (im mastering the ability to make diamond katanas)
<Lamuness> ( I'm going to win this game )
<rent> (will find out when I see the scanned page in my email :P)
<Hakai> (how often do you guys play this?  Every thursday?)
<Nemerizt> (yeah)
<rent> (oh crud, I need to go spend my IP)
<rent> (brb)
<Nemerizt> (you probably want your new skill upped)
<Hakai> (hmm.  and how would one join in?)
<rent> (btw, is Holler automatically at 8?)
<[CB1]Gun> (no 1)
<Lamuness> ( wait... do I need to register for the forums too? )
<Nemerizt> (you need to make a new)
<[CB1]Gun> (no lammy)
<rent> (on my other character my cybergen skill was at 8, is that where it starts or did I do something to get it there)
<rent> (seriously, it starts at 1???)
<Nemerizt> (it starts at 1, ive only just now gotten mine to 5)
<rent> (screw that then, I'm not raising it until I figure out what it does)
<[CB1]Gun> (makes,copies,and uses sound)
<rent> (right, that means nothing to me right now :P)
<[CB1]Gun> (you read the brief page?)
<Verifex> the higher you make it, the higher you can do..
<Nemerizt> (you can probably do stuff with sound like i can do with objects)
<Nemerizt> (though im so techless i cant do much)
<Verifex> Read the wiki article..
<Lamuness> ( guess I could send an email to the game admin. )
<rent> Wiki article more or less says I can shout really loud 8 times a day and I have to eat a bunch now and I can hear well
* rent is looking for what it can -really- do
<Verifex> You are like a walking recording studio OB.
<Verifex> You also have the ability to do a "sonic attack" with your voice.
<[CB1]Gun> (just hope fex makes voice key access missions ;p)
<rent> I dunno, maybe I can mix it with my blending and sneak in and tell them to open the door or something.
<[CB1]Gun> (also might help against the hobo overlord I guess)
<rent> does sonic attack stun, or just do damage
<Verifex> I think either or...
<rent> ah
<Verifex> Also you can mimic peoples voices.
<[CB1]Gun> (do a little girl and horror movie it)
<Verifex> your hearing is as good as the dogs hearing is
<Verifex> You can also transmit on AM, FM, and shortwave frequencies within 50 meters.
<[CB1]Gun> (OB did you add last weeks IP?
<rent> whoops
<rent> what was last week's IP
<[CB1]Gun> 15
<rent> kk I'm going to do that now :P
<[CB1]Gun> also 7 for tonight
<rent> oh we got 7 tonight?
<rent> wewt.
<Verifex> yes.
<[CB1]Gun> go for 3 into scream ;)
<rent> that'd cost 60 ips
<[CB1]Gun> fine 4 ;p
<[CB1]Gun> which would be 10 before roll
<rent> No way, I'm going to bump up all my little 1 skills
<[CB1]Gun> (Do what I say!)
<Hakai> (lol)
<Lamuness> ( how much does it cost to go from 7 to 8? )
<rent> 80
<[CB1]Gun> 80
<Lamuness> (ridiculous.. )
<TheHatchetman> (some fearless leader you are, Bob...)
<TheHatchetman> (if i had known how things went up, i would have specialized more :P
<Verifex> oh.. okay so your
<TheHatchetman> )
<[CB1]Gun> (we stole a dog and wallets didn't we!?!?!)
<Hakai> (nope, I came in and took them from you)
<Lamuness> ( is it still 80 for stats? )
<Nemerizt> (thats right, where is my share of the money)
<[CB1]Gun> (I told you to specialize I think, same with neme)
<Nemerizt> (its x3 for stats)
<Lamuness> ( :O so from 7 to 8 on stats, it's 240!? )
<Nemerizt> (i am quite specialized)
<[CB1]Gun> (stick to skills)
<TheHatchetman> (yup)
<Lamuness> ( *faints* )
<Verifex> Your sonic attack is a "sonic stun" in the book..
<rent> oh, so it does stun?
<rent> hmmm, this makes it a little more useful :)
<[CB1]Gun> (oh that's right TH I yelled at you over street smarts & little angel)
<Lamuness> ( OB, you stun, and I'll behead )
* TheHatchetman thought OB was a bolter... :P
<rent> no, YOU are a bolter
<Verifex> yes.. so the range of the sonic stun is the average of your Holler + Bod stat
<Verifex> Hatchetman are you paying attention ?!?!
<rent> so basically point blank
[Purple_Belt]Beowulf has joined the room.
<TheHatchetman> i know I'm a bolter, but weren't you a bolter like 2 months ago? :P
<rent> yeah, I was on that crappy facedancer
<[Purple_Belt]Beowulf> ...evenin everyone
<[CB1]Gun> (so 10m with 4 in ;)
<rent> hola Beowulf
<Hakai> ohmigosh
<Verifex> Yes, his other character was a bolter.
<Hakai> (there are 139 pages in the book.... o.O)
<Verifex> Thats not the whole book, just as much as I was willing to scan.
<[CB1]Gun> some pages go to waste
<Verifex> Anyways guys.. I gotta get going..
<Verifex> if you have any questions OB, or anyone else.. email or CM me.
<Hakai> thanks, Fexy ^_^  have fun in Canada

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