Friday, January 23, 2009

0028 CB CyberGen Session

[CB1]Gun: let's help SS shop
Verifex: sure
MissingNo: :D
[CB1]Gun: done some pricing
Verifex: Alright, missing, did you read the book or have the link to it?
Warbringer: what is this room for?
Verifex: ummm hi?
[CB1]Gun: fresh meat
Verifex: This is for roleplaying..
Verifex: We play a game called CyberGen..  if you want to check out the book, or the wiki, here's the links:
Verifex: CyberGeN Book :
Verifex: Cybergen wiki:
[CB1]Gun: the EBM mainframe v-term(one of his choices) was is the wall v-term we couldn't get
MissingNo: I've read about half of it.
Warbringer: do you care if I just stay and listen?
[CB1]Gun: just don't go nuts
Warbringer: ill try...
Verifex: No problem
[CB1]Gun: -FullImpact V-card nanofactory $1225 -Silicon GRaphics Iris Cyberdeck 6INT,DEF5 $1200 **must have <-- current must haves
[CB1]Gun: don't see anything for Fullimpact Virtual receiver/player system (nonportable)
Verifex: yeah let me see if the book has anything more on that...
Verifex: Basically, a Fullimpact Virtual receiver/player system is like a virtuality stereo system/big-screen TV of today..
[CB1]Gun: knew it
[CB1]Gun: cost?
MissingNo: Sweetttt.
[CB1]Gun: oh well guess 1k easy
Verifex: It isn't portable though, because it's like a component stereo system, fairly large.
[CB1]Gun: we got a cart
[CB1]Gun: could it v-surround the van?
Verifex: It's about $1500 for the fullimpact model.. but you aren't "buying" it as it comes with your character..
[CB1]Gun: measuring his NW ;)
Verifex: I don't see why you couldn't put it inside the van.
[CB1]Gun: so got that, the factory, and the cyberdeck at over 1k
[CB1]Gun: v-surround I mean camo the van into scooby dude ;p
[CB1]Gun: mystery machine!
[CB1]Gun: -24 ready-programmed virtuality smartcards (each holds and runs v_projections up to 30MU in size)
[CB1]Gun: -Smartbag and a dozen smartcards with reference materials  $3 + w/e
[CB1]Gun: pick between those, guessing the smartcards are about $25 each
[CB1]Gun: we gotta go back and steal that wall v-term
Verifex: missingno?
[CB1]Gun: might as well give him a power now -.-
MissingNo: I'm here.
[CB1]Gun: see
MissingNo: How come people don't play CGen? =(
[CB1]Gun: it's too late at night maybe....
[CB1]Gun: we don't know
MissingNo: YEah, it definitely is too late. I'm already sleepy and we haven't started.
Verifex: Hmmm, Gun do you still get emailed from google calendar?
[CB1]Gun: no
Verifex: did you ever?
[CB1]Gun: nope
MissingNo: Do I get my powerz nao?
Verifex: ahh..  I thought that it was working..
[CB1]Gun: well I'll add the 3 big things in for SS
[CB1]Gun: you want that tv right?
MissingNo: Yeah.
Verifex: Wait a min, Mis are you a V-Punk, not a vidiot, right?
MissingNo: Yeah.
[CB1]Gun: the vidiot list sucks
Verifex: ok, so for the V-Punk, I added that under "Solid Snake"
MissingNo: Kay.
Verifex: Only thing is, looks like you already have stats there, do you remember how you setup your stats/skill numbers?
Verifex: weird
MissingNo: e_e
MissingNo: So what now?
[CB1]Gun: ok added the big boys and 24 preprogramed since you didn't answer
MissingNo: Thanksies.
[CB1]Gun: whatcha buyin
MissingNo: A gun.
MissingNo: And v-condoms.
[CB1]Gun: -.- can I add v-torch to the list, only $22
[CB1]Gun: a smartbag is $3
[CB1]Gun: we got codeguns for you to use
[CB1]Gun: and shotguns
MissingNo: OK
[CB1]Gun: rifle is $600....slingshot is $10 ;)
Verifex: v-condoms - your experience may vary...
Verifex: missingNo, what time is it there right now?
MissingNo: 12:20 AM
Verifex: okay, its about 9:23 here...
[CB1]Gun: could get a code grenade
[CB1]Gun: dunno how we'd use it
Verifex: haha thats right
MissingNo: WHen are we gonna start blowin shit up?
[CB1]Gun: when someone else gets here.....
Verifex: We are supposed to have a couple other players... not sure whats going on with them..
Verifex: I was assuming (incorrectly) that google calendar was emailing everyone...
[CB1]Gun: they know the time anyways
Verifex: Well, I set the google calendar to email anyways...
Verifex: jerks!
[CB1]Gun: bah I'll get you the rifle....want tonfas? ;p
MissingNo: Nay to tonfas.
[CB1]Gun: axe, monoblade....sledgehammer
MissingNo: What's a monoblade?
MissingNo: Do I give people mono if I stab them with it?
[CB1]Gun: like a heated katana
[CB1]Gun: naginata?
[CB1]Gun: anything melee?
MissingNo: Monoblade sounds cool.
MissingNo: Actually, do I have enough money for a naginata and a monoblade?
[CB1]Gun: the katana version is 600, mononaginata is $300
MissingNo: Screw it. Monoblade.
[CB1]Gun: the mono-tanto is 200
[CB1]Gun: only DC4 while the rifle is DC8
MissingNo: So I have a rifle and a monoblade?
[CB1]Gun: you can but mono might suck by comparison
MissingNo: Meh.
MissingNo: It'll work when I run out of ammo.
[CB1]Gun: oh armor for $300
MissingNo: Unless I become a tinman, in which I probably won't need a sword.
[CB1]Gun: can get the best stuff for 400
MissingNo: Why can't I find out my power before I start buying stuff?
[CB1]Gun: you usually do
[CB1]Gun: buy mall shit is fucked up with us -.-
[CB1]Gun: but*
MissingNo: Where is Verifex? I should have a power by now.
Verifex: Hehehe, missingno, you really aching for your power huh?
[CB1]Gun: actually we RP you getting the power from us after a day
[CB1]Gun: but we should get it over with
MissingNo: I want supah nano powah.
Verifex: I was just looking at your character, and is that right, you are giving 6 to tech, the skill by which your entire yogang skill is based on, yet 8 to ref and bod?
[CB1]Gun: thought his skill was INT based
[CB1]Gun: yep it's INT
MissingNo: I'm thinking I should reduce luck because I don't care too much about it.
[CB1]Gun: or get ugly
[CB1]Gun: luck is a life saver, can literally make the impossible ;)
[CB1]Gun: in fact neme can't use his power without it
Verifex: LOL
Verifex: hey Gun, I've got the perfect way to introduce new players, and get them aquainted with CG, without having to spend all my waking hours trying to explain "what is cybergen".
[CB1]Gun: say you got to make a 25 on a net thing, you got 16 + d10 then can add 5 to that
[CB1]Gun: it's D&D light with kids in a bladerunner world
Verifex: A google doc presentation thingy
Verifex: Like power-point. except online...
Verifex: so I can walk em through it, and put videos and pics and sound in it..
MissingNo: Yeah. Saying it's Bladerunner and everyone be like "Oh OK."
[CB1]Gun: same cars and snakes
[CB1]Gun: give him a powah
MissingNo: Sexmachine.
[CB1]Gun: yes?
[CB1]Gun: remember that was me between his legs
Verifex: hi ob
OddBird: hey
OddBird: Sorry, still not 100% used to this 'chat in a new frame' thing
OddBird: Didn't even realize I was in here
Verifex: yeah the new frame thing is weird huh
MissingNo: POWAAAAAAH!!!!
OddBird: haha, yep. Granted, I like being in multiple rooms. Just not used to it yet.
OddBird: Btw, thanks, Missingno
Bushy: oh hey SS
OddBird: Your thread about naming yourself after a glitch and being unable to enter chat made my morning ;)
Bushy: I see you dropped the period
MissingNo: XD
[CB1]Gun: let's start while we can!
Bushy: I dont even know what this is
TetraDomino: whats going on in here kids
TetraDomino: keep it down
Verifex: Okay..
[CB1]Gun: neme is getting cut up on a street while I'm shooting from the car
OddBird: and I was firing a bow from the window
OddBird: IIRC
MissingNo: I'm looking at my v-porn.
TetraDomino: pr0n.
Verifex: lol
OddBird: where'd you get those pics from, I could've sworn I hid them
Bushy: alright well I'm strapping on my +6 vest of arrow deflection
TetraDomino: the box marked "pr0n", ob. You're terrible at hiding things.
OddBird: oh, good. That's just my general porn box. I thought he meant *MY* porn.
OddBird: Bushy: I'm strapping on my +6inch strapon of extension.
TetraDomino: I'm taking deep pulls from a bottle of Kessler
OddBird: That makes me a whole 6.5 inches long, baby.
[CB1]Gun: Get out the car, ninja, and slice that bitch!
Bushy: omg I'm running as far from OB as I can
[CB1]Gun: (rofl)
TetraDomino: i'm fairly drunk by now
TetraDomino: I begin to cry about how lonely I am
Verifex: Alright wait a min here, we've got 2 players..
MissingNo: 3333333333
Verifex: and one new player who hasn't been introduced yet.. right?
MissingNo: Oh, then yes.
OddBird: I'll accidentally shoot him
Bushy: so I'm tryin to play
OddBird: Player introduced, plus one extra hole
TetraDomino: lol
Bushy: ouch
MissingNo: You gotta buy me dinner before you talk dirty to me, OB.
Verifex: Bushy you want a char too?
Bushy: uh yeah sure
OddBird: Trust me, I wasn't interested in "talking" dirty.
OddBird: If I'm giving you an extra hole, I'm USING IT
Bushy: i'm new here fex I dont really know whats goin on in the ol rpg room
[CB1]Gun: We driving dirty.
OddBird: You drivin dirty, I'm ridin dirty
Verifex: Anyone can play CyberGen, but you need to create a character.
OddBird: and Dirty Hippy will never know what hit him
[CB1]Gun: spin him on the sticks
MissingNo: OB, do you use lube when you gay sex?
TetraDomino: phew
[CB1]Gun: spit counts
TetraDomino: ineternet cut out there
OddBird: no I do not, I have this awesome little spiked condom
TetraDomino: ok so what are we doing it sounds cool
MissingNo: Well I have a v-condom.
[CB1]Gun: blood counts too
TetraDomino: c0nd0m?
OddBird: periods ftw, Gun?
OddBird: xDD
MissingNo: Actually, can we modify that to make it a mono-condom, Gun?
TetraDomino: mondom
[CB1]Gun: no, spike dick ftw
MissingNo: But I want my penis to vibrate so fast it can cut through anything.
[CB1]Gun: fyi tinman can't change dick
OddBird: yes he can
OddBird: !
OddBird: Just not into any 'intricate' shapes
[CB1]Gun: no steel there
OddBird: yeah but remember he can spread his whatever to other parts of his body
OddBird: i.e. armor
OddBird: his nanometals or whatever they're called
OddBird: Just as long as there's moonshine, I care not for sunshine
Verifex: nanites...
Bushy: so fex how do i create a char
[CB1]Gun: fex says no to nano yard long dick
Lamuness: (made it in time!)
Verifex: holy cow lamu!
OddBird: Lammy, slap Fex with your nanoyard long dick
MissingNo: Lamu, are you still working on your NFC chat client?
TetraDomino: not really they wont tell me whats going on
TetraDomino: if i wasn't wastged this wold be lame
Lamuness: (yes I am.  just haven't had time lately)
MissingNo: o.o
[CB1]Gun: (woot full house)
TetraDomino: k
OddBird: Zombie Jesus is a given
MissingNo: YEAH CUNT
Verifex: I can kick you out if you are just here to make noise, cuz we seem to have a lot of that tonight ;P
[CB1]Gun: +2 SS
MissingNo: (NOT YET)
TetraDomino: I'm not here to make noise i legitamately wanted to know wut was going on
TetraDomino: i still dont know so i'll just show myself the dore
Verifex: It's a roleplaying game,
OddBird: Dude, it's a RPG game
OddBird: hasn't started yet
Verifex: although I haven't started yet
OddBird: You have to make your own, Bushy
[CB1]Gun: (bushy, just watch for tonight)
Verifex: Bushy, did I send you the link to the cybergen book?
Bushy: uh no
Bushy: cm it
Verifex: Alright, I'll send
Lamuness: ( the other major part I have to work on is chatting in rooms.  I got PMs working)
MissingNo: (Isn't chat the easier part?)
Verifex: If you want to play the game:
Verifex: theres the book
Bushy: thanks fex
Verifex: There's the wiki with some more info on yogangs...
[CB1]Gun: (it's late let's rock)
Verifex: I'll create a char template for you.. but then we'll have to finish later...
Bushy: it's alright fex
[CB1]Gun: (lammy can come out of no where now)
Bushy: just get it goin for gun before he gets his dick in a bunch
OddBird: bunch of what
OddBird: goats?
MissingNo: Guy goats.
Bushy: well that goes without saying
Verifex: There's your character
Bushy: thanks fex
OddBird: I am curious about your name, but I don't want to ask.
MissingNo: Bushy or mine?
OddBird: also, if we don't start cybergen soon I'll have to leave.
OddBird: This is past midnight already my time and we haven't begun.
[CB1]Gun: (start or the goat gets in in the eye!)
MissingNo: I live east coast too.
Lamuness: (bicoastal)
[CB1]Gun: (just start fighting I say!)
[CB1]Gun: (you aren't there yet)
[CB1]Gun: (ace and gary?)
OddBird: You can hit me if you like, but I haven't paid you yet.
MissingNo: Lammy, are you a girl? OB is sure you're a girl.
OddBird: Yes, Lammy is a chick.
[CB1]Gun: with v-tits
OddBird: Not sure if that's since birth or since surgery, but Lammy's totally a chick
MissingNo: Are you sure, OB?
[CB1]Gun: hehe v-tits
MissingNo: Fat guys can have tits.
OddBird: so can skinny guys with a genetic disorder.
Lamuness: Seph, are you curious?
MissingNo: Yes.
OddBird: bicurious* he is
Lamuness: how come?
[CB1]Gun: he needs a camp
Verifex: Alright,  now...
MissingNo: Because my girlfriend broke up with me. So if you are a hot woman, I can masturbate to you without feeling guilty.
Lamuness: o_o  ............
Verifex: uhhh yikes!
[CB1]Gun: stain the retina!
Verifex: Okay, well anyways...
OddBird: She broke up with you?
Verifex: On with the show...
[CB1]Gun: donkey show
MissingNo: Yeah, she broke up with me.
OddBird: Did she catch you masturbating to a CB chick?
OddBird: =\
Bushy: hahaha
MissingNo: The only CB chick I would masturbate to would be Bast.
OddBird: god, me too.
Lamuness: <.<;;;;
OddBird: I swear, her incredibly literate prose riles the blood in my penisveins.
[CB1]Gun: snadpaper pussy is so hot....with friction
MissingNo: I love thinking about her 250 year old hot dry body.
Verifex: MissingNo, are you ready to start playing?
MissingNo: Yes.
OddBird: Mmm, like a sexy desert.
[CB1]Gun: with his penis
Verifex: oh snap
[CB1]Gun: (rock on)
OddBird: (alright, let's get it ONNNNN)
MissingNo: Be thankful it wasn't your penis.
OddBird: (go fex go!)
Verifex: Alright, Everyone into Parenthesis...
MissingNo: (*suits up*)
OddBird: (just tell me who is playing the role of parentheses tonight)
[CB1]Gun: (this is the pussy suit)
OddBird: (I'll be in 'em in seconds)
[CB1]Gun: ( )
MissingNo: (So many gay jokes.. XD)
OddBird: (p)
[CB1]Gun: (bast is a big red snapper)
Verifex: Alright MissingNo, you aren't actually in the game yet, so you shouldn't respond to things I tell you until I address you directly, ok?
MissingNo: (K.)
Lamuness: [((|))]
OddBird: (bahahahaha. That's like superclit.) (p)
[CB1]Gun: (flashlight pussy?)
OddBird: (damn, why is there no superclit comicbook)
[CB1]Gun: (I am the CLIT commander!)
MissingNo: ("The CLIT's not real!)
Lamuness: ( it's not a punching bag Gun ;p )
[CB1]Gun: (it's a watermelon, thump it)
Verifex: Alright, Lamu, in the last game, you decided to take your adventure to the skies...
MissingNo: (15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand...)
[CB1]Gun: (clit lick lalalalalallalala)
Verifex: And you took the heavy ass box and strapped it onto your board to deliver it to the weird guy up in the building...
Lamuness: ( ass box.  just what OB likes... )
OddBird: (nope, it's been sitting on the ground. 5 second rule)
[CB1]Gun: (there's lil white package stuffs in there)
OddBird: (hmmmm. so that's good ass still)
Verifex: Meanwhile, the rest of you decided that random people on the street deserve to die, and therefore went road-raging on some random people on the street.
OddBird: RAWR
[CB1]Gun: Jump out the hoopty, ninja.
[CB1]Gun: (we where parked)
Verifex: (If this was starwars, you guys would soo have dark-side points)
Lamuness: ( dark yogangs! )
OddBird: (I would also have fucked yoda up the ass with a lightsaber)
[CB1]Gun: (you saw my old pic)
[CB1]Gun: (mono-v-condom)
[CB1]Gun: (garontee to give you AIDs)
OddBird: (hey Fex, I have my pic, how do I upload it?)
MissingNo: (I want monoAIDS.)
[CB1]Gun: (lick it)
[CB1]Gun: (link it sry)
Verifex: OB, umm do you have a link to it?
[CB1]Gun: (  [www.blah]  )
OddBird: no, it's on my comp. I need to upload it or something
[CB1]Gun: (save that for another day it's late)
[CB1]Gun: (roll for knifing the bitch ;)
Verifex: alright, well if you want to try and upload it to the wiki, you'll need to figure out the "upload file" thing
Verifex: but otherwise, just email it to me...  (
MissingNo: (Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.)
Verifex: So, Gun, you've got the car driving towards the.. who?
[CB1]Gun: (only if you have a grey hairy ass with tail)
OddBird: Exactly. Towards The Who
MissingNo: (He just killed a famous punk rock band.)
[CB1]Gun: (knife the bitch ninja!)
OddBird: (Missingno renamed to Captain Obvious)
OddBird: (OK so it is uploaded, how do I link to it Fex)
MissingNo: (I'll glitch your Pokemon and duplicate your rare candies, crack whore.)
OddBird: (from my CG page)
OddBird: (rare candies make weak pokemon, I raised my rattata from scratch BITCH)
Lamuness: ( ratata's make great satays... )
OddBird: (satays?)
Lamuness: ( like a kabob )
MissingNo: (A gay kabob?)
OddBird: (ahhh, gotcha. Never heard of them)
OddBird: (yes missingno, one of your kabobs)
MissingNo: (You being gay for me doesn't make me gay. It makes you gay. And Ben Affleck gay.)
Bushy: nothing can make ben affleck gave, he was born that way
Verifex: Alright, Gun, you backed over the guy already
Lamuness: ( I break four Matt Damon)
MissingNo: (Sounds like a bad Asian joke, Lamu.)
Verifex: You pull the car into reverse and wheels squeel.
Verifex: The guy appears to be in your rear view, Gun D10 + GoGo + Ref to hit the guy..
Lamuness: ( a bear walks into a bar and says "I'd like a beer.............and a bag of peanuts".  The bartender goes, "Why the big pause?" )
[CB1]Gun: 17
Verifex: (oahhhhh!)
OddBird: (yeah, moan for me Fex!)
MissingNo: (Cause he's retarded?)
Bushy: he's a bear SS
Verifex: You back around the guy, and miss him..
[CB1]Gun: (thought he was gimped?!?!)
OddBird: <Verifex> Alright, Gun, you backed over the guy already
OddBird: I am confused. Did he hit once and miss afterward?
[CB1]Gun: (ran him over and he didn't get up, stayed on ground and shot)
OddBird: (also, I finally uploaded the picture and added my 2 IPs. YAY)
Verifex: (sorry, I forgot he hadn't actually hit him yet)
Verifex: (he hit the guy once)
OddBird: (ahhh, okay. Thanks, I was confused :P)
MissingNo: (I still lack powers.)
OddBird: (Yeah, you won't get them for a bit.)
OddBird: (Takes time)
OddBird: (...sometimes they are useful, sometimes they are not)
[CB1]Gun: (ha ha ha)
Verifex: Alright, what are you doing?
Verifex: Who are you attacking?  The woman on the who was tussling with Nem?  Or the guy outside the car that Gun was trying to hit?
OddBird: Nem's tussle-buddy
OddBird: I think Gun can handle the car vs. man battle
[CB1]Gun: Crab Battle!
Verifex: Alright Kenny, you jump out of the car
OddBird: I am a ninja-esque pouncey killing machineeee
Verifex: OB roll a D10 + JockStuff + Ref
OddBird: Lol, 11.
Verifex: Alright, you forget to tuck, but manage to roll...
[CB1]Gun: (lame)
MissingNo: (I'm about 3 seconds away from passing the fuck out.)
Verifex: You scrape yourself up but land near the nem and the woman.
Verifex: Alright, pausing combat..  I'm going to skip over to Lamu for a minute.
Verifex: Lamu?  You there...
Lamuness: ( hops over to Veri )
Verifex: You are flying around and manage to get to the building where the guy was previously
Lamuness: weeee
Verifex: The billboard nearby is now showing a animated chick dancing, seems to be a ad for some local club around here.
[CB1]Gun: (blow the boobie horn)
Verifex: The guy doesn't appear to be out on his balcony this time, so you have a hard time pinpointing the exact floor..
OddBird: I would like to go apply.
OddBird: damn, nvm. I'm a minor
Verifex: But you do manage to find it, as the door is open and you can see in and as well hear the generator sound you heard last time.
Verifex: (hang on, bathroom)
Verifex: (back)
Lamuness: ( that was fast.  you must've pee'd)
Verifex: (indubidubly)
OddBird: (either that or had one of those quickshits that slid straight down the pipe)
[CB1]Gun: (dingle berry)
Verifex: Alright, after parking your board, half between the balcony and the inside of the room
Verifex: You head in, you can see the guy sitting in a raggedy couch, walking into the room further you can see a fancy looking interior, that doesn't look too shabby actually..  
Lamuness: hi dude
Verifex: You can also see another kid sitting at desk, typing away something or other..
Lamuness: hi dude
[CB1]Gun: (porn everywhere)
OddBird: (fapfapfap?)
Verifex: "Hey there, great your back."
[CB1]Gun: (fap attack by beasty boys)
Lamuness: I got your package
[CB1]Gun: (fap that)
Verifex: Alrighty, he goes over and looks to see the box, and then goes over to another table..
Verifex: (MissingNo you there?)
OddBird: (he is....Missing! BAHAHAHAHAHA)
[CB1]Gun: (buuuuurn)
Verifex: I knew it!
OddBird: oh well. Guess he missed his intro
[CB1]Gun: up up down down that's the way we fuck around
[CB1]Gun: get nastay
Verifex: Alrighty, well Lamu he offers you a few things from his litlte workplace of junk..
[CB1]Gun: (porn!)
OddBird: (pick the longest strapon of the bunch.)
[CB1]Gun: (it's a stun baton)
Verifex: and numerous virtuality projector parts
Lamuness: thanks dude.  by the way, what's in the package?
Verifex: "which one of those things you want?"
OddBird: (OMG, tracker!)
OddBird: (I can listen, no need for the listening device....remember that car we couldn't find earlier? TRACKED!)
Lamuness: I want them all
Verifex: (OB, cool picture)
OddBird: ( :D Thanks!)
[CB1]Gun: (the listner is a must)
Verifex: "Ohh, you want to deliver some more stuff?"
Lamuness: Deal
Verifex: Alright, pick something for now, and I'll get you the other directions..
[CB1]Gun: (easedrop!)
OddBird: (tracker)
[CB1]Gun: (we got a tracker)
OddBird: (I can already eavesdrop.)
[CB1]Gun: (if blarg would come on.....)
OddBird: (I'm a fucking listener as my superpower)
Lamuness: ( what does the code-gun do? )
OddBird: (good question)
[CB1]Gun: (we got one)
Verifex: "Snake, can you get me the D39 map datapad?"
[CB1]Gun: (the cell phone listener seems better, plus OB it's always here)
[CB1]Gun: isn't*)
OddBird: (isn't better, I have superears.)
Verifex: A code-gun uses virtuality as a weapon, also augmented to a 9mm, so you can fire both at once or one or the other if you want..
OddBird: Nice!
Lamuness: hm?
Verifex: "Here, let me show ya"
[CB1]Gun: (we have a code gun)
Verifex: "Snake, give me a practice target."
[CB1]Gun: (wake the fuck up pilzkin)
Verifex: You can hear some furious typing in the other room, and a couple moments later, a big-ass troll appears in the room right in front of you.
[CB1]Gun: (so snake stood?)
Lamuness: there's a troll !!!!!
Verifex: The guy takes the gun and it appears to shoot a big loud shot from the gun, mortally wounding the freaky looking troll.
Verifex: A couple seconds later, the troll body disappears.
OddBird: awesome
[CB1]Gun: (basically kill spammail)
Lamuness: (maybe we should take the code-gun)
Verifex: Just make up your mind..
[CB1]Gun: (I got one!)
Lamuness: ( ;p  you never use it! )
[CB1]Gun: (why would I)
Lamuness: (to shoot at people)
[CB1]Gun: (how bout the radar?)
Lamuness: (k)
Lamuness: I'll take the suitcase thingy dude
OddBird: (Gun, you have a codegun?)
[CB1]Gun: (yes! you fucks!)
[CB1]Gun: (we got 2 in fact)
OddBird: (why have we not been codegunning people down then?)
[CB1]Gun: (only works on programs)
[CB1]Gun: (let's fight)
Verifex: The kid named Snake comes over to you and gives you a datapad...
Verifex: And swap over to OB and Gun.
OddBird: wait, I was attacking some chick that was wrastling with Nem
OddBird: hope I'm not cockblocking him
[CB1]Gun: (remember to use the snake as a condom)
OddBird: (hehe. "Wiggle your tail when you're in, Effit, she'll love that)
[CB1]Gun: <-- anal over there
OddBird: perfect timing on her wanting a brownie
OddBird: wait, Mrs. Hatchetman?
[CB1]Gun: (can he use both claw and blade?)
OddBird: (that would be awesome.)
OddBird: (the claw is automatically wielded though, so it would make sense)
[CB1]Gun: (it's a wrist thing so yeah)
[CB1]Gun: rock me sexy jesus
Verifex: D10 + Streetfighting + Ref
[CB1]Gun: (not really!)
OddBird: Fex - before I roll, do I need to roll for the knife, claws, and snake each?
[CB1]Gun: (just do knife and claw)
[CB1]Gun: (snake could be on ground)
OddBird: (no, I get a bonus to attack when snake attacks too)
OddBird: (he's always wrapped around my arm)
[CB1]Gun: (perv)
OddBird: ....Fex?
Verifex: Ummm, just do the attack roll
OddBird: kk
OddBird: doing the attack roll - am I able to attack with claws + blade, btw? (if you know, don't bother looking it up if you are unsure tho, we'll figure it out later)
OddBird: 24
Verifex: Uhhh, are you attacking with a knife or with claws or what?
Verifex: You can't attack with snake/knife/claws all at once...
[CB1]Gun: (superman fly at them)
OddBird: I can attack with the snake and whatever else simultaneously, if I do I get a bonus to initiative even
OddBird: I was just wondering if I could use knife/claws at the same time, since both are equipped
OddBird: ....guess I choose the knife and the snake
Verifex: Speaking of...  I should have you roll for initiative since you are now in combat...
Verifex: So, roll D10 + Ref
[CB1]Gun: 10
Verifex: OB?
OddBird: 28
OddBird: sorry, had to add it all up
OddBird: 10 + 6 + REF + (Daktari/2)
OddBird: the (Daktari/2) is for both me and my familiar
Verifex: Uhh  (d10 + ref) for initaive..
Verifex: Daktari doesn't add to initiative for you, just for snake.
OddBird: both
OddBird: according to your wiki
OddBird: "Coordinate your attack with your familiar (Emp) adds Daktari /2 to initative for both you and your familiar. "
OddBird: either way, 24 without Daktari, 28 with it. It doesn't matter, I'm going first.
Verifex: (sorry, you're right.. its late, gimme a break!  ;)  )
OddBird: (no worries, break granted in exchange for attacking with the bow, claws, knife, and snake simultaneously)
OddBird: ;'D
Verifex: Alright, well you go first, and your attack roll of 24 hits, you knife the lady and Effit strikes as well..
OddBird: awesome. +1 ACC on the knife
OddBird: more damage ftw!
Verifex: Now roll attack for effit...
OddBird: Dice + ?
Verifex: D10 + Dakatari  for attack for the snake...
OddBird: 11 =(
Verifex: Hmmm, maybe the ref of snake should be added to that..  I'm not sure what that would be...
Verifex: Lets give the snake 4 REF.
OddBird: sounds good :D
OddBird: perhaps as my pet, for usage of attributes, he should simply be 1/2 of whatever I've got on any given attribute?
Verifex: alright, so a 15, Effit misses
OddBird: ah well. The knife hit!
Verifex: (no, it doesn't need more then the ref stat really, the rest is up to me anyways)
OddBird: ahh, gotcha. Just figured in other situations other attributes might pop up. :P
Verifex: Maybe, we'll see..
OddBird: so how badly did I stabbeh on her
Verifex: Anyways, the knife hits her
Verifex: D10 for damage
OddBird: *cut*
OddBird: -,-
OddBird: 2
OddBird: for being so accurate, that's pretty shitty.
Verifex: Alright, she gets jarred by the knife
Verifex: Now she turns toward OB, and kicks at you, still holding her knife
OddBird: wait, she has an axe!
Verifex: No, she has a knife, Nem has an Axe..
OddBird: ohhh
Verifex: She attacks you and hits, but isn't a direct hit.
Verifex: so it doesn't do any damage.
OddBird: bwahahaha!
OddBird: (I am unvincible.)
Verifex: Nem then attacks her again with the axe, looking pretty insane, he misses pretty badly though..
Lamuness: ( *deflates OB* )
OddBird: (pbbbbbbbbbbt)
Verifex: Gun, your turn.
[CB1]Gun: (how is the guy looking?)
OddBird: (pretty cute, in your opinion)
[CB1]Gun: (kekeke)
[CB1]Gun: (on ground still?)
Verifex: Well, you drove past him, but he doesn't look very good seeing as he's crawling along the ground.
OddBird: (car vs. injured man. Who will win??)
Lamuness: ( injured man )
[CB1]Gun: wiat add +3 to that since almost done
[CB1]Gun: 20!
Verifex: Is this the gogo roll?
[CB1]Gun: yes
Verifex: Remember, you have to say you are going to add luck BEFORe the roll ;)
OddBird: "That was strangely arousing. OW! Hello 911? This is Quagmire. Yeah, it's in the window again."
[CB1]Gun: it's bonus ref, not luck ;p
Verifex: Oh, well that's even better.. dang you ref maniac..
Verifex: Alright, you manage to hit the guy with a disturbingly satisfying thump.
[CB1]Gun: MuahahahahahHAHAHAHAhahhahahaha
Verifex: OB, you're up.. you also hear a thump and look up, looks like Gun has run over the other guy
Verifex: Roll your holler
[CB1]Gun: Free the Beast!
OddBird: 9 + 6 + 3 = 18
Verifex: Knife?
OddBird: sun holler.
OddBird: stun*
OddBird: or are you saying I can do the knife too
Verifex: sorry..  I need to sleep..
Verifex: Alright, hang on..
OddBird: we can cut short with me stunning this woman to pieces then so you get sleep!
Lamuness: ( aww... )
[CB1]Gun: Ooowwwwmmm bap bap
OddBird: hehehe
Verifex: Alright, you can tell it looks like it hurt, but she wasn't knocked out..
Verifex: She is recovering though, and isn't able to attack.
Verifex: Nem also looks pretty phased by the attack, as he was pretty close, however he is still able to manage an attack.
Verifex: He swipes at her with the axe and clips her chest, spinning her around and knocking her down.
[CB1]Gun: Not the TITTIES!
OddBird: I will use my genetic splicing talent to give the clubhouse dog boobies
Verifex: (no, she has armor on, she's not an amazonian)
OddBird: =(
[CB1]Gun: fyi kids they did chop those off ;)
OddBird: (who cares, all you need is the vag anyways)
[CB1]Gun: soft, warm jizz traps in 4 places
OddBird: skullfucker.
[CB1]Gun: ok 5
OddBird: that's 5 places.
Lamuness: ( o_O )
Verifex: Yikes..
Verifex: Gun, you are still death racing here, what do you do?
[CB1]Gun: 22
[CB1]Gun: with a 5m spread it's going to hit ;p
OddBird: mmmm, 5m spread.
Verifex: Alright, since you are driving, you first must stop the car, grab your shotgun and get out.. so you can't do that in 3 seconds...
Verifex: So you are stopping the car and grabbing your shotgun..
[CB1]Gun: ok got out with a helmet on
Verifex: OB, your turn..
OddBird: I'm going to attempt to stab her in the face with my knife.
OddBird: +1 ACC, +6 Luck
OddBird: 8 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 6 = 30
OddBird: (dice + ref + sf + acc + luck)
[CB1]Gun: Cut her face like an immagrant!
Verifex: motherfucking chat
[CB1]Gun: lol
OddBird: :( poor mama
Verifex: why is it doing that?!
[CB1]Gun: she bang she bang
Lamuness: ( are you using the old chat? )
Verifex: no, the new one..
Lamuness: ( you just answered your own quesetion )
OddBird: um, what is it doing?
Verifex: Alright, anwyays..
OddBird: <OddBird> I'm going to attempt to stab her in the face with my knife.
OddBird: <OddBird> +1 ACC, +6 Luck
OddBird: <OddBird> 8 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 6 = 30
OddBird: <OddBird> (dice + ref + sf + acc + luck)
Verifex: I saw that, I was asking for D10 for damage...
OddBird: ahh, that never came through
OddBird: 6
OddBird: this is to the face, mind you
Verifex: Alright, as I said..  you hit, but not in the face...
OddBird: ??
[CB1]Gun: tits?
Verifex: I guess that was missed too..
OddBird: (why not? aimed shot, 30 is my roll, how the hell did I miss?)
Verifex: I said "You hit, but not in the face"
[CB1]Gun: neck!?!?!
[CB1]Gun: ear for the necklace?
OddBird: there was nothing after telling me to roll. Also, I should have hit her face, I put all my luck in it and rolled high and used an accurate weapon
OddBird: I'm going to take me some damn classes then
[CB1]Gun: (should've used the claws)
OddBird: (knife is +1 accuracy, roll would've been a 29
Verifex: hehehe, good luck, (in my other game we spent a lot of time finding someone to teach us adult skills)
[CB1]Gun: rent a fucking porno
OddBird: Dude, I'll spend however much time I need if it means my awesome rolls don't result in shitty aim
OddBird: :P
Verifex: It's not a matter of it being a shitty roll, it's a matter of combining all that roll together with the "adult skill thing" along with the persons "dodge".
Verifex: Anyways..
OddBird: so my roll was really only....26? That's still high. >:( damn adults
[CB1]Gun: she's trinity remember
OddBird: I hate adults
OddBird: they suck balls
Verifex: The lady gets up and stabs at Nem and hits in his arm, and Nem drops his axe.
OddBird: wait, how much did I hurt her?
Verifex: oh, I thought I had you roll damage...  D10 for damage.
OddBird: yeah, 6
Verifex: It cuts pretty deep into her, but she's still standing...
OddBird: hm. Next time I'm goin for the other shoulder
OddBird: maybe I'll get lucky and miss her shoulder and cut off her tit for real this time
Verifex: Alright, Gun, you're up.
OddBird: Gun, come run this bitch over
OddBird: >:(
[CB1]Gun: 23
[CB1]Gun: fires twice
OddBird: you miss trinity. She performs a kamehameha wave on you and you die.
[CB1]Gun: I got a helmet!
Verifex: You hit, D10 for damage.
[CB1]Gun: 9!
[CB1]Gun: it's at 9000!!!!!!
OddBird: (trinity flinches at your pathetic shot and flicks you. Blood dribbles from your nose at the powerful adult blow.)
OddBird: (I want adult powerzzzz)
Verifex: Nice, she takes a shot in the gut, you can tell she felt it, she holds her stomach and bends over in pain.
Verifex: Alright guys, I'm going to call it here, it's 1am.
Verifex: 15 IP for everyone.
[CB1]Gun: IP on my leg!
OddBird: lies, it is 3 am
OddBird: wooo, 15 IP! :)
OddBird: thanks for the session, fex!
OddBird: next time I want adult powers!
[CB1]Gun: we'll get you boner pills
[CB1]Gun: ya kno you could just get robot arms
OddBird: hehe
Verifex: I'm curious to see how you guys handle it.
Verifex: Or fail to handle it...
[CB1]Gun: you're going to try and kill me again aren't you
Verifex: Oh Gun, I'm ALWAYS trying to kill you!
[CB1]Gun: point taken
OddBird: At least only Fex is trying to kill you
Verifex: Just wait for the zeppelin attack!
OddBird: and your own teammates aren't pussying out when you're in a fight!
OddBird: Booooo cowards!
[CB1]Gun: you use a fucking bow
Verifex: Nobody expects the zeppelin attack!
OddBird: yes I do, and I took on an adult with it while my cowardly comrades panicked and ran!
[CB1]Gun: wait....OB, bow attack the ballon!
Verifex: Nooo!!!
OddBird: Mwahahaha, flaming arrows v. zeppelin!
[CB1]Gun: this is how I liiiive!
OddBird: why the hell aren't we all just berserkers
OddBird: :P
[CB1]Gun: we are
[CB1]Gun: except me -.-
OddBird: true. I meant fighting classes, since that's pretty much what we do anyways
[CB1]Gun: GW never used his much
[CB1]Gun: or at all
[CB1]Gun: we need SMGs
Verifex: One thing that surprises me is that Lamu doesn't use his magic body.. at all..
[CB1]Gun: unless I make him
Verifex: LOL
[CB1]Gun: heck blarg best day was his char under my control....we stole a shit load
Verifex: hey yeah, where is blarg,...
Verifex: oh didn't he get a job or something on thursday?
[CB1]Gun: yep
Verifex: thats shitty..
OddBird: after I start fall semester + 2nd job I may be here just a wee bit less often as well
Verifex: well, I wonder if there would be a better day to do it if it's too difficult for everyone...
[CB1]Gun: would be exp time on sat.
OddBird: day not so much as time :P starting at midnight
[CB1]Gun: yeah US day time is best ;p
Verifex: alright, well, would it be worthwhile to have everyone just tell me their schedule so I can find the best day for everyone or what?
[CB1]Gun: yep
OddBird: starting about 2 hours earlier on any given day of the week is better for me.
Verifex: alrighty, well 6pm instead of 8 might work for me..
[CB1]Gun: better for all
[CB1]Gun: except lammy

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