Friday, January 23, 2009

0009 CB CyberGen Session

Chat Blender 3.1.7 starting...
Existing rooms:
    RPG Room: 4 users
    carnage: 34 users
*** Now in room carnage
- carnage: server grants op status to Verifex
-- You are no longer an op in carnage
*** Now in room RPG Room
- RPG Room: server grants op status to Verifex
<[CB1]Gun> lol
* Verifex beats everyone down
<[CB1]Gun> <DemonWolf> Too tempting...
DemonWolf has joined the room.
<DemonWolf> ROFL
<DemonWolf> <Verifex> you shall die!!
<Verifex> !!
<[CB1]Gun> darn we really were going to kill you....but with glory
<[DH]M'Hael> lol little does he know..that the booty be callin me to go.  bitch be fine, body like fine wine, gonna get some while you geeks play your game.  DH, be pimpin..hes got to spread that fame.
* [DH]M'Hael beatbox's
<[CB1]Gun> you leaving?
* DemonWolf cuts off Hael's jaw.
<[DH]M'Hael> lol eventually.  shes over for the weekend for my birfday.
<[DH]M'Hael> (i dont have any money to give away, so dont think about it)
<[CB1]Gun> were until just now
<[DH]M'Hael> did you atleast like my rap?
<[CB1]Gun> weren't*
<[CB1]Gun> uh sure
<[DH]M'Hael> im going to be the first Scot to get a record deal rappin in the states
<Verifex> Alright then.
<[CB1]Gun> doubt that
<Verifex> let me open my gmail stuff, and we can begin...
<[DH]M'Hael> lol you ever heard a Scot rap?  it sounds like someone taking a shit in a metal garbage can
<[CB1]Gun> (does a honky out of boston count?)
<[DH]M'Hael> yeeeah
<Verifex> Alright, game, set, match.  Parenthesis for all OOC from now on.
<Verifex> To begin, you are all in the BuReLoc camp, Bob just happened to be somewhat part of a plan when he first got into the mess hall.  Or so he thought.
* DemonWolf dies
<[CB1]Gun> (woot?)
<Verifex> A guy (you aren't sure what his name is) told Bob to meet behind the living quarters right before role-call tonight.
<[CB1]Gun> (GW could've have beat him up ya kno ;)
<Verifex> Another guy, who you met in a round-about kinda way, and then met in the bathroom, said to meet in the living quarters about 2 hours past lights out (when they change guards)
<[CB1]Gun> (anyways hurry before DH gets a ooty call)
<Verifex> The second guy said the first guy was lying, so you have a decision to make.
<[CB1]Gun> (we better get our shit back!)
<[CB1]Gun> (thought it was already made?)
<[CB1]Gun> (we were about to do the group meeting in the "bunker" last left off)
<Verifex> Yes, alright then.  you were in the living quarters already, so its too late to go back now.
* [CB1]Gun peeks around from from under the sheets
<Verifex> The time comes, roll is called..  the guards eventually turn out the lights, and you wait.
<Verifex> For the next few minutes, you hear a lot of footsteps outside the building (through the barred windows).
<Verifex> Eventually the movement outside becomes a slight annoyance, as some of you drift off into sleepland.
<[CB1]Gun> (not me it seems <.< >.>)
<Verifex> After what seems like forever and 15 years, the clock strikes 12am.
<Verifex> Bob you feel someone tug your shirt from behind.
* [CB1]Gun pops his head up
<Verifex> Likewise Slix, Dax and Randy are awoken quietly by other kids in the room.
* [CB1]Gun tip toe follows behind the other kids
* DemonWolf goes back to bed
<Verifex> As you look up, you can see there doesn't appear to be a guard standing by the door monitoring the room.
* [CB1]Gun sends a bad image into Slix's head
<Verifex> You are all led to a little pow-wow in the center of the room between a few cots
<[CB1]Gun> (peace pipe!)
<Verifex> everyone leans down so as not to draw suspicion from anyone looking in from outside
<Verifex> You can see "Trevor" sitting at one side of the beds, he starts to hush everyone
<Verifex> Then he begins, "Alright kids, we've been kept here for too long, these bastards keep us down by capturing raptors along with regular kids, but this time we found out ahead of time who the raptor was, so we have the upper hand, for now."
<Verifex> "The first order of business is a game-plan for escaping this place, I'm going to need all of your help, and I'm not going to lie, but some of you might not make it out on our next escape."
<[CB1]Gun> (we shall use the bodies!)
<[CB1]Gun> (and not in a goat way...)
<[CB1]Gun> (don't need cliffs with the dead ;)
<Verifex> "For the past couple months, I've been monitoring what they do with each new group of kids when they bring em in.  Within a few hours, to a day or so of capture, they usually do something to break the kids spirit so he wont' try and get out."
<[CB1]Gun> (we're too annoying and stupid for that)
<Verifex> "Well, ever since we found out what they were doing, we've been making sure they know how "good" of a job they are doing, so they think we are weak and docile."
<Verifex> "What we need now is to take advantage of their weak-spots, from what I've noticed, the only time things get a little disorganized and chaotic in this hellhole of monotony is when a new person comes in."
<Verifex> "Usually a number of guards get reassigned to someplace new usually at dusk, to meet the new juve and beat him up real good."
<Verifex> "What we need to do, is find out where and when this happens, and see if we can't escape from one of the weak points in the guard perimeter at that point."
<Verifex> "So for now, I'm up for ideas..."
<[CB1]Gun> (blarg, active scan ;)
<[CB1]Gun> *whispers* What's wrong with now? They were suppose to beat us up.
<Verifex> "Did they say when to meet?"
<[CB1]Gun> Dusk'ish?
<Verifex> "Well, let me see what it looks like outside."
<[CB1]Gun> If you know a weak spot in the defences we can get through the fences.
<[CB1]Gun> (am I the only one awake? ;p)
<Verifex> (No, the only people awake are the ones paying attention to chat right now and who say, Yes)
<[CB1]Gun> (so I am the only one....)
<Verifex> Yup, everyone else isn't paying attention, so they kinda doze off.
<Verifex> Trevor tip toes towards the window, and ducks underneath it.
<[DH]M'Hael> (getting a lap dance...sorry.  vagina is funner than RP)
<[CB1]Gun> (in a back seat?)
<Verifex> When you look over towards him, you see him drop some little metal thingy onto the ground.
<Verifex> Whatever it is, it scuttles up, and out the window.
<[CB1]Gun> (my god he's one of the undead!)
<Verifex> (Is everyone else seriously not here?!!??!)
<[CB1]Gun> (....and all the IP goes to me -.-)
<DemonWolf> (I'm here)
<DemonWolf> (.....Kinda....)
<[CB1]Gun> (woo almost got 5 ;p)
<Verifex> (Please)
<[CB1]Gun> (go on)
<Verifex> After a few minutes, you see the silvery thing fall back down from a crack in the window.
<Verifex> Trevor catches it in his hands, and comes back over to the circle.
<[CB1]Gun> *whispers* What news have you spiderman?
Lamuness has joined the room.
<Verifex> "Looks like you were right, there is a heavier concentration of goons over behind this building.  I can't quite make out where a weak point in their perimeter is, but once we get away from this building, we shouldn't encounter as heavy guard resistance,  As long as we don't let them sound the alarm, if that happens, we are pretty much fucked."
<[CB1]Gun> (told you he'd be here)
<Verifex> (Hey lamu)
<[CB1]Gun> (GW, want to go ninja? stay up ;)
<Verifex> (Do you want me to fill you win?)
<Lamuness> ( pew pew )
<DemonWolf> (stay up?)
<Verifex> (Er, in...)
<[CB1]Gun> (nvm)
<Lamuness> ( sure )
<Verifex> Okay, Bob, you going to wake up some of these fools who happen to be dozing off?
<[CB1]Gun> (we're about to break out, it's midnight, and you have coal)
<[CB1]Gun> (don't make me shock you blarg! ;)
* [DH]M'Hael moans
<[CB1]Gun> (but for what reasons ;p)
* [CB1]Gun goes and knocks the shoulders of his "buds"
<Verifex> (Blarg you here?)
<[CB1]Gun> (w/e he'll wake later, onward out of hell)
<Verifex> (not going to give full IP to people not playing the damn game)
<Verifex> Anyways, you kinda rudely wake some of the group.
<Lamuness> zZzz  *pop*  =_=  wha?
<Verifex> You brief them on the details.  Now you are faced with one big problem, how do you escape this room?
<[CB1]Gun> Come on, it's play time.
<Lamuness> w..wha?  what's going on?
<[CB1]Gun> (DH melts the bars of one window, wing it from there ;)
<Verifex> You are in the juve living quarters in a BuReLoc camp, for one reason or another there isn't a guard posted right outside your door at this point.
* [CB1]Gun scans area outside of door
<Verifex> You don't sense anything outside door.
<[CB1]Gun> Ok, coast is clear.
<Lamuness> k!
* Lamuness steps out
<[CB1]Gun> Trev, do your leader thing.
<Verifex> Is DH doing something?
<[CB1]Gun> (not yet)
<Lamuness> where to?
<Verifex> (for your info, the front door is locked)  And if what you saw outside was any indication, there is a big ol' padlock on the door outside.
<Lamuness> we're gonna have to break this door down
<Verifex> (if you can break down a door without waking up everyone in the entire camp, I congratulate you sir..)
<[CB1]Gun> (ok...either lammy tendrals and pulls are DH puts his cock away for 5 mins)
<[CB1]Gun> (or*)
<Lamuness> can anyone melt the padlock?
<[CB1]Gun> (could lammy pick it with his wires?)
<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell he could boltcutter it!)
<Lamuness> ( ? )
<Verifex> (Only DH can melt things, yes if Lamu is tricky enough he could open the door with his fingers)
<[CB1]Gun> (or screwdrive or w/e)
<Verifex> (Indeed, but I'll leave you all to figure it out)
<[CB1]Gun> (could trev's spider do it? ;p)
<Lamuness> extend - o - fingers!
<[CB1]Gun> (could use both hand and form giant thin pair of scissors)
<Verifex> (yes, but trevors extensions aren't very strong)
<[CB1]Gun> (arms being the handles mind you)
<Lamuness> ( only one arm at a time )
<[CB1]Gun> (thought you did 2 back in the van)
<Verifex> Lamu Roll D10 -
<Lamuness> ( only 1 )
<Verifex> for your manipulate skill
<[CB1]Gun> (w/e take 3 rounds then)
<Verifex> er, I mean hexite shaping..
<Lamuness> 1.2 ?
<Verifex> 1 + 8 + D10 for you
<Lamuness> result is 2?
<Verifex> no..  1 + 8 + 2 is 11
<Lamuness> 11?
<[CB1]Gun> (he rolled a 2)
<Verifex> 1 is your hexite shaping skill, 2 is your dice roll, 8 is your reflexes.
<Verifex> remember those skill scores, as I'll have you roll that again quite a lot.
<Verifex> You manage to make your hands into somewhat thin limbs and put them through the cracks in the door.
<Verifex> On the outside of the door (where you can't actually see) your hands are there wobbling around.
<Verifex> (Blarg are you here?)
* Lamuness bends fingers to search for padlock
<[CB1]Gun> (ok...can do boltcutters, hacksaw, or rick with the lockpick)
<[CB1]Gun> (risk*)
<Lamuness> Bob, can you scan and direct my fingers to the padlock?
<[CB1]Gun> No, padlocks don't think.
<Verifex> (impossible, he can't see through walls)
<Verifex> (Also, he can't control other peoples minds)
<[CB1]Gun> (yet!)
<Lamuness> I wonder if I can stretch out my eyeball.....
<Verifex> (ha ha)
<Verifex> (no, only arms and legs)
<[CB1]Gun> (trev can helps there I guess)
<Verifex> Searching aimlessly for a couple seconds, you find what feels like a padlock.
<[CB1]Gun> (shouldn't be hard to find at all of course :P)
<Lamuness> I think I found it
* Lamuness attempts to pick
<[CB1]Gun> (shit, oh well roll)
<Lamuness> 2
<[CB1]Gun> (ref 8, thief 2)
<Lamuness> 12
<Verifex> TheifStuff + D10 + Ref
<Verifex> oh.. heehhe
<[CB1]Gun> (you failed anyways ;)
<Verifex> Yes, you try to pick the lock with your hand and fail.
<Verifex> This time, roll D10 + ThiefStuff + Ref + Hexite Shaping to pick the lock.
<Lamuness> this is tiring, will try again
* Lamuness attempts to pick
<[CB1]Gun> (ok what are Rippers and Wolvers?)
<Lamuness> ( geez.. I keep getting 2 )
<[CB1]Gun> (so cut/saw it foo!)
<Lamuness> 13
<[CB1]Gun> (ugh....could we do the hinges?)
<Verifex> (Rippers and wolvers are slicey things [like wolverine] that you can add to your hands with cyberware...... If you were an adult)
<[CB1]Gun> (well he could only hope for rippers)
<[CB1]Gun> (wolves would require a roll of 10)
<Verifex> You manage to fumble the lock, but all hope is not lost.
* Lamuness attempts again!!!!!!
<Lamuness> 10 !
<Verifex> Trevor puts a little fly into flight, and squishes it through the crack of the door.
<Lamuness> 10 + 8
<[CB1]Gun> (he got a roll of 18 wow fex made a better roller than snk :)
<Lamuness> 10 + 8 + thiefstuff + ref = 28
<Verifex> Nice, so 18 + Thief Stuff + Ref + Hexite Shaping
<[CB1]Gun> (29)
<Lamuness> 29
<Verifex> (You were essentially using hexite shaping to pick the lock.)
<Verifex> You fumble with the lock, and you feel it move a bit, you clumsily feel the top of the lock with your lockpick hand, and it appears to have unlocked.
* Lamuness removes padlock
<Verifex> (You are very lucky, that requires a good roll, and you got lucky and got one.)
<[CB1]Gun> ....I shall love you for this moment....
<[CB1]Gun> Lead the way Trev.
<Verifex> Ok, Dagger, where do you put the padlock?
<[CB1]Gun> (inside himself)
<Verifex> He can't crush it, he isn't superman.
<[CB1]Gun> (heh, the coal will hopefully become a diamond)
<DemonWolf> (We know....)
* Lamuness stashes it on my body
<[CB1]Gun> (body slot)
<DemonWolf> (+9 to body? ;P)
<Verifex> You can put the padlock in your body, but you can't pull the lock through the crack in the door.
* Lamuness removes the padlock first
<[CB1]Gun> (open the door and GW can use it as a wep later ;p)
* Lamuness opens the door
* Lamuness grabs the padlock from the otherside
<[CB1]Gun> (we could lock a guard somewhere ;)
<Verifex> Alright, as you open the door, you look outside and feel the cool night air.
<Lamuness> we'll take this padlock for just in case
<Verifex> You don't hear anything in the immediate area around you, but remember the ground here is all gravel, so walking in it requires very soft steps so as not to make a lot of noise.
<[CB1]Gun> Trev, lead, I don't have a map on me.
* Lamuness walks all ninja-like
<Verifex> Nobody has a map of the camp actually.. but you do know somewhat what it looks like.
<[CB1]Gun> (didn't mean it literally....)
<Lamuness> hurry up bob
<[CB1]Gun> grrrrr
* Lamuness moves like the wind
* [CB1]Gun ninjas out
<Lamuness> wax on wax off!
<Verifex> hang on for 3 minutes and I'll give you a layout of the prison.
* Lamuness stashes some gravel on body
<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell -.- this will take 3 hours)
<[CB1]Gun> (could just hold some in your hand)
<Lamuness> ( nah )
* Lamuness attempts to stash Bob in body
<[CB1]Gun> (homo)
<[CB1]Gun> (thx for the invite tho)
<Lamuness> ( sexual )
<Verifex> done
<Verifex> hang on, now going to scan it and put it up on the website.
<[CB1]Gun> -.-
* Lamuness elongates arms and legs to the fullest
* Lamuness moves like a spider.  for example: daddy long legs
<[CB1]Gun> (so we're being lead out by a new spiderman....hmm the new vemon really ;) hehe he sucked)
<Verifex> Alright done.
<Verifex> now going to load into wiki.
<Verifex> alright, check it out.
<[CB1]Gun> (nice!)
<Verifex> It is rude and crude, but hell you are in prison, with only a piece of charcoal, and don't really know what the hell all these buildings are.
<Lamuness> ( great!  we already made our way to the entrance! )
<Lamuness> time to bust on out
<[CB1]Gun> (could lammy tendral a ladder? ;p)
<[CB1]Gun> Trev, do your scout thing.
<Verifex> You could, but these walls are large and made of cement, not chain link.  Which makes them "look" pretty damn scary looking, in fact almost a little too scary looking.
<Lamuness> ( I could pole vault out )
<[CB1]Gun> (fine, we'll have to dash for B-D slot)
* Lamuness spider dashes over to B-D slot
<Verifex> The scale of the map is about 25 feet per inch.
<[CB1]Gun> (GW you move faster than any of us, sprint boy ;)
<Verifex> On your way out of the building, you hear some noises coming from the right, behind the living quarters.
<Lamuness> Scan!
* [CB1]Gun scans that area
<[CB1]Gun> (don't yell it ;p)
<Verifex> It's out of range.
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck you blarg!)
<DemonWolf> (doesn't like running)
<[CB1]Gun> (we'll let you play with fire soon ;p)
<Verifex> (Blarg would be great if you joined us about now)
<[CB1]Gun> (you could auto pilot him)
* Lamuness examines
<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell)
<Verifex> Trevor leads you and a few other kids over around north side of F between F and D.
<[CB1]Gun> (ty)
* Lamuness spider dashes to F-D
<Verifex> You just see a guy, looks like the "bathroom guy" hiking up his pants, and heading over towards the living quarters.
<Verifex> He emerged from building M.
<Verifex> on the West side.
<[CB1]Gun> (good thing lammy has 4 blend -.-)
<Verifex> Did one of you close the door to the living quarters when you left?
<[CB1]Gun> (GW go back and close it)
<[CB1]Gun> (think GW is still there anyways)
<Verifex> (DW respond please)
* DemonWolf closes
<[CB1]Gun> (ty my ninja)
<Verifex> alright, well you better get moving, the guard is heading your way.
<[CB1]Gun> (he has 8 move)
<Verifex> You can't risk going the same route as the rest of the group, you have to take the south side of F
<[CB1]Gun> (which is kinda where I wanted to stay ;) oh well lead trev as we are dumb as padlocks)
<Verifex> You both meet up between F and D
[DH]M'Hael left the room.
<Verifex> (heh, figures)
* [CB1]Gun scans what area he can
* Lamuness examines the area with eyes
<Verifex> You scan the east of D and the west of F
<Verifex> you don't sense anyone though.
<[CB1]Gun> (don't bother lammy let the scout do his fly thing ;)
<Verifex> You can see Trevor has his little silvery cord out.
<Lamuness> my spider sense senses nothing
<[CB1]Gun> Silence Venom.
* Lamuness brings arms and legs back to their normal state
<[CB1]Gun> (roll for hand gun while you wait ;)
<Verifex> (fat chance, he would need at least a 10, and maybe even another 10 with his hexite shaping so low)
<[CB1]Gun> (yeah I know, just shutting his eyes)
<Verifex> (at that, he doesn't have any bullets to put in any crude gun he would make)
<[CB1]Gun> (he has a pad lock lol)
<[CB1]Gun> (decapitate someone with that)
<[CB1]Gun> Ok, south side of D.
<Verifex> (Your players know where the laundry room is, and the mess hall, L is the mess hall, C is the laundry
<Lamuness> what next?
<[CB1]Gun> Run for C?
<Verifex> Trevor whispers, "wait here, let me check this out first"
<[CB1]Gun> Sit Venom.
* Lamuness whispers, "k, hurry up"
<[CB1]Gun> Shhh, boy.
<Verifex> And he wanders over to the east wall of D, you can see his silvery cord blowing in the wind.
* Lamuness destroys Bob
* [CB1]Gun could kill you with a shock
* Lamuness could pierce your skull
<Verifex> Trevor motions for you all to follow him
* [CB1]Gun follows
* Lamuness follows better
<[CB1]Gun> (btw once(if) I get my helmet back that's AR7 ;)
<[CB1]Gun> (which is still on hte bike....)
<Verifex> When you get close he whispers, "Did any of you see where the utility building is, the one with the microfacs?"
<[CB1]Gun> No clue.
* Lamuness points at the map
<[CB1]Gun> (didn't save last session -.-)
<Lamuness> think that was it
<Verifex> (which one are you pointing at?)
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass spider..)
* Lamuness points at M
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck you blarg!)
<Verifex> "I think M is one of thier administration buildings."
<Lamuness> hm.. could it be G?
<[CB1]Gun> What's in E?
<[CB1]Gun> (we should probably look and dash to C, light a fire with clothes, and run back here ;)
<Verifex> "We need to find the microfacs, in that building there is a secure room that contains things I'm sure you wil all enjoy."
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck fuck fuck I know it was by the mess hall)
<Lamuness> let's go to A
<Verifex> "Let's try B then A, we can just look in the windows, I'm sure we can recognize it from outside"
<[CB1]Gun> (maybe we should try C and change clothes?)
<Lamuness> while we're here, might as well peek into D and F
<[CB1]Gun> Indeed.
<[CB1]Gun> You peek in blendie.
* Lamuness peeks into F
<[CB1]Gun> Oh well, same plan as before, between B&D via southside.
<Verifex> All the buildings have bars on the windows, the F building has a few tables, a whiteboard and lots of chairs in it, it looks like some kind of training or teaching building
<Lamuness> k, nothing here
* Lamuness dashes to B&D
* [CB1]Gun ninjas it
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy, get the bio armor up)
<Verifex> The D building has a few filing cabinets and desks inside, you can see some computers and other equipment inside.
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck you harder blarg!)
<Lamuness> ( buck futter! )
<[CB1]Gun> (what's that german butter?)
* Lamuness peeks into B
<Verifex> (hehe, maybe I should recruit some more players, as our current stock of players is too damn complacent when it comes to actually PLAYING)
<[CB1]Gun> Bio Armor dude.
<[CB1]Gun> (yeah I plan to ask TH and/or Loch tomarrow -.-)
<Verifex> (Need one for blarg at least)
<Verifex> (And DH)
<Lamuness> there's something in B looks like...
* Lamuness peeks harder
<[CB1]Gun> (a steel head peeking scares me)
<[CB1]Gun> (bio armor roll dude)
<Verifex> Alright, you manage to sneak around to B, after seeing the guards walking around down by the living  quarters, the group of them seems to be going around the corner from the north to the south.
<Verifex> Which side of B?
<Lamuness> ( ??????????? )
<Verifex> South side.
<[CB1]Gun> (we went via southside)
<Lamuness> all side
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass spidie)
<Verifex> You look in the B building, and you catch a glimpse of some metal equipment, aren't exactly sure what it is though.
* [CB1]Gun scans the north side of B&D
<Verifex> So far, you haven't detected anyone in the buildings.
<Lamuness> hm.. this B building has potential
<Lamuness> the force is strong here
<[CB1]Gun> We're going in.
<Verifex> However, you do notice a spotlight from the southwest corner heading around your way.
<[CB1]Gun> Like you can feel the force.
* Lamuness sneak into building B!
* [CB1]Gun has been between B&D
<Verifex> You have to head to the north side of B in order to enter, and before you enter, you see it has a electronic lock of some kind.
* [CB1]Gun sticks to the B building east wall
<[CB1]Gun> (knew we had to go north :)
<[CB1]Gun> (*carps blarg*
<[CB1]Gun> Guess we'll have to go for the windows.
<Verifex> (I fucking can't believe blarg is in the room and isn't responding)
<[CB1]Gun> (auto pilot him DM ;p)
<Verifex> Okay, but this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.
<[CB1]Gun> (ha you should've saw meso's games)
<Lamuness> bolt the lock Bob
<Lamuness> maybe it'll short circuit and open up
<Verifex> Randy tries to open the lock, communicating to the interface.
<[CB1]Gun> (I'm not OB)
<Lamuness> ( you... SUCK! )
<[CB1]Gun> (still not OB)
<Lamuness> ( bite my shiny metal ass )
<Verifex> (Alright, Lamu. you control Karma)
<[CB1]Gun> (another invite eh)
<Verifex> (Gun, you control Blarg)
<Verifex> (DW you still here?)
<DemonWolf> (Halo 3 ;P)
<Lamuness> Karma attempts to short circuit the lock
<[CB1]Gun> (oh hell you had to give it to the dumbass)
<Verifex> (whats the point of being here DW.. seriously?)
* [CB1]Gun talk to me keypad
<Verifex> (do you LIKE to tease us?)
<Verifex> Roll D10 + Arcane + Int
<[CB1]Gun> 20
<Lamuness> roll = 2
<[CB1]Gun> (dances*)
<Lamuness> ( macarenas! )
<Verifex> 2 + 8 + 2 = 12 for bolt.
<[CB1]Gun> (fuck!)
Blarg left the room.
<[CB1]Gun> (....)
<Lamuness> (. Y . )
* [CB1]Gun do me a favor keypad
<[CB1]Gun> 26 :)
<Verifex> There is no keypad.
<[CB1]Gun> (w/e you get it)
<Verifex> But you can ask the lock to do you a favor.
<[CB1]Gun> lock*
<Verifex> The door clicks.
<[CB1]Gun> Ok, we're in.
<[CB1]Gun> Good Job Randy.
<Verifex> (holy crap gun, you got good rolls!)
<Lamuness> bleh
<[CB1]Gun> (cuz OB ain't here)
<Verifex> The bolt to the door didn't seem to affect it.
* [CB1]Gun looks about before dashing
<Verifex> You open the door, inside you see a bunch of electronic junk all over the place, and a door.
* [CB1]Gun gets inside quickly
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy rushs in as well
* Lamuness sneaks in with Karma
<Verifex> You see some virtuality projectors, electronic panels, some tools, wires, and lots of computer parts.
<[CB1]Gun> *randy scans area
<Verifex> You sneak inside, the room is pretty crowded with junk, looks like it all has little tags on it, and there are tables with special small parts on them.
<[CB1]Gun> Read the bags and boxes guys, Slix stay at the door
* Lamuness Karma starts at one end and reads the tags
* Lamuness starts at the other end and reads the tags
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy accesses a nearby computer
<Verifex> You see a metal closet that almost reaches to the ceiling.
<[CB1]Gun> (if possible)
<Verifex> The computers aren't really in working order, they are mainly parts, so there isn't anything to "Access".
<Verifex> And a door to another room.
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy and mold sheets of steel :)
* Lamuness checks the door
* [CB1]Gun scans next room
<Verifex> You don't sense anyone in either room.
* Lamuness opens door
<Verifex> The door is locked, with another electronic lock.
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy do me a favor
<[CB1]Gun> 17
<Verifex> You have to get it to talk to you first.
* Lamuness fires a bolt!
<Verifex> Roll it!
<Lamuness> 15
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass! gah dam ninja my ass!)
<[CB1]Gun> *randy talk to me lock
<Lamuness> ( the ways of the ninja are mysterious! I don't expect you to understand ;p )
<[CB1]Gun> (you have no clue huh)
<Verifex> Randy can't get the lock to talk to him, he just gets static.
<Verifex> The shot hits the lock, it doesn't make any "noticable" difference.
<Lamuness> melt it down
<[CB1]Gun> Dag, turn the knob.
<Lamuness> ;p  it's locked
<[CB1]Gun> Go melt the closet.
<[CB1]Gun> Seriously.
<Verifex> Dax goes over to the closet and melts it open, "Hey look guys, frickin' jackpot!"
<[CB1]Gun> Keycards?
<[CB1]Gun> (meant for lammy to melt it btw ;)
<Verifex> Dax opens the closet and you all find the guns you were previously carrying before you were captured.
<[CB1]Gun> I love you.
<Verifex> Unfortunately, you don't see any other equipment in there.
<[CB1]Gun> (GW must've creamed)
<[CB1]Gun> Now let's Not blow up the other door.
* Lamuness equips
<[CB1]Gun> Let's get some armor to complete the set.
<Verifex> Oddly, the guns are all packed into a box, the closet also contains brooms, and other cleaning materials..  it isn't clear why there was a box of your guns in here.
<DemonWolf> (Did not)
<Lamuness> ( wash your hands )
<DemonWolf> (maybe later)
<[CB1]Gun> (lol)
<[CB1]Gun> Melt the other door, Slix needs new pants.
<Verifex> Alright, you all reclaim your weapons (the weapons you had on your character sheets previously are now actually available to you), the other equipment is not though.
<[CB1]Gun> (we need those and the goggles are there)
<[CB1]Gun> (carry bags too)
<Verifex> Dax looks at the door, you see him put his hands on the door, almost drooling in anticipation.
<[CB1]Gun> (DH needs new pants too ;p)
<Lamuness> alright, let's bust out of this joint
<Verifex> "This sucks, this door is really thick."
<[CB1]Gun> Look for a cardkey.
<Verifex> He moves his hands over near the handle, but not quite on it.
<Lamuness> Karma bolts it!
<[CB1]Gun> Remember guys we still have to escape.
<Verifex> "We might be here a while guys, the door is a metal composite."
<[CB1]Gun> (dumbass!)
<Lamuness> 14
<[CB1]Gun> (yeah we know how old you are)
<Lamuness> ( pfffffffffffft )
<Verifex> Karma shoots the lock, it makes a spark, but no visible effect.
<Verifex> er.. no OTHER visible effect then a spark.
* [CB1]Gun jiggles the handle
<Verifex> Locked.
<[CB1]Gun> (guess lammy could pick but I like the idea of tendrils under around door)
<[CB1]Gun> (couldn't*)
<Verifex> What do you all do?
* [CB1]Gun searches room for useful items
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy scans for what's behind the door
<[CB1]Gun> (his tracer pin would maybe ping)
<Verifex> (its not virtuality controlled)
<Verifex> You pick up the lock on the door, and another computer inside the room.
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy talk to me computer
<[CB1]Gun> 15
<Verifex> You don't get it to respond.
<[CB1]Gun> *randy tries again
<[CB1]Gun> 18
* Lamuness rampages all over the door
<Lamuness> Karma bolts with all his might
* [CB1]Gun does a minor shock to the lock
<Lamuness> 13...
<[CB1]Gun> *randy is speaking with system atm
<Verifex> Dagger fires at the lock, it sparks again, you aren't sure what it is doing to it.
<Verifex> Sorry, damnit..  I mean Karma...
<Lamuness> ( we're getting nowhere with this lock ... )
<[CB1]Gun> (you could use Dag's knives and w/e)
<[CB1]Gun> Look for a Crowbar.
<Lamuness> don't see how a crowbar will help us here
<[CB1]Gun> Ever played Half Life?
<Lamuness> pfffft
<[CB1]Gun> Keep melting....
<Verifex> "I'm going as fast as I can"
<Verifex> You can see a fist sized indent about an inch into the door.
<[CB1]Gun> (lammy could help with that I thought, but only sheets)
<Verifex> "Alright, I've almost got it."
* Lamuness twiddles thumbs
<Verifex> "Tada!"
<Verifex> "There you go..  hmmm"
<Lamuness> finally!
* Lamuness hauls it
<Verifex> Theres a fist sized hole in the door after about 6 minutes of melting.
<Lamuness> ...
* Lamuness puts hand through and opens door from the other side
<Verifex> You put your hand through and try to open it, it doesn't open.
<[CB1]Gun> (took you long enough to try)
<Lamuness> we need a bomb..
<[CB1]Gun> I got cocktail for the guards. ;)
* Lamuness peeks through the hole to see what's in the other room
<Verifex> From what you can see, there appears to be a computer on the opposite wall, and a bunch of cabinets and some metal boxes all over the room, theres a few open boxes on a table in the room.
<Lamuness> hm.. there doesn't look like anything important in there
<Lamuness> we might as well keep moving
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy> Our stuff is in here, I know it.
<Lamuness> <Karma> then you open the door ;p
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy> I have foreseen it.
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy> Just and inventory comp.
<Lamuness> <Karma> I've foreseen you opening this door ;p
<Verifex> <Dax> Alright, let me try melting the handle.
<Verifex> <Dax> This handle isn't as bad as the door.
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy> Hey there's drugs and poisons inside.
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy>
<Lamuness> zzzZzz
<Verifex> <Dax> Alright, I've got this handle off, now I can reach the bolt and melt that off too.
* Lamuness keeps guard
<[CB1]Gun> Poison for the air pistol, I like it.
<Verifex> <Dax> Alright, I think I almost got this.
<[CB1]Gun> Gather your goods and others. :)
<[CB1]Gun> <Randy> Lot of good electronics in there.
<Verifex> <Dax> Okay, I think that should do it
<[CB1]Gun> Raid, boys.
* Lamuness raids
<Verifex> You see a puff of dust drop from Dax's hand as the door swings open.
<[CB1]Gun> Slix & Trev stay on look out.
<Verifex> Alright, you all get all your equipment back.
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy grabs some small useful tech items.
<Verifex> There aren't any extra weapons in here.
* [CB1]Gun looks for armors
<[CB1]Gun> (yep no weps but still some cool stuff)
<Verifex> Most of the armor in here seems to be pretty shot up.
<[CB1]Gun> (like I had armor) *Randy grabs elec. lockpicks, a small media device, some "Commo" devices for the group, and extra tracking devices
* Lamuness grabs whatever I can
<Verifex> You find some light and medium armor in here.
* [CB1]Gun grabs a needed medium
* Lamuness also grabs a medium
<[CB1]Gun> Check for poisons Dag, for the pistol.
<[CB1]Gun> (you had armor lammy)
<Verifex> The medium armor is a little large on you, but you can still wear it, there is enough for everyone.
<Lamuness> ( I put it on top my armor :O )
<[CB1]Gun> (you have to carry what you grab too ;p)
<Verifex> Multiple armor doesn't stack, the highest armor is what your AR is
<Lamuness> darn
* [CB1]Gun grabs one suit and folds it a lot into the bag
<Verifex> Since trevor is still with you (remember him?)
* Lamuness searches for ammo
<[CB1]Gun> (correction, suit under armor)
<Verifex> He grabs some of the commos, and tosses one to each of you.
<[CB1]Gun> (randy grabbed for the group already)
<Verifex> You don't find any ammo in here, but searching through the boxes and cabinets, you do find a "heat gun".
* Lamuness equips
* DemonWolf takes rom lammoie
<[CB1]Gun> (what does that do btw?)
<Verifex> It's a microwave gun, don't count on it killing anyone, but you can roast burgers, or scramble non-shielded electronics with it.
<[CB1]Gun> Oh, that's for me.
* [CB1]Gun takes it away from lammy
<[CB1]Gun> *randy hands dag an elec. lockpick
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy grabs a code gun
<Verifex> <Trevor> We've been in here for too long, we better get moving before someone finds us in here.
* [CB1]Gun follows trev (editting pages atm)
<[CB1]Gun> *randy scans radio area and follows
<Verifex> (Also, for god's sake people, you can buy "heatwave microwave pistols" at the mall)
<[CB1]Gun> (have to light the coal sometime ;)
<Lamuness> :PPPP
<[CB1]Gun> (plus could heat GW's sword or something)
<Verifex> You all head out of building B, into the open, there doesn't appear to be anyone around except the guard towers both in front and behind you.
<DemonWolf> (yay)
<Lamuness> k, we'll have to change clothes.  let's get to C
<[CB1]Gun> (we just got clothes)
<Verifex> <Trevor> Hold on
<Verifex> Trevor shoots out a little fly on a string
<Verifex> Alright, looks like theres a guy north of A heading to the west, and a guy on the east of C heading south.
<[CB1]Gun> We trust you.
<Lamuness> let's do this
<Verifex> <Trevor> I've got a hunch.
<[CB1]Gun> Good, we don't.
<Verifex> You see trevor reach up and take his v-trodes out.
<Verifex> <Trevor> hahaha..  gotta love it.    ok gang, lets hide between B & D while the guards pass, when the guard is on the west of B, go north up between A & C.
<Verifex> Do you follow?
* [CB1]Gun follows *Randy follows
* Lamuness follows
<Verifex> <Travis> It looks like this place is pretty heavily fortified huh.
<Verifex> <Travis> Take our your trodes, this might actually be possible.
* [CB1]Gun takes out trodes *Randy takes out trodes anyways
<Verifex> Randy cannot take out trodes.. he is a wizard, he is "always" troded.
<Lamuness> trodes?
<[CB1]Gun> (I know so "anyways" ;)
* Lamuness takes out trodes
<Lamuness> <Karma> * takes out trodes
<Verifex> (V-Trodes are the thing that makes virtuality "real" to everyone, think of virtual reality glasses, except they are a simple thing that plugs directly into your brain harmonics to give you the full virtual experience.  In this day and age, everyone wears them all the time, otherwise you can't interface with most anything.)
<Verifex> Everyone (except randy) looks around, and you see the huge cement walls of the camp are gone, and replaced with standard chain link fences with razor wire on top.
<Lamuness> everyone, head to C
<Lamuness> we'll grab some sheets to place over the razor wire
<[CB1]Gun> (no point unless there's suits to get us out)
<Verifex> The guy that was next to C just entered C.
<Lamuness> ch.  we'll have to wait it out..
<[CB1]Gun> Or hit E.
<Lamuness> hm.. I could use my body to hold down the wires
<Verifex> You can see from here, that outside the camp it looks like you are somewhere in the combat zone.
<Lamuness> the rest of you can climb over me
<[CB1]Gun> (which sector is that? oh well not out yet)
<Verifex> The chainlink fence is about 11 ft tall, and while you can stretch yourself to make yourself taller, you can't make yourself tall enough to reach over the fence quite yet.
<Lamuness> ( I'll have to climb the fence to the wires )
<[CB1]Gun> (or just cut them)
<Lamuness> ( lets do it )
* [CB1]Gun looks at time (we should hurry, so lead the way)
* Lamuness mad dashes over to the fence
<Verifex> <Trevor> I think cutting the fence might take too long.
<Lamuness> Dax will have to melt down the wires
<[CB1]Gun> Still too long.
<Verifex> <Dax> If I melt a hole, it won't appear as thought its broken as readily from the guard towers.
<Lamuness> fine, we'll waltz right out the front entrance
<Verifex> <Dax> It would still take a little bit.
<Verifex> If we only had some way of turning out the spotlights for a little bit.
<Verifex> <Dax> -^
<[CB1]Gun> *Randy talk to me spotlights
<[CB1]Gun> (can do that right?)
<Verifex> The spotlights don't appear to be virtuality controlled "surprisingly"
<[CB1]Gun> (the future sucks ;)
<[CB1]Gun> Have to cut the power some how.
<Verifex> (You didn't think it would be that easy did you?  ;)  )
<Lamuness> ( well.. looking at the time.. yeah )
<[CB1]Gun> (at this time yes ;)
<Lamuness> ( continue next time? )
<Verifex> You don't see any obivous way to cut the power to the lights from here.
<[CB1]Gun> (let's finish this while ppl are even here)
<Lamuness> ( what ppl? )
<[CB1]Gun> (point taken)
<Verifex> Ok, lets end it here, you are all hanging out between B & D waiting for an opportunity to go to C or to do something else.
<Lamuness> k
<Verifex> DemonWolf, Gun, Lamu, you all get 15 IP...  everyone else who was here get 5 IP
<Verifex> That includes DH and Blarg.
<Verifex> We'll see what happens next time!

Private messages:
Click on the userlist to PM someone, or type his name in the PM box
type /help to list commands
=> Blarg HELLO!
No longer speaking in private.
=> [CB1]Gun (This is randys char)
<[CB1]Gun> ello
=> [CB1]Gun "Put your card by the reader for entrance." is what the lock says.
=> [CB1]Gun What favor do you want?
<[CB1]Gun> open
<[CB1]Gun> open door sayz me
=> [CB1]Gun "Elevated Clearance Granted"
<[CB1]Gun> knew it would :)
=> [CB1]Gun "Welcome to inventory control system, would you like to query the databank?"
<[CB1]Gun> do I have to roll to access?
=> [CB1]Gun I'll tell you when you need to roll.
=> [CB1]Gun You talk to the computer AI to get it to do what you want.
=> [CB1]Gun Thats how this works.. so just ask the computer whatever you want.
<[CB1]Gun> "Access security system of this building."
=> [CB1]Gun "I'm sorry, I don't control the security system in this building."
<[CB1]Gun> Access camera system of compound.
=> [CB1]Gun "I only have a scanning camera part of my system"
<system> [mail:] You have been assigned as a mentor to enricco, who is currently in the room 'carnage'.  CB has taken the liberty of forging a chatmail from you welcoming him.  Thanks for your help!
<[CB1]Gun> What was this camera built to scan?
=> [CB1]Gun "My Camera is built to scan and inventory items stored in my databanks.
<[CB1]Gun> May I access this list?
=> [CB1]Gun "The list of items is in my databanks, what are you looking for?"
<[CB1]Gun> Items scanned in the past 36 hours.
=> [CB1]Gun Roll D10 + Int + Arcane   for "Do your thing"
<[CB1]Gun> 20
=> [CB1]Gun It returns a list of equipment, containing all the equipment your party is carrying.  Noticably gone from the list is firearms though.
<[CB1]Gun> What is the access code for inventory door to retrieve these items?
=> [CB1]Gun "I'm sorry, I don't control the security system in this building."
<[CB1]Gun> List weapons located within inventory room.
=> [CB1]Gun Roll D10 + Int + Arcane  for  "do your thing"
<[CB1]Gun> 16
=> [CB1]Gun "I can't do that sorry."
<[CB1]Gun> *try again* and fail with 3 -.-
=> [CB1]Gun *same response*
<[CB1]Gun> Access visual of camp layout.
=> [CB1]Gun Roll D10 + Int + Arcane to "Do me a favor"
<[CB1]Gun> 20
<[CB1]Gun> (:) )
=> [CB1]Gun A sattellite photo of the camp is brought up on display.
=> [CB1]Gun It looks much better then the crude drawing I gave you, but it doesn't have any writing on it.
<[CB1]Gun> Label all know buildings.
=> [CB1]Gun "I don't understand your request."
<[CB1]Gun> Show the listed describtions of each know building.
<[CB1]Gun> Or intended uses.
=> [CB1]Gun "I'm sorry, the photo is the only camp public information available in my databanks."
<[CB1]Gun> Access Scheduled personal rotations for tonight after 0020 hours to 0800 hours.
=> [CB1]Gun "I don't have access to that information in my databanks."
<[CB1]Gun> What do you have access to?
<[CB1]Gun> (hehe)
=> [CB1]Gun "I am the inventory control system, I have access to the inventory databanks."
<[CB1]Gun> Access lethal accessories.
=> [CB1]Gun Roll D10 + Int + Arcane
<[CB1]Gun> 13, intsa fail
=> [CB1]Gun "I can't do that, sorry."
<[CB1]Gun> *tries again* 24 wow
<[CB1]Gun> 23 sry
=> [CB1]Gun A list of equipment is returned, containing everything from poison bottles, to pills and other assorted stuff.  The closest thing to a weapon you see on the list is a "heat gun".
<[CB1]Gun> Access technical devices.
<[CB1]Gun> 18
=> [CB1]Gun A huge list of items is returned, containing almost everything in the current room you are in, along with other assorted computer scanning devices, tools, code guns, electronic lock picks, lots of electronic media, computer components, some "Commo" devices, tracking devices, etc.
<[CB1]Gun> (what's commo?)
=> [CB1]Gun (A commo is like a mini-walky-talky, with a range of about 3 kilometers)
<[CB1]Gun> Access clothing apparal asortments.
<[CB1]Gun> 19
=> [CB1]Gun A huge list of clothing is returned
<[CB1]Gun> (any armors?)
<[CB1]Gun> (suits for all of us would be nice ;)
<[CB1]Gun> May I connect to another computers from this system?
=> [CB1]Gun When you scroll down through it all, you notice a few pairs of armor like GW was wearing, but most of it won't fit you.
=> [CB1]Gun Nothing crazy though, like riot gear or anything.  There are a few suits in there though.

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